Chapter 96
Lu Cheng was very sure that he had never posted his photos or personal information online.

Even his microphone number is blank.

His favorites are filled with all kinds of beautiful girls with long legs and big breasts who can dance.

But the only ones who will come here are the little boy who has contact with him and Lu Cheng himself.

So it's not surprising that the other party recognized him.

"Are you XXX who contacted me?"

Lu Cheng looked at the young boy in front of him with strange eyes.

He was certain that this boy would never be able to survive for three months in this doomsday by relying on his own strength.

He is just an ordinary person, not alienated like Zeng Xiaoman.

Although Zeng Xiaoman is not very young and looks very thin, she is still a LV7 alienator.

Ordinary zombies are no match for her.

But this little boy had such difficulty dealing with two zombies. If he hadn't taken action in time, he might have been bitten by the second zombie.

Lu Cheng's first reaction was that there must be an ambush. He immediately raised his head and carefully observed the surrounding situation.

However, I have been observing for several ten minutes just now, and I have not seen any other survivors ambushing me. Naturally, I have found nothing at this time.

The little boy in front of him already said excitedly.

"It's me, it's me. This is the first time I've seen a big hero. It's the end of the world, and it's really not easy to still have a kind-hearted person like you. Can you help me?"

The little boy looked at Lu Cheng excitedly.

To be honest, this little boy looks very handsome, even a bit like a boy and a girl.

Lu Cheng suddenly understood why those people in ancient times who were fond of Longyang's habit only chose little boys.

After all, the difference between men and women at this age is not particularly big. The little boy is even prettier than the little girl if he dresses up a little and has longer hair.

However, Lu Cheng did not have the habit of Long Yang, and he was not the great hero he called him.

In fact, Lu Cheng was also curious as to why the other party called him a hero.

Is it because he posted on the Internet to help eradicate special zombies?

Or the survivors on Xu Jingqiu's side helped spread their reputation on the Internet.

Maybe both.

But no matter what, Lu Cheng now inexplicably bears the title of survivor hero.

It can be said that Feng Ping was victimized.

I'm a fucking crazy zombie.

"I can help, but you have to tell me first, where are the special zombies in your video? And what reward can you give me."

Lu Cheng felt that it would be too troublesome to explain to this little boy that he was not a hero, so he simply didn't mention it and went straight to the point.

After hearing this, the boy nodded immediately, then fumbled in his pocket, and soon took out a lot of snacks.

In addition to these snacks, there are various gold rings, gold earrings, gold necklaces and other things.

If it were before the end of the world, the gold in his hand could be sold for a lot of money, but now these things are no different from dirt.

Lu Cheng didn't really want any reward, it was just symbolic, so as not to seem like he was working for free.

It's like he has become a great hero.

He signaled to Shen Xue, and Shen Xue quickly took a small bag and packed all the snacks and gold jewelry in the hand of this handsome little boy.

Lu Cheng then asked.

"Where are you, sir? Are you nearby? Is that special zombie near your stronghold?"

The face of the little boy in front of him suddenly became strange. He was hesitant and didn't know how to speak.

Lu Cheng frowned and said.

"I saw the video you sent. It shouldn't be a fake. Could it be that you saw the video somewhere else, then saved it and sent it to me, deliberately tricking me into coming here to save you and your family?"

As Lu Cheng spoke, his fingers had already touched the pistol on his belt. If this little boy with a delicate face dared to nod in agreement.

He doesn't hesitate to pull out his gun and give him a headshot.

The price for wasting my time is to give you a peanut.

This little boy with fine features had no idea that the great hero and savior he was talking about was touching the handle of the pistol and preparing to put a peanut on his head.

His life completely depended on what he was going to say next.

Fortunately, he didn't nod mindlessly, but hesitated before speaking.

"I'm not lying to you. I really took the video of Lu Cheng, but the situation is a bit complicated. Please listen to me and explain it to you slowly."

Lu Cheng's hand did not leave the handle of the pistol, but he looked left and right to confirm safety, then nodded and motioned for the little boy to continue.

"My father and I were in a survivor base together at the beginning. It's not far from here, about 10 minutes' walk. That special zombie is in that base."

"You mean, you captured a special zombie in your stronghold?"

Shen Xue asked strangely. After all, in the video, Shen Xue and Lu Cheng both saw that the zombie was trapped in a large pit under construction.

Special zombies cannot jump in by themselves, so they can only be put in artificially.

"They arrested me, but they also arrested my father."

Seemingly seeing Lu Cheng's puzzled expression, the boy quickly explained:
“There was a little friction between our stronghold here and the stronghold next door.

Then our leader, for some reason, insisted on calling my father a traitor and sent a message to the stronghold next door.

Then they arrested my father, and now they say they want to take my father to feed the zombies.

Big hero, can you help me?Can you rescue my dad too? "

To be honest, Lu Cheng was not interested in saving people.

But after hearing what the little boy said, the survivors actually used humans to feed the zombies as punishment.

Sure enough, it has to be the end of the world. Morality and other things are directly stepped on the ground. It's really exciting.

Of course, Lu Cheng would not refuse directly. He also expected this little boy to help lead the way to find that special zombie.

So he immediately put on a kind smile, nodded and said.

"Take me to your stronghold first to see the situation. If your father's supervision is not very strict, there is still a chance. But if it doesn't work, I can go to your stronghold to negotiate with your leader."

Lu Cheng's words gave the little boy in front of him great hope.

His eyes shone with light, as if in the little boy's opinion, as long as Lu Cheng, a famous hero, came forward to negotiate, his father would be saved.

Regardless of whether Lu Cheng would actually come forward to negotiate, even if he did negotiate.

Lu Cheng estimated that the leader of the other party would not let him go easily.

After all, he can do things like feed humans to zombies. The leader of the other party is obviously a person who enjoys the end of the world.

Probably not much better than the Skeleton Gang, but not as famous.

As for Lu Cheng, he is certainly not a good person.

Not even a great hero.

He just wants to obtain the elite-level alienated crystal core. As for everything else, it all depends on the situation.

"Yeah, brother Lu Cheng, come with me, and I'll take you there."

The little boy pulled Lu Cheng away happily.

Shen Xue followed, and the three of them headed further east.

And Lu Cheng finally knew why this little boy could walk outside for three to ten minutes without encountering danger.

It turns out that the little boy used the underground subway passage to go to and from the cafe and the stronghold.

The three of them walked in the underground subway passage for three and ten minutes without encountering any zombies. It seems that most of these zombies like to move around on the surface.

After walking out of the subway station again, they were already near a construction site in Dongcheng.

At this construction site, you can clearly see traces of survivors living there, and there are very few zombies around.

Not only that, behind the building wall made of bricks, two wooden sentry towers were erected as a warning.

However, unlike Xu Jingqiu's shelter, which was always on guard, there was only one person sitting on the two wooden sentry towers.

While holding the phone, he crossed his legs in boredom.

The discipline of this group of survivors is obviously a bit lax, and they don't even take sentry duty seriously.

Of course, it also has something to do with the fact that there are not many zombies around. This is a construction site, and there are no residential areas or commercial buildings in the surrounding area.

There are even fewer factories and so on, and a large part of it is an area to be developed, so there are relatively few zombies here.

Of course they wouldn't go in directly from the gate. The little boy took Lu Cheng and Shen Xue and bypassed the monitoring range of the sentry tower.

Then when they arrived at a fence, they saw several bricks placed under the brick fence.He led the two of them over the wall and entered the base. Lu Cheng squatted down and observed the surroundings first.

Towering cranes are still hanging on half-built buildings, and huge concrete pillars and steel bars are densely arranged in unfinished buildings.

Some graffiti could be seen on the wall, and some outdoor work lights were placed beside the wall, but Lu Cheng did not see them connected to the power supply.

One of the open spaces was cleared and used to store various building materials and supplies.

There were iron bars standing not far away, and I didn't know what they were used for.

There is an excavator next to the iron rod, which can hide the figure.

The entire construction site is quite large, and the area that originally provided housing for construction workers has been transformed into a camp for survivors.

Judging from the size of the camp, there were probably hundreds of people.

In the center of the construction site, where the foundation was obviously being dug, several people could be seen gathered there talking.

However, the surrounding area was too empty, and even Lu Cheng was not completely sure that he could approach sneakily without being discovered by anyone.

These people were all wearing the same gray robes, which looked like the uniforms of their survivor base.

Everyone's face was smeared with mud and dirty.

Cloth robes and mud are obviously the dressing style of this survivor stronghold, including fishing on the watchtower outside. The sentrymen also wear this style.

And the place they were surrounding seemed to be the big pit where the special zombie was trapped in the little boy's mouth.

But in order to confirm, Lu Cheng chose a man who was quite close to the big pit and used the Eagle Eye skill on him.

Lu Cheng's vision quickly shifted to the man, and he saw that there was indeed a special zombie in the big pit.

There were fragments of clothes and black dried blood everywhere in the pit. It was obvious that this was not the first time that they had fed survivors to zombies.

That special zombie was furiously grabbing at the pit on the side, but the pit was too deep, and he couldn't jump directly into it. There were survivors laughing at him.

Lu Cheng could clearly see that the expressions on the faces of several survivors were slightly crazy.

And a bald man dressed very fashionably and wearing sunglasses stood in the center of the crowd.

The people around him respected him very much, and even looked afraid of him.

He supported the wall next to the pit with both hands. This wall seemed to have been built separately later. He was saying something in his mouth, but Lu Cheng couldn't hear it.

As the bald man spoke, the expressions of other people became more and more excited.

After confirming that there were indeed special zombies in the pothole, Lu Cheng canceled his eagle eye skill and his vision returned to his body.

The little boy looked behind the excavator for a while, then suddenly frowned and shouted.

"Oops! Are they going to feed my dad to the zombies?"

Seeing that the little boy was about to rush out, Lu Cheng grabbed him, pushed him back at the same time and said:

"Don't worry, your father hasn't been sent down to feed the zombies yet, there are only zombies in the pit."

"Hey? How do you know?"

"I have superpowers."

Lu Cheng was fooling around casually, but the little boy in front of him had an expression of admiration on his face.

"You are indeed a great hero. So what should we do now? Go out and negotiate with the leader?"

The leader the little boy was talking about was obviously the bald man dressed fashionably.

But Lu Cheng shook his head.

Let’s not talk about whether they believe that he is really Lu Cheng or whether they will let him go because of his name.

He took the prisoner's son with him and sneaked into the base quietly without being informed by anyone.

Then he swaggered out and asked them to release the imprisoned survivors.

Rather than saying that the other party will negotiate with you properly, it is better to say that they will immediately copy the guy and fight against you.

What's more, there is a beautiful female zombie like Shen Xue beside him. With the leader's fierce look, it's hard to think of evil intentions.

Human nature is the last thing to figure out, because human nature must be sinister.

Unless Lu Cheng was ready to kill all the nearly a hundred of them, it would be better to wait and see what happens.

Unfortunately, it was now close to noon, and if we had to wait until night to take action, we would have to wait at least several hours.

And this group of survivors, gathered around the pothole, were definitely not here to see how the zombies scratched the wall.

There must be some big move, probably to sacrifice prisoners to the zombies.

Sure enough, the people over there burst into cheers.

Then I saw an adult man being pushed out with his hands tied behind his back.

The man had obviously been beaten, and his face was as swollen as a pig's head, but after seeing the man, the little boy still said quickly.

"That's my dad."

Seeing the worried look on the little boy's face, Shen Xue had already reached out and touched the short knife at her waist.

And looked at Lu Cheng inquiringly. As long as Lu Cheng gave a look, Shen Xue would draw out her short sword without hesitation and kill the little boy in front of her.

After all, we can't let this human being ruin our master's plans and good deeds.

However, Lu Cheng did not give Shen Xue such a look, because there was no need for him to deal with this innocent little boy.

There was already a commotion among the survivors in front.

Only a bang was heard, and a Molotov cocktail was thrown in from outside the wall.

The Molotov cocktail hit the ground, and flames suddenly broke out. People outside were throwing it in the direction of the residential area, but the residential area was still a little far away from the wall, and the arm strength on the other side was obviously not enough.

The man standing on the sentry tower finally stood up alertly.

If you don't stand up quickly, it will be too obvious to take advantage of the situation.

The sentry actually had a gun in his hand. He picked up his pistol and started shooting outside. He was beating and scolding while shooting.

"Fuck it, these bastards are at it again."

If he can throw Molotov cocktails, then the shit he's talking about is obviously not zombies, but other survivors.

Sure enough, I heard curses coming from outside the wall. They were all classic national curses.

There was such a commotion outside, and the leader who was planning to feed the living people to the zombies couldn't sit still.

Immediately led the people towards the wall.

But the leader had just taken a few steps forward when a man next to him suddenly burst into revolt. He held a machete in his hand and slashed at the leader.

But the leader was very fast and knocked the man to the ground with a slap.

The people in gray robes next to them were startled, some went to block the knife, and some cursed.

However, it was not just one person who resisted. There were about five or six other people who also started to attack the people around them with machetes.

Someone rushed over, untied the rope from the little boy's father's hands, and handed him a machete.

Then they started fighting among dozens of people.

The little boy's face was pale and he had no idea what was happening in front of him, while Lu Cheng looked like he was watching a show.

Look, your father is indeed a traitor and traitor.

Although Lu Cheng didn't know what was going on, after thinking about it for a moment, it must have been an irreconcilable conflict between the two survivor strongholds.

Lu Cheng didn't care which one of the two sides would win, he just hoped that both sides would die more.

It's best if more people at this construction site die. Then, without any effort, I can go over and kill that special zombie and collect his alienated crystal core.

It would be great if we could also take away the materials from this construction site. It just so happens that our villa area is still short of these building materials.

At this time, Lu Cheng had gradually become murderous. He wanted to kill all these people and devour all their supplies and building materials.

But we have to let them fight for a while first.

After all, those few people were at a disadvantage in numbers, and their weapons were not particularly good.

Although they started to attack suddenly and injured several people, the situation took a turn for the worse when the leader took out a pistol from his hand and started shooting.

Fortunately, they still had backup. A pickup truck suddenly crashed in from the main entrance.

The iron gate fell to the ground with a banging sound, and the people rushed toward the pickup truck like crazy, including the little boy's father.

After picking up four or five people, the pickup truck did not dare to wait any longer. After all, many pistols were already aimed at him and started shooting.

He quickly backed up and exited the construction site, and the few remaining people who had not gotten into the car were all shot by pistols and fell to the ground.

Lu Cheng sighed secretly, it was a pity that only a few people died, and there were still dozens of people left with guns in their hands.

It would be very difficult for me to handle it if you survivors don’t get your heads beaten to pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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