Chapter 3 Girlfriend
5 minutes, just 5 minutes later, the three needles stuck in Tian Jun's face were removed.

"Feel it, does it still hurt?" Li Tang asked while wiping the acupuncture needle with an alcohol cotton ball.

"Uh...hey, you are so good, you really can't feel the pain anymore. I'll be fine now, right?" Tian Jun felt it carefully, and even put his finger into his mouth and moved the ball. The tooth that hurt just now.

"Consider it better. I'll prescribe some medicine for you. You can drink it like tea when you go back. You can drink it for three days. But you must not let other people drink this stuff. It will make you uncomfortable. I'm not responsible."

As Li Tang spoke, he wrote on the prescription, just two kinds of medicine, and it was written in just two swipes.

"Lao San, how do you practice the word "伱"? It's just like the printed word."

After taking the prescribed prescription, Tian Jun looked at the few words on the prescription and said with some emotion.

When he was in school, the teacher would praise Li Tang every day, saying that his handwriting was beautiful, just like what was printed in the textbook. It has been several years since he went to school, and his handwriting has not changed at all. Even if Tian Jun writes like a dog himself, It's the same as crawling, but it doesn't stop him from praising himself for being so young.

"Just practice like that." Li Tang said nonchalantly.

His handwriting was also acquired through memory. When he writes prescriptions, he usually writes them in very standard Song script. It looks just like what was engraved on it. As for his signature, it looks like a dragon flying and a phoenix dancing. People who are not familiar with it will really You may not be able to recognize what the word is.

"Look at how cute you are, why don't I like it so much?"

"If you don't like seeing you, just leave as quickly as possible. I don't want to see you yet." Li Tang waved his hand like he was shooing away flies, with a look of disgust on his face.

"Hey, I'm not leaving yet." Tian Jun, who had already stood up, saw his appearance and sat down again. He picked up the tea jar on the table and took two sips.

The way he drank like a cow made Li Tang feel so distressed. He had only been drinking for a long time this morning when this guy drank most of the teapot. He quickly snatched the teapot from Tian Jun's hand.

"I said you were picking on you and you still don't admit it. Why don't I just drink some water from you? Let's not talk about this anymore. Hey, third brother, let me ask you, are you and Ding Min really broken?"

Seeing what he was planning to say with a raised brow, Tian Jun quickly changed the subject.

The Ding Min he was talking about was Li Tang's girlfriend. It should be said that he was an ex-girlfriend who had already discussed marriage but eventually broke up with her.

Ding Min, Li Tang, and Tian Jun were all classmates in the factory's school. After graduating from high school, he worked as a temporary broadcaster at the factory's propaganda department radio station, and he was with Li Tang's sister-in-law Song Xiaoli.

The two of them were able to confirm their relationship because Li's mother, who also worked in the Publicity Department, introduced them. Everything was fine at first. They were all from the factory and knew each other well. Ding Min's father was the deputy director of the seventh workshop. And Dad Li is the director of the third workshop, so the two families are considered to be well-matched.

They had almost agreed to get married this year, but because of a house, the two families fell out. To be precise, Li Tang, Ding Min and her mother fell out. So the two broke up. Basically, there was no relationship. It's possible to get back together again.

It's really disturbing to say that the house that was the source of the problem was actually left to him by Master Li Tang before he returned to Beijing. He said it was for him to stay temporarily, but who doesn't understand that the old couple didn't understand it at all? Might come back again.

But the old couple retired in the factory, and their work and organizational relationships are all here. The family building in the factory cannot be taken back just because they have returned to Beijing.

As a result, the Li family, which was still relatively short on housing, suddenly became wealthy.The newly built family buildings in the past few years were divided according to seniority in the factory. Although Li Tang's eldest brother Li Yuan was married at the time, the couple had only a few years of service combined, so they were not qualified to be divided into family buildings. They all live at home.

Li's father and Li's mother, plus Li Yuan and his wife, plus their twin children, the house is only about thirty square meters, and it is really inconvenient for six people to live in it. The second eldest child is Li Qing. After getting married, Li Tang lives with his master and his wife. If this were not the case, the place at home would be even more tense.

Now the master and his wife left, leaving the house to Li Tang. From the perspective of outsiders, Li Tang's life in the future would not be very comfortable.

The Ding family thought so at the time.

But, but but...

Li Tang never thought about living by himself. After putting his master and his wife on the train to Beijing, he couldn't help but let his eldest brother and sister-in-law move in. It was impossible not to go. He went home to be with his parents. Lived together.

Outsiders gave him thumbs up for this operation, but the Ding family didn't do it, mainly because Ding Min's mother didn't do it.

She said that if Li Tang didn't get the house back, he wouldn't be able to marry her daughter.

Then, the result was that the two broke up.

For this reason, Li Yuan and his daughter-in-law Song Xiaoli blamed themselves a lot. Li's father and Li's mother also asked the eldest couple to move back with their children and give the house to the third, which made everyone feel bad.

But Li Tang was as stubborn as a donkey, and refused to accept anything. He also said that even if his eldest brother and sister-in-law moved out, he would never marry Ding Min again.

This matter caused quite a fuss at the beginning of this year, but in the end, because Li Tang's attitude was too firm, it was left to nothing.

In fact, Li Tang didn't have any feelings for Ding Min at all. The reason they were with each other at that time was simply because his mother introduced him, and his father was also satisfied with it. At that time, he just thought of making do with it, it didn't matter, who he was with. Have you passed it or not?

But after they got together later, the more they got along, the more uncomfortable they felt. Na Ding Min didn't know where he read a few books that were not allowed to be read at the time. In his mind, he was a little Bolshevik, and he always thought about it in his life. Go for a little style.

This is not a mistake at first, but the mistake lies in the time. When is this? Everyone is living with their heads down. As a dignified reborn person, Li Tang keeps his tail between his legs every day, not daring to stir up trouble. , I am afraid that if I do something wrong or say something wrong, it will bring disaster to my family.

Although the tense atmosphere that started last year has ended, people's opinions cannot be changed in a day or two, especially in a small place like theirs that will still be a fifth-tier city decades later.

There is also Ding Min’s concept of spending money. Maybe because she is rich, she has to eat in a restaurant every time she enters the city. This is barely normal, but it is a bit too much to buy clothes every other time. Don’t talk about money. If you don't have money, you can't get that much just by issuing tickets.

So as time went on, Li Tang felt that they couldn't get along with each other anymore. It was impossible to say who was right and who was wrong. It was simply because the three views were too different. But because the relationship was officially established at that time, it could only be Bite the bullet and make do.

These days are not the future. A couple of young people can talk when they get together, break up if they want to separate, live together if they want to live together, and break up if they want to break up. If you dare to do that now, don’t worry about the male or female, the police will He comes to your door every minute and invites you to drink tea, and he refuses to respond lawlessly. Even if the two of them are in love, they hold hands and do it secretly in private, so as not to let others see the joke.

(End of this chapter)

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