It is indeed difficult to think about Chen Baozhen. She had just left the company to serve as a local city government leader, and she encountered the relocation of Qin Yao's headquarters. Now that she is the director, another pharmaceutical factory is about to move. It would be strange not to be angry.

Hearing Liu Xiaoqiang's words, Li Tang smiled and waved his hand: "I don't think it will happen this time. The merger of three and five factories is not a simple merger of personnel. You should make it clear to her that we will continue to expand based on the merger." , to double production capacity.

In other words, the new factory after the merger is equivalent to four times the production capacity of the previous single old factory. "

"If that's the case, then she really won't be too uncomfortable, and the impact won't be big, but... which county the new factory will be built in, there will probably be some lawsuits." After hearing this, Liu Xiaoqiang also understood Li Tang's plan. , nodded and said.

"Then let's forget about it. The local government will take care of it. Anyway, it can't delay our start of work."

"I understand. I will hold a general manager's office meeting as soon as possible to formulate a decision on the relocation of each factory, and then let each factory communicate with the local government."

"Well, tell them that the construction of the new factory must start in the spring of next year at the latest. If anyone loses the chain, then stop moving and let them make it clear to the local government."

"I see."

"By the way, Lao Liu, how much money is left in the group's account?"

"The group has more than 170 billion in its accounts, and each company and factory has yet to pay some of it. Do you want to use the money?"

"No need." Li Tang shook his head: "I'll wait until Chen Weidong from the Provincial Department of Finance comes over. I guess he's going to talk about the special bond for transportation infrastructure construction that was due in June next year and was issued by the province ten years ago."

"Yes, I remembered it as soon as you mentioned it. Wang Yongguo from the Finance Department reported to me two days ago that a bond will mature next year, with a total amount of... 5.6 billion, right?"

"seems like it."

“What does the province mean now?”

"The details are not clear yet, but I heard someone suggested swapping our debt for equity."

"What does debt-to-equity swap mean? The money will be used to build roads, so how can we transfer it to equity?" Liu Xiaoqiang frowned deeply.

"It probably means that a certain toll station on the highway will be given to us for ten or twenty years. During this period, all the money received by the toll station will be ours."

"Can it still be done like this?" Liu Xiaoqiang's brows almost reached Tianling Gai.

"But... how much money can a toll station collect every day? I don't think it can be recovered even in ten or twenty years. With that amount of traffic, it may not be possible to recover it in fifty years, right?"

Looking at it now, what he said is indeed correct.

But Li Tang knows that in another ten years, the number of private cars in society will skyrocket, and the highway toll stations will indeed receive a lot of money. If they are given thirty years of toll authority, the principal with interest will definitely be able to Take it back.

But it also depends on which toll station it is, not all of them are available.

However, this time he guessed wrong, very wrong. Chen Weidong did not come here to talk to him about the bond that was about to expire.

When this 5.6 billion bond matures, the province will cash it directly.

It is true that some people proposed to pay in other ways, but the money still included 30% of Qinshan City. Even if Qin Yao could agree to their proposal, the Qinshan City Government, which has been thinking about this money since last year, would not May agree.

Chen Weidong came here today mainly to stand in the front and test Li Tang's tone.

There are some things that leaders cannot talk about directly, but need a buffer.

The matter that Chen Weidong came to talk about now was a plan that Yao Liangzhong had decided before. If he or Li Yukun, who is now taking over, talks to Li Tang, what if the leaders have different opinions? Has this thing collapsed and can't continue?

But if there is a buffer in the middle, it will be much better. If you have any opinions on this matter, you can put forward it. I will see if the plan can be modified further. I have completed the modifications, and you can take a look. See if there are any other opinions to be raised. As long as the general direction can be determined, the two leaders can sit together and talk slowly.

If we talk at this time, there will be no risk of collapse, because everyone's general direction is the same.

Doing this can also ease the relationship between leaders and avoid forcing the two people to be on opposite sides. These are things that subordinates must consider.

The leaders of the Provincial Department of Finance thought this way, so they asked Chen Weidong, who had a good personal relationship with Li Tang, to come over first.

"Brother-in-law, what are you talking about? The province wants to integrate all the city credit unions in the province and establish a new commercial bank?"

After hearing the purpose of Chen Weidong's visit today, Li Tang repeated it in shock.

Of course he knew about this commercial bank, which was eventually established in his previous life.

Of course, he, a layman, didn't know whether the business was running well or not. Anyway, it was still in business when he came back.

Compared with the local commercial banks in many provinces and cities that have experienced thunderstorms, I have not heard of any problems with this bank. Relatively speaking, there are many branches in various cities in the province, and various businesses are being carried out. At least on the surface, it seems The business is relatively healthy.

But in his memory, this commercial bank seemed to have been established around 10 years ago. Why was it mentioned now in this life? Is it because Qin Province in this life is much richer than in the previous life?

Just as he thought, it was really because the province had money, even though there was not enough money to spend.

Another main reason is that as the process of WTO accession negotiations accelerates, if it can join the WTO, it will be a matter of time before the financial market opens to the outside world. Although there will be a protection period for novices, there is also a clear timetable for gradual opening up.

Therefore, in the past two years, the four major banks have successively proposed to change their functions and completely become commercial banks.

From a policy bank to a commercial bank, all business activities must comply with market requirements.

It was better before. Although requests were made, there was not much change. Starting from this year, local governments have clearly felt that the local branches of the four major banks are not listening.

Gone are the days when local state-owned enterprises could easily obtain loans.

It’s not that we don’t support local economic development, but if you want to apply for a loan, you must complete the procedures and have the required collateral.

If you want to dip your fingers in salt, you can take as much as you can, but just rest, it's almost impossible.

Moreover, various banks have begun to attract deposits crazily. They no longer sit at the counter like before and decide whether to deposit or not. Why?
All the changes made by these banks are to reduce the non-performing asset ratio and to be on par with commercial banks in Europe and the United States, so that they will not be directly beaten to death by those multinational banks when the financial market opens up.

The Big Four are now starting to ignore calls from local governments. Local governments are immediately anxious and use bank loans to revitalize enterprises that are temporarily underperforming. This is normal operation.

Now suddenly there are no loans. If you want a loan, you must have fixed assets as collateral. But the question is, how many fixed assets can those companies use as collateral?

land? Don't be kidding, although the housing reform has been carried out and the land transfer form has been changed from allocation to paid transfer, in fact it is still not worth anything.

As for mortgaging ground attachments, that is, factories and production lines, companies dare to take them as mortgages, but banks don’t dare to take them. Those people don’t understand that stuff, and to put it bluntly, if you don’t repay the loan by then, I can really kill you. Are the factories and production lines taken away? Obviously impossible.

So all of a sudden, things got stuck here. Local enterprises were anxious to get loans, but banks did not dare to lend casually as they did before because of orders from superiors. This has led to the current situation of being big-eyed and small-eyed.

It was also during this period that the private lending business grew rapidly. For those with high interest rates, the interest rates for online loans in the future are nothing compared to the current ones. Now they are cut at the waist.

It is precisely because of this that the province has the idea to integrate the formerly independent urban credit cooperatives and establish a new bank controlled by the provincial state-owned asset management company to serve large and small enterprises in the province.

It should be said that the idea is good, but if this bank is established and operates like the previous policy banks, Li Tang will not dare to get involved even to death, then it will be a sinkhole, and no amount of money will be enough to smash it in.

Ping Qin Yao wants to support all the poorly managed enterprises in the province? Haha, one more won’t be enough.

The leader of the Finance Department seemed to understand what he was thinking after hearing this, and he explained it to Chen Weidong before coming.

"I know your concerns. According to the current plan, the province intends to turn this bank into a regular commercial bank, and even plans to hire a formal management team from Europe and the United States to manage it."

Oops! !

This surprised Li Tang a little.

To be honest, now is not a good time to establish a local commercial bank because the approval procedures for establishing a bank are very difficult.

Credit cooperatives are different. Whether they are urban credit cooperatives or rural credit cooperatives, they are private cooperative institutions guided by the government. They are not commercial banks, but they just look similar to banks.

The approval procedures for establishing a bank need to be reviewed by the central bank and the financial office above. The normal work process does not take a year and a half to achieve any results. If there is any problem in any link, then the battle line will not be drawn. How long.

However, everything is not absolute. The province is able to put this matter on the plan, most likely because it has communicated with the superiors. If the superiors also intend to implement a pilot project, then that is a different situation.

If the newly established bank can really operate according to the formal commercial bank model, then investing in a bank is absolutely feasible, and this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Did you say the specific registered capital of this new bank?"

"I haven't mentioned this yet, and I can't say it yet. After all, I haven't even written a word yet, but I heard Director Chaohui mentioned that the plan should be no less than 20 billion."

The ambition is not small!
Qin Province in this life has developed much better than the same period in the previous life. Last year, if he remembered correctly, the province's GDP seemed to have reached the standard of fifteen years later.

It is normal for the leaders to have some ideas to bring the province's economic aggregate to a higher level.

As a provincial enterprise, Qin Yao must serve the overall interests of the province. Although the asset management company above holds 43% of the shares, according to the agreement, the group’s normal investment and business activities will not be carried out. No need to ask for their permission.

It can be said that this shareholder only has the right to dividends and supervision, and has no other rights.

Li Tang has absolute control over Qin Yao except for high-level personnel rights. As long as he does not do anything illegal, no one can interfere with his work. From scratch to now, the annual revenue may exceed 300 billion. The development status of Qin Yao in the past twenty years is there. Few people dare to criticize and make irresponsible remarks on the business operation in front of him.

"Brother-in-law, I understand what you are talking about. I will think about it carefully. You can tell your leaders when you go back. In principle, I am willing to support the province's decision-making."

He can say whatever he says in whatever capacity he stands in. Now that he is talking to Chen Weidong as the chairman of Qin Yao, he must of course put Qin Yao's interests first.

If he were to look at this matter from the perspective of the director of the consultation committee, he would definitely agree with it with both hands and feet.

After the serious talk was over, the two of them entered the chatting mode.

"Brother-in-law, are my eldest sister and the child okay?"

Li Tang is busier than before, and Du Juan has retired. The two have not seen each other for a while.

"Well, she just spends the day at home taking care of the children and cooking."

The child brought by Du Juan belongs to her son Chen Bin.

Chen Bin is already thirty this year. After graduating from the military academy, he was assigned to a field unit in Gan Province. He stayed there for two years. Li Tang helped ask someone to transfer him back and now works in the provincial military region.

After being transferred back, Du Juan introduced his son to a college student from the company's finance department. Both families were quite satisfied. After dating for a while, the two got married in 1996 and had a child at the end of 1998.

After 1997, Li Tang had to move, so he sold the house opposite Du Juan's house in the family courtyard to her at the original price when he raised funds to build the house. That house now belongs to her son and daughter-in-law.

The houses in this family compound are built with funds collected. Unlike the houses allocated for free, the houses here can be bought and sold, and the price can be negotiated by oneself. However, they cannot be sold to outsiders.

Because the welfare benefits of the family home are so good, such as free water and electricity bills as long as they do not exceed a certain amount, 24-hour hot water, etc. These benefits are for the residents, not outsiders.

Li Tang's current situation makes it impossible for him to go back to live in the courtyard in the future. Therefore, instead of just leaving the house empty, it is better to sell it to his own people.

"Where's Nini? I remember she is already twenty-six this year. Didn't she have a boyfriend and not get married yet?"

Chen Xiaoni, the youngest daughter of Du Juan's family, went to the Second Affiliated Hospital to engage in administrative work after graduating from college. The person she was talking to was a doctor named Xu Yonghua who was still in the internship period at the Second Affiliated Hospital and a student of Sun Hongwei.

"Xiao Xu's internship period will be over at the end of this year. He should be able to pass your hospital's assessment and receive medical treatment independently. They plan to wait until next year."

"That's right." Li Tang nodded: "If you can't receive treatment independently, there will be too many variables."

Assign anyone to the factory and he will never say anything, because anyone who is not a fool can learn the assembly line operation.

Doctors in the hospital are different. They will have to deal with patients in the future. If they are not good at their studies and they are allowed to treat patients, that would be irresponsible to the patients.

Therefore, no matter who it is, no matter what the relationship is, Li Tang will not show any mercy.

If you want to treat patients independently, you must pass the hospital's assessment, and the internship period is up to five years. If you fail to pass the two assessments, I'm sorry, you'd better find another job.

There are countless Chinese medicine students who have been eliminated from the two affiliated hospitals over the years, and many of them quit midway because they could not withstand the pressure of fierce competition. As for whether these people can get opportunities in other hospitals, that is not his concern. of.

"Brother-in-law, go back and tell Nini that, like her brother, I will buy her a car when she gets married."

"Haha, why did you buy so many cars? The car you and Chengdong bought for her when she was in college is still in good condition."

"It's not the same thing. When you get married, you start a new family. Then you will definitely need a new car. Aren't we already prepared a whole house? I can only choose a car."

In fact, after Chen Xiaoni gets married, she can apply for the company's welfare housing allocation, but the family home is in the eastern suburbs, which is a bit far away from here. It depends on what the children think.

Her brother-in-law was a house builder, so there was no way he could lose her house.

Chen Weidong didn't say anything resolute not to buy it. He just looked at Li Tang with some emotion. This younger brother who had no blood relationship with his wife had really changed their family's life and never asked for anything in return.

My father-in-law suddenly left the fertilizer factory and was transferred to the ministry, which changed their family's life.

His originally easy job as deputy township head was immediately transferred to the mountains. For this reason, his wife asked this brother, who had just become the director of a pharmaceutical factory, to help him adjust his job.

Unexpectedly, it was this discovery that completely changed the fate of the family, both time and life.

"Brother-in-law, why are you looking at me like this?"

Li Tang felt a little frightened by Chen Weidong's gaze, so he picked up the cigarette on the coffee table and threw one over.

"Haha, it's nothing." After taking the cigarette and lighting it, Chen Weidong said with some emotion: "I just didn't know why, but suddenly I remembered twenty years ago."

"What? Do you miss your deputy mayor again? Or do you miss the widow from some village in the mountains?"

"Go, I want to be a widow. I'm just thinking, if Juan'er didn't find you back then, what would our family be like now?"

"It's hard to say. It shouldn't be much different from now. I just became the factory director at that time, and I was so busy every day that I hit the back of my head. I didn't know anything about the adjustment of your responsibilities in the township.

But even if the eldest sister doesn't look for me, it's such a big place. Sooner or later I will know. When I know, I will definitely come to look for you. "

As for Chen Weidongxin, things have been happening one after another for so many years.

"Don't feel sorry for me, brother-in-law. In life, you need to look forward."

"Maybe it's because I'm getting older. I find that I like to reminisce about the past more and more now."

"Reminiscing about memories, you should go back and help hold the baby. This one will be big and then Nini's. Xiao Xu's family is out of town. I estimate that in the future, you and the eldest sister may need your help with their children."

"Let's take a look at Nini's. Maybe Xiao Xu will take his mother over to help. After all, we are not recruiting a son-in-law at home. It's up to them to make their own arrangements."

Chen Weidong discussed this with his wife. Although their family's current conditions are much better than those of Xiao Xu's family, they do not intend to be aggressive.

If they were needed to help take care of the child in the future, they would have no hesitation. If Xiao Xu wanted to take his mother over, they would not insist on letting them take care of it. Even if Xiao Xu planned to send the child back to his hometown, as long as Nini agreed, they would do it. Will not object.

It is best for children to let them live their own lives. As parents, you can provide your children with a solid backing and let them know that this home is their escape route.

Knowing that Li Tang was not very busy at work now, Chen Weidong did not sit for a long time and left in half an hour.

After he left, a pile of documents was immediately brought over from the secretary's office, which immediately plunged Li Tang into a mess.


At the same time, in an office of the Provincial High Court, Li Shutong was sitting by the window, holding his own cup and sipping water while looking through the files on the table.

There were a total of five people sitting in the office, and everyone was busy with the things at hand. No one said anything.

"Dong dong dong..."

"Please come in"

Hearing the knock on the door, the person sitting closest to the office door said without raising his head.

"Shu Tong"


When Li Shutong heard that he was being called, he raised his head and responded. When he saw the administrative staff of his subordinate office standing at the door, he put down his water glass and stood up.

"Shutong, your phone is not turned on, right?"

"I forgot to charge it last night and turned it off. What's wrong, Wen Jing? It's not the boss who's looking for me, right?" Li Shutong picked up the phone on the table and gestured.

"The leader didn't look for you. You and your Liu Dingqing are really not the same family. I just saw him walking in front of me in the yard, so I chased him and asked him why he didn't call you. He also Tell me his phone is out of battery and turned off.”

Liu Dingqing, Li Shutong's boyfriend, or fiancé to be precise, the two are engaged.

They are still classmates in the same year and major, but they are not in the same class, and they are not familiar with each other at school. They just know each other that there is such a person.

After graduation, Shu Tong was in the Provincial High Court and Liu Dingqing was in the Provincial Inspection Bureau. They met occasionally at work. Because they were classmates, they left each other's contact information, and they got together after going back and forth.

After consultation between the two families, the specific wedding date was set on New Year's Day, 2001, which is less than four months away.

The man's family situation is not bad. His father is the deputy prosecutor general of the Provincial Procuratorate, named Liu Xingguo, and will retire in three years. His mother used to work at Xinhua Bookstore, but now she has no time at home.

He is the second eldest son in the family. He has an older brother. He is 33 years old and his name is Liu Dinglin. He is the deputy captain of the economic investigation team of a district public security bureau in the provincial capital.

In the past few years, the Liu family has been worried about their youngest son's marriage. They introduced many potential partners, but none of them took their fancy. They went straight to their thirties as soon as they saw it. The old couple were extremely anxious. There is no way.

(End of this chapter)

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