The delicate nuns in the Division of Sentence and Punishment are the most old-fashioned at their work. They only used one or two of the seventy-two tortures in the Division of Sentence and Punishment, and already some people could not bear the torture and passed out.

With this method, it will be much easier to ask questions one by one.

Of course, this is also inseparable from An Lingrong's usual generous management.

Her management is different from that of Concubine Hua.

Concubine Hua treats everyone equally, and any palace servant who serves Yikun Palace will be rewarded.

After a while, those slaves who had received awards from Concubine Hua naturally no longer regarded benefits as benefits.

Not to mention, if Concubine Hua doesn't reward them and lets them do some dirty work, there will naturally be no good results.

But An Lingrong is still someone from modern times, and all the people she manages are people that ordinary people in the palace can't think of.

For example, the palace maids who rely on Meiyuan usually raise butterflies and birds, while the eunuchs who have no money to fish for.

These unguarded little people brought many unexpected things to An Lingrong.

Of course, this alone is not enough.

In order to prevent the Queen from losing her manners in front of everyone, An Lingrong specially invited the Queen Mother to perform the finale behind her back.

The reason why the Queen Mother was willing to help An Lingrong and suppress a wave of queens was mainly because the queens went too far.

You must know that the child born to Xia Dongchun and Fu Chagui is not a princess, but an elder brother!

If the queen has the ability to make it impossible for Xia Dongchun and Fu Chagui to survive, then forget it. The queen mother is willing to open one eye or close one eye.

But it happened that a nobleman from Fucha gave birth to a frail elder brother, and Xia Dongchun, whose mother's family was not as noble as Fucha, also gave birth to an unhealthy elder brother.

Two unhealthy brothers were born one after another, and both were weak and sick because of the queen...

In fact, there was even a rumor in the previous dynasty that it was she, the Queen Mother of the Qing Dynasty, who could not tolerate the tragic situation of the late emperor's heirs seizing the throne, and specifically ordered people to do this.

The Queen Mother is not willing to bear this kind of rumor that carries eternal infamy.

She had done too many things in her life for her mother's family and for others that she was sorry for, so An Lingrong found out some clues, and she was willing to use them to beat the queen.

Try to prevent Chun'er's child from being frail and sick again...

Furthermore, under the suppression of An Lingrong and other concubines, Nian Gengyao of the previous dynasty and Concubine Hua in the harem were no longer able to compete with the current queen.

In order to consider the balance of the emperor's harem, the queen mother had to do this.

Therefore, with the tacit approval of the Queen Mother, what An Lingrong did was not only hidden, but even the Queen who was about to be liquidated did not notice it, and her own people had already admitted their mistakes.

He blocked this disaster for her.

After a few days of dating, the harem still looked cold and frightened.

The concubines in various palaces and courtyards rarely go out, for fear of being gossiped about behind their backs.

As a result, although Chunguiren's fetus was much stable, the emperor rarely came to comfort and visit. Even if he came, he would sit for a while and then leave, focusing only on the investigation together with An Lingrong.

Zhen Huan, on the other hand, thought about the same feeling of loneliness and secretly brought people to visit Chun'er several times.

Yongshou Palace, east side hall.

Chun'er, with a hint of blood on her face, looked at An Lingrong, who had been busy for several days and had not been seen, with tears in her eyes.

"Sister An, since you are here, Chun'er thought you and the emperor no longer want me."

An Lingrong just sat down and was about to take a sip of tea. After hearing what Chun'er said, she sighed and put down the tea cup.

"In other words, if I and the Emperor don't care about you, why bother working for several days to search for the people and physical evidence that framed you?"

"The Xia Dongchun of Yanxi Palace did not receive such treatment. Even her children are still staying in the pavilion built next to the Taiyuan Hospital."

"Sister An, Chun'er knows, but Chun'er can't figure out which sister in the harem hates me so much. I won't fight for one thing or rob her for the other. Why bother to harm me and the innocent child in my belly?"

When she said this, she almost broke her teeth.

But An Lingrong couldn't tell how much truth and how much falseness were revealed in her lowered eyes.

After all, Chun'er's pregnancy is closely related to the Queen.

Even if An Lingrong protects Chun'er now, it is only because she lives in Yongshou Palace. If something happens, the fault will be her, An Lingrong, not the Queen and other unrelated concubines.

So much so that after An Lingrong listened to Chun'er's speech, she didn't say much, but waited for Baojuan and Baoping, as well as the eunuchs from Yongshou Palace, to invite all the concubines from each palace to Yongshou Palace. Come to the palace.

Not long after, Baojuan brought people to Yikun Palace.

It happened that Concubine Hua and Cao Guiren of Yikun Palace were teasing Wen Yi. Seeing Baojuan coming, Cao Guiren thought of what happened in Yongshou Palace a few days ago.

First, he glanced at Concubine Hua, who had no reaction, then smiled at Baojuan and said, "Concubine An, do you have something to talk to Concubine Hua about?"

Baojuan also knew that Concubine Hua was a soft-spoken person, but for the sake of her mother-in-law's arrangement, she first respectfully paid her respects to the two concubines.

Then, she spoke unhurriedly: "Concubine An has invited the ladies of the Sixth Palace to go to Yongshou Palace to discuss the matter of Chun Gui being poisoned. I hope that Concubine Hua and Gui Ren Cao will show their respect."

When Concubine Hua heard that An Lingrong had received the chicken feathers as promised by the emperor, and bypassed her and the queen who had been co-managers of the Sixth Palace for many years, she immediately made a face and refused to go.

"I have never heard of it. The concubines in this harem have to listen to the words of a little concubine An who has no heirs. How much face do you have as a palace maid? Please leave Yikun Palace alone and go there. Yongshou Palace?”

"I don't dare, but if I tell you something, you will be willing to go."

Concubine Hua suddenly became happy and said with a smile: "If I don't want to, no one can invite me. I want to see what you, the maid, have to say to me."

Baojuan looked as usual, walked to Concubine Hua's side calmly, and whispered something in front of Cao Guiren.

When Baojuan finished speaking, Concubine Hua's expression really changed. She glanced at the treasure silk that was returned to its original position, then looked at Cao Guiren who wanted to know the content, raised her hand, and told Songzhi: "Let's go, I will give Concubine An a face and go to her Yongshou Palace to watch the show. "

After saying this, Songzhi and others ordered people to prepare the sedan chair and go to Yongshou Palace immediately.

When Concubine Hua and Guiren Cao entered the palace, the emperor and the queen were sitting on them, and An Lingrong was sitting below the queen.

All the concubines and concubines were present, including Concubine Duan who was meditating in the palace.

After the two entered the hall, they saw each other one by one and sat down according to their seats.

At this time, Concubine Duan saw that Chun Gui was weak and unable to survive, so she couldn't help but feel especially pity, and said: "Ruyi, give Chun Gui a soft goose feather cushion to cushion her, so that she can sit more comfortably."

Chungui thanked you hurriedly and tremblingly, and the emperor said: "You are not in good health, just sit back and relax."

Concubine Hua raised the silk in her hand and said wearily: "It's spring outside in March, and when the apricots and orioles are singing, the queen doesn't go to the imperial garden to enjoy the spring scenery during this wonderful time. Why is she so anxious to summon my concubines to live in Yongshou?" Palace instead of Jingren Palace?"

The queen's always dignified and gentle face couldn't help but look a little sad. This was not because she was worried that the noble man's child was gone.

But under the operation of the Queen Mother and An Lingrong, the palace people around her were also separated for questioning.

The Queen, who has evil intentions, naturally has dark clouds on her face.

But in order not to arouse suspicion, she paused and said: "Jianqiu is sick, and I thought it would be better not to infect all the sisters. Moreover, Concubine An made a contribution to saving Chun Guiren, and she worked with the emperor to conduct a thorough investigation." Regarding this matter, everyone should come to Yongshou Palace for a small gathering."

As she said that, the queen looked at the emperor's expressionless look and felt a little worried.

On the surface, she behaved as a wife should and explained the facts earnestly.

"Since last winter, the emperor's heir in the palace has suffered misfortune, and there have been many cries of sorrow. Both the palace and the emperor are extremely worried. No matter how beautiful the spring is, they have no intention to appreciate it carefully.

"I urgently called my sisters here today because there are some clues about the poisoning of Chungui's fetus, and we need to find someone to ask. Since this is a harem matter, naturally everyone in the harem should be listening."

Chungui's expression tightened and he quickly asked: "The eyebrows mentioned by the Queen, do you know who the person who harmed my concubine's child is?"

The queen said warmly: "A noble man, please be patient and calm. This matter is very important. I and the emperor only know a little bit about it. As for whether this is the case, let's all listen to what Concubine An has to say."

The emperor said: "Since Concubine An has found out some clues, please tell me if you have anything to say."

An Lingrong glanced at Jin Xi next to her. Jin Xi was ordered to give two high-fives, and then she saw Imperial Physician Wen and Imperial Physician Jiang coming in together.

An Lingrong said in a deep voice: "Everyone knows that Chungui suffered a misfortune. The dragon fetus almost died in the belly. It was poisoned by mercury. But I can't figure it out. There is no mercury cinnabar in Chungui's room." , and also pay special attention to the diet and daily life of Chungui people. Logically speaking, nothing will happen.

"If you want to investigate the matter, you must find its source. I asked people to search the utensils in Chungui's room and found these things."

An Lingrong raised her face, and Baoping held a copper plate with a pair of red candles carved with silver and some burnt charcoal ashes on it.

The emperor took the pair of red candles and looked at them, wondering: "They are just ordinary red candles, what's wrong?"

An Lingrong shook her head slightly, reached out and broke one of them, and said, "Your Majesty, please take a closer look. Is there anything different about these candles?"

The emperor looked at the sun and said: "Although it is a red candle, there are some red particles mixed in it."

An Lingrong added: "Because Chungui is afraid of the cold, she still uses a charcoal basin. This is the red charcoal used in her pavilion to burn the charcoal ash. The color is gray and white, but if you look closely, you can see something strange."

An Lingrong fiddled with it gently with her armor, and saw that there was some silver substance on the charcoal ash, and some vermilion powder. It would be difficult to detect if you don't distinguish carefully.

As she said that, she raised her hand and motioned for Baoping to show it to everyone. Everyone was secretly surprised, but they really didn't know what it was.

An Lingrong looked at the queen, whose face gradually turned gloomy, and said loudly: "These are all things used in the palace of Chungui. Please ask the imperial doctor to take a look. What good things are in the candles and the charcoal?"

Dr. Jiang broke open the candle, twirled it with his fingers and smelled it carefully. Dr. Wen also looked through the contents of the charcoal, and almost said in unison: "Report to the emperor, everything in here is cinnabar."

Dr. Jiang Tai said: "Cinnabar will precipitate mercury when exposed to high heat. When exposed to heat, the mercury will turn into a colorless and odorless gas that spreads and is breathed in unknowingly. The vermilion powder left in the charcoal ash must be Some people mix a little cinnabar into the red charcoal, and it is not easy to detect it until it is burned out."

An Lingrong sneered: "Your Majesty, look at the red candle. It is decorated with silver flowers. Even if it burns out vermilion and silver powder, it will look like the melted candle tears and silver flowers. It will be difficult to detect at all."

Concubine Jing frowned slightly and said: "If you try so hard to harm Chun Gui, there is nothing you can do. This person is really vicious."

Seeing that things were about to exceed expectations, the queen directly pointed the finger at An Lingrong.

She patted the table and said, "If that's the case, then everyone in the Chungui Ren Pavilion should be feeling unwell. Why is it that only Chungui Ren is feeling unwell?"

Chun'er looked at the queen in fear. Considering the future of the fetus in her belly, she decided to help An Lingrong.

Her hand holding the silk trembled, and she said in a trembling voice: "The servants in the palace all come in shifts, and the concubines are among them, and they stay almost every day, so of course they suffer greatly."

The queen looked at the emperor with a bit of resentment and inexplicable emotions.

"These are just small ones. I have also heard from the imperial doctors in the past few days that the fetus pregnant by Chungui was seriously poisoned. Obviously, Chungui showed signs of taking cinnabar or mercury, but how could he eat that thing? There is something wrong with the diet.”

The maid in Chungui's small kitchen stood there. After hearing the queen's words, she stood up quickly and said tremblingly: "Returning to the queen, all the young master's food and drinks are freshly sent from the imperial kitchen, and are prepared by the slaves in the small kitchen. made.

"My servant and Concubine An are keeping an eye on it every day, and there is nothing stale that I can bring to you, Lord Chun, for you to eat."

The queen shook her head and said: "You are still young, so you don't know how powerful this is. The fish and shrimps that are delivered are all jumping happily, but the jumping and jumping are not far away from being cooked, so who cares what's wrong with it."

"Eharu, tell me."

Everyone saw the queen's behavior of taking the spotlight, but An Lingrong had not yet attacked the mastermind.

In addition, the queen is the head of the harem and the emperor's wife. Even if everyone has complaints in their hearts, they dare not speak nonsense on such an occasion.

Libi is a good example.

Eharu, who had also been investigated and thought that her hands and feet had not been discovered, walked up to the stage and said to everyone: "Originally, the Empress wanted a servant to go to the imperial kitchen to inquire about what the two nobles liked to eat when they were pregnant. Only then did they know. It turns out that both noble men like to eat fish and shrimp."

"The Queen's original intention was to ask the slaves to see what was wrong with these fish and shrimps. Unexpectedly, when they arrived at the imperial dining room, they found that the fish that were supplied to Chungui were all dead, so they were thrown out."

"This slave girl feels something strange. The chickens, ducks, fish and shrimps used by the noble people are all raised separately. How come the chickens and ducks are still alive and well, but the fish and shrimps died within a few days..."

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