Taking advantage of the grand funeral of the noble Fucha and the rest of the concubine ceremony in the harem, Jin Xi and An Lingrong listened to the eunuchs from various palaces reporting trivial matters.

Zhen Huan knelt for a long time and felt her knees were sore and numb. Seeing that the other concubines did not show any signs of entering the side hall to rest, she waved to Huanbi to bring some medicinal wine and follow her to the side hall.

Huanbi helped her out and whispered, "My master's knees are not good and he can't stand kneeling for such a long time."

While the two were talking, An Lingrong happened to help Jin Xi out. She was going to go to the side hall to change clothes. When she saw Zhen Huan, she said, "Are your knees unable to bear it? You go to the side hall to have a rest first, and I'll ask someone to bring the bowl." I’ll give you Bao Tian Tang and some medicinal wine.”

Zhen Huan waved her hands and said: "After giving birth to a child, I am not as good as before. Sister Lingrong, please be quiet. Don't let others take the blame and say that I don't respect gods and Buddhas."

Zhen Huan's words are not unreasonable. Recently, the emperor's temper has been moody due to the affairs of the previous dynasty. If others knew that Zhen Huan had a sore knee because she knelt in front of the Buddha, I don't know how much trouble there would be.

An Lingrong knew what she meant and sighed: "...that's all, the ministers of the previous dynasty did this, and the emperor was really sad after all."

Zhen Huan didn't say anything. She held An Lingrong's hand and was about to enter the side hall. Suddenly she heard a rustling whisper inside.

Seeing someone there, the two of them couldn't go in for a while. They turned around to leave, but they heard vaguely the third brother and Concubine Qi talking.

Concubine Qi advised in a gentle voice: "You have been tired for these few days. Drink some ginseng soup to cheer you up. I have prepared hot water and apply it on your face to help you feel refreshed."

The third brother seemed very impatient: "What are you doing with all this trouble? I have to go to the auditorium to guard it.

What does it look like when my eldest son is not here? "

Concubine Qi felt very distressed: "In this life, I have been stuck with the word eldest son. You are not a strong person, so what if you take a break?"

The third elder brother glanced at Concubine Qi, but finally said nothing.

After a moment, footsteps gradually approached, and then the door opened.

An Lingrong and Zhen Huan stood at the foot of the steps, pointing to the palace in the distance and seeming to be saying something.

When the third elder brother saw them, he looked filial and courteous, and said, "Concubine An, my concubine is good."

He seemed a little nervous, "Why are you two ladies here?"

An Lingrong smiled calmly and said: "I was telling Concubine Wan that the glazed tiles on the opposite side are very bright when viewed from here. It seems inappropriate during worship. They have to be covered with white cloth."

The third elder brother breathed a sigh of relief and carefully looked at the faces of the two people, "I'll do it right away."

He said that and left in a hurry.

There is drizzle outside the eaves, and the Forbidden City in March seems to be melting into the dark gray mist and rain, looking sad and desolate.

An Lingrong returned to the palace, where Baojuan and Baoping were distributing the Tremella lotus seed soup they drank during the afternoon break.

The people from other palaces who came to help with chores seemed to have predicted that following the people around An Lingrong would lead to glory and splendor in the future, and they were particularly flattering, like stars holding the moon.

Unfortunately, An Lingrong hadn't rested for long before Su Peisheng called her over.

On the way, she also learned why the emperor was angry.

Therefore, An Lingrong felt a little nervous, so she quickly ordered the sedan and chariot to follow Su Peisheng.

It was extremely quiet in the Yangxin Palace. The maids and eunuchs were all waiting outside. They all stood silently with their hands lowered, for fear that the emperor's thunderous wrath would involve them.

An Lingrong helped Su Peisheng's men get out of the sedan chair, signaling Baojuan and Baoping to wait at the foot of the steps.

She had just stepped onto the white marble steps when she heard the emperor's angry voice: "My difficulties? How can you understand? They are all heartless things and only talk about benevolence, justice and morality. Get out!" An Lingrong was waiting outside the palace. , I saw the two old ministers looking at each other in confusion and retreating in embarrassment. When they saw An Lingrong, they bowed and said, "Happy Concubine An."

An Lingrong nodded slightly, not caring that their attitude towards her was not very respectful.

She looked at the backs of the two of them and smiled meaningfully. Respect and respect were not there for a moment.

She slowly walked into the hall. It was afternoon, and the warm wind was blocked by the closed window sash. The sunlight also turned into a thin shadow reflected on the window, misty and helpless.

The emperor lay on the cold chair with his head raised, looking tired.

An Lingrong smiled and said: "It would be better for the emperor to lie on his back like this. People never look at the road under their feet, but rarely look at what is above their heads.

Even though the dark clouds were covering the sky, I was still on my way in a hurry. "

There was a hint of weariness in the emperor's voice: "You are here. You have heard me lose my temper, are you afraid of others?"

An Lingrong walked closer to him: "The emperor's wrath will make the whole world tremble, so of course I will be afraid.

Not only the concubine, but the two adults just walked out, trembling as if they were struck by lightning.

The concubine thought that they were really afraid, and only if they were afraid, everyone in the court would respect the emperor and no longer regard him as the young monarch he once was. "

The emperor breathed a sigh of relief and put his hand on his forehead: "Rong'er, I have aged a lot in these years."

An Lingrong hugged the emperor from behind and said with deep emotion: "If anything, I have never seen the emperor so furious."

She took the peppermint oil from the small enamel bowl on the table, rubbed some of it on her fingertips, and gently rubbed the emperor's forehead.

"The emperor just loses his temper with outsiders, but don't get really angry and hurt your liver or body.

According to my concubine, the emperor did something happy today. "

The emperor closed his eyes and pondered: "Why am I so happy?"

An Lingrong pursed her lips and smiled: "In these days, outsiders have seen that the emperor is very angry.

But the people the emperor punished were either elders of the two dynasties, old ministers of the late emperor, or concubines and their mother's family.

For those who are too big to get rid of, and who relied on their elders to hinder the emperor in the previous dynasty, taking this opportunity to get rid of them is justifiable, and it is a deeply affectionate move by the emperor, which will never cause criticism. "

A calm smile appeared on the corner of the emperor's mouth, he reached out to hold her hand and said with a smile: "Rong'er, why are you so smart?"

An Lingrong stretched out her slender fingers and held them firmly with the emperor: "It's not that I'm smart, it's that I'm of the same mind as the emperor."

The emperor pressed his cheek tightly against the back of her silky hand and sighed: "I like when you say this word, Yi Xin."

An Lingrong smiled gently and said lightly: "I don't understand the ministers and concubines in the imperial court.

The concubine only knows that only the emperor and his ministers who have been promoted by their own hands will be truly grateful and have no second thoughts. "

The emperor smiled knowingly: "I'm not afraid that they have second thoughts, and they don't dare! Just don't always think that you have something you can rely on and call yourself a hero.

I like smart and obedient ministers. Those who like to point fingers can retreat and rest. "

An Lingrong's heart moved, and she wanted to say something, but after all she felt it was inappropriate, so she had to change her tone and said unintentionally: "The emperor is right."

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