The queen looked at the beaming concubine and listened to the congratulatory voices of the concubines, and felt her head start to hurt again.

It would be better to give Concubine An a promotion, so that she can instigate others and let Concubine Hua's faction take the initiative, so that she can fight with the snipe and the clam, and the fisherman will benefit.

As a discerning queen, she could immediately see the secret behind Jin Jingbin's status.

This concubine Jing is the head of the first palace, and the old man in the palace is also the person in charge of concubine Hui.

For the emperor to call all the concubines in her Jingren Palace with such great fanfare to talk about promotions was undoubtedly a warning to the concubines who had ulterior motives.

Because once everyone wants to touch Concubine Hui's future pregnancy or murder the princess, they have to think about how to suppress Concubine Jing.

Otherwise, by hiding the concubine Jing's secret and bypassing the first palace chief to successfully murder Hui Bin, wouldn't it be a slap in the face of the other party and leaving the majesty of the first palace chief nowhere to be found?

As for whether stupid people can think of this, it is not something that the queen sitting high on the Diaoyutai has to consider.

He adjusted his expression.According to the rules of her ancestors, the queen raised a smile and first praised the virtuous concubine, which the emperor would never forget.

Then with a straight face, he told him to manage the trivial matters of the first palace, never to criticize the servants harshly, and to take more care of Hui concubine.

Then he asked the concubines to learn more from Jing Fei and other concubines, so that she could also enjoy happiness and see the emperor's children and grandchildren in his house.

The Queen's long-winded words made Concubine Hua roll her eyes unconsciously. She was about to snort and curse in a low voice.

When the emperor suddenly mentioned Concubine Cao, Concubine Hua immediately sat up straight and looked sideways at Cao Qinmo sitting next to her.

Cao Qinmo, who was sitting in her seat, thinking about whether to finish it and go to talk to An Lingrong, suddenly heard the emperor mention her name, and quickly stood up and saluted the emperor, as if listening to the emperor's teachings.

"Hu Meizi, it's best not to let me hear that you are about to be promoted."

Concubine Hua reminded Cao Qinmo, who was half-kneeling there, in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

Although it is best to maintain four concubines in the harem, this is not a mandatory rule. The late emperor had many concubines, even noble concubines, and imperial concubines.

Therefore, after Concubine Hua heard that the emperor had first conferred the title of concubine Jing, she subconsciously thought that Cao Qinmo was a low-class person who could not keep the emperor's things for the night, so she secretly charmed the emperor behind her back and secretly asked the emperor to promote her. position.

This concubine Li had only been dead for a long time, but this bitch Cao Qinmo couldn't sit still anymore.

Concubine Hua's eyes were on fire and her expression was twisted, which made An Lingrong and Meizhuang, who were watching the melon eating, look at each other and smile tacitly.

Meizhuang could deduce from the way the emperor sat in his seat and looked at Lingrong from time to time that the promotion of these people had something to do with being a good sister who was favored by Jiaofang and favored by Tangquan.

As she expected, the next second, the emperor said: "Cao Concubine is also an old man who has followed me since the palace, and she came out of Concubine Hua's room. I thought that when Hui Concubine gave birth, Cao Concubine also had achievement."

Halfway through the words, the emperor also paused.

Now, not only the concubines who were eating melons were anxious, but Cao Qinmo who was kneeling there was also anxious.

At this moment, she wished that the emperor would make her a concubine, so that she could have the confidence to fight with Concubine Hua and Concubine An to see who was more powerful.

She doesn't want this kind of life of relying on others and struggling to survive for a moment!

"I give you the title Xiang, which means to assist and assist."

Everyone relaxed when they heard that Cao Qinmo had not been promoted by the emperor, but only given a title.Immediately, the expressions of the Queen and Concubine Hua became a little better, and they no longer stared at Cao Qinmo who was half kneeling on the ground.

Cao Qinmo, who was half-kneeling on the ground with her head lowered, looked disappointed. She had overthought it. The emperor would not grant her the title of concubine for Wen Yi's sake.

But she quickly adjusted her expression, raised her head, and said: "Concubine, I thanked the emperor. I will definitely live up to the emperor's expectations."

In An Lingrong's eyes, the title "Xiang" actually means "midwifery".

The implication is that the emperor hopes that Cao Qinmo can help other concubines in the harem to successfully give birth to the emperor's heirs and carry on the emperor's family line.

It's just that the emperor didn't want to speak so directly, so he paused and thought about the words, and finally changed the meaning to refer to "assistant" and "auxiliary".

The title was given to the concubines in the hope that Cao Qinmo could become his right-hand man, share his worries and problems, and jointly govern the country.

An Lingrong nodded. With her intervention, the fate of Cao Qinmo and others had shifted.

But this is fine, to prevent Concubine Hua from focusing on her these days, and to allow Concubine Xiang to experience the jealousy coming from the head position of Yikun Palace.

It was worthy of me that I had promoted her and allowed her to enjoy a title in advance without being ordered to die by the emperor and the queen mother behind her back.

An Lingrong thought in her heart, she was indeed a good person worthy of her name.

The matter between Concubine Xiang and Concubine Jing came to an end, and the emperor gave Meizhuang's daughter, the princess of the Qing Dynasty, a nice name.

"Hui Bin, what do you think of the name Hehui?"

Fat Orange talked about her and Meizhuang's children with a smile on her face, which made the queen who had a prince but failed to raise her feel heartbroken.

Hehui is a nice name.

Meizhuang, who had Keiko as his title, stood up and said softly that he liked it.

It made Fat Orange laugh, and then decided on this name.

The concubines who were stunned by the successive events began to congratulate Meizhuang again. The most sincere among them were An Lingrong and Concubine Jing, followed by Xin Guiren and other concubines with better relationships.

As for Zhen Huan, she couldn't cheer up, but she still pulled out a few decent auspicious words from her stomach, praising Sister Mei's love for the emperor, and saying that when the princess grows up, she will be as lovely as Mei Zhuang.

Concubine Hua also looked at Princess He Hui's face and complimented her a few words. She told the emperor early that she was not in good health and left first.

The emperor, who announced everything in one breath, let Concubine Hua leave first without thinking too much.

Concubine Hua, who walked out of the palace, finally figured out that today, every woman in the harem was the reincarnation of a fox, seeking benefits from the emperor behind her back.

But she alone had nothing, not even children.

Thinking of the children she once had, Concubine Hua angrily took Songzhi and others to Concubine Duan's palace to make a fuss, and did not leave until it was almost dark.

The concubines in the Queen's Palace chatted for a while, teased Chun Chang Zai who was losing weight day by day, and soon dispersed.

Meizhuang chatted with Zhen Huan and Lingrong at the door for a while. When he saw Zhen Huan gone far away, he raised his face, causing An Lingrong to say: "Why, after Sister Wan left, why did Sister Mei's face look so bad? ?" (End of this chapter)

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