Net king's blue as purple

No. 2 personality, Ruthless Bei Ruo

"Crack!" The sound of the door being opened was transmitted to the living room because of the abnormal silence in the villa.

"What's going on?" The few with exceptionally keen senses heard the subtle voice, and were a little puzzled. Except for Bei Li who was unconscious upstairs, everyone else in the villa was basically in the living room. According to what Nan Ying said just now, even Bei Li Li is a monster and won't wake up so soon, right?

"Everyone, be careful!" Tan Zichen stood up vigilantly, protecting everyone behind him, Lian Hen also tensed up all his nerves, and even Zero didn't have the cynical smile that often hangs on his face. In a coma, they can hardly withstand any slight attack.

"It's Li!" Nanying saw a different Beili upstairs. "This is, what's going on?" It was clearly Beili's face, but it had a different hair color, a different eye color, and even, there was a smile on the back. There is an extra pair of wings!Also, Li, never looked at them with such indifferent eyes, this must not be Beili.

"You're not Li! Who are you?" Hai Lan frowned. As a member of the Hai family, she knew the secret of the Bei family, but she didn't believe it, and she didn't want this kind of thing to happen to Li. I pray silently in my heart, I hope it will not be...

"Heh, that's funny! Will the heir of the Hai family know who I am?" "Beili" on the second floor curled up his lips. There is no Beili's dark belly, no evil spirits like her, but only ruthless and cold. And a touch of sarcasm.

"You really are?" Hailan didn't say what it was, but her tone was somewhat disappointed, "Well, tell me, your name and origin!"

"What are they talking about?" Everyone in the tennis club was puzzled by Monk Zhang Er and could only listen in a daze, but seeing the expressions of the two of them and the seriousness on the faces of the other three, it seemed very important!

"Hey, Chen, she can't be the one from Li?" Nan Ying pushed Tan Zichen and asked, if it was really that, wouldn't Li be fixed in her life?

"It seems to be! But I didn't expect that Li is actually a five-line! Li may be the one with the greatest responsibility in the history of the Bei family. After all, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility!" Tan Zichen felt a little distressed, and now Li has often stayed up late. In this way, wouldn't it be exhausting!

"My name is Beiruo. As for the origin, above the nine heavens, vermilion falling flames, ice crystals and cold dew, the only jade of the moon, the three styles of heaven and earth, only me without restraint, the stars in the dark night, and the brightness of dawn!" Vermilion lips parted slightly, and read A verse that seemed to be a curse came out, and Hailan knew that its origin was in it.

Beiruo took a step forward, jumped down from the second floor, stood beside Longma, and asked, "Beili's younger brother?"

Longma nodded and wanted to retreat, but was grabbed by Bei Ruo and pressed against the wall. An ice blue dagger appeared in his left hand, with a creepy cold light shining on the blade, Bei Ruo didn't even blink With one click, he stabbed directly at the dragon horse.Nanying anxiously pushed Longma away, but her arm was scratched by the dagger.

"Heir of the Nan family, you should know! She doesn't need these damn bonds!" Bei Ruo's voice was as cold as ice, leaving the injured Nan Ying behind, Bei Ruo continued to chase after Longma who was guarded by Tan Zichen and the others .

Standing in front of the crowd, Beiruo stared closely at Longma's eyes. Silver light shot out from her eyes and flew towards Longma, but was blocked by the wooden sword extended by Tan Zichen. The hard wooden sword instantly turned into a powder.

"You should know how much Li cares about this younger brother!" Tan Zichen said seriously, with cold sweat on his forehead, he was not sure how to convince this ruthless woman.

"So, I want to destroy him even more!" Bei Ruo transformed into a flaming long sword and stabbed straight at Tan Zichen. Ruo's movements froze, and the long sword stopped only one centimeter away from Ryoma's neck. "Damn! Do you really care about him so much? Try to suppress me!" The long blood-red hair turned back to purple-white, one black and one white His eyes also changed back to one blue and one purple, and his clothes changed back to the previous T-shirt, and the long sword also disappeared.


Yingxue: This Bei Ruo's identity will be revealed in the future, this is a secret about the Bei family!There will be big benefits for Yukimura in the next photo!

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