Huichun handed the civet cat to Concubine Qi, and everyone felt greedy after seeing it.

Their status is not high, and they need a lot of expenses just to support themselves and the people in the palace. How can they afford to raise the little ancestral cat who eats meat and drinks milk every day.

Concubine Jing said: "I remember that Concubine Qi also raised a cat named Mo Si in her early years. She was very well raised, but later it disappeared for some reason."

After saying that, he touched the queen's cat and said in surprise: "Why is this cat so restless today? It seems to be very impatient."

An Lingrong smiled. The rouge that Xiangfang gave to the noble Fucha also contained something that made Songzi crazy. It would be strange if he was not impatient.


She pinched the special perfume powder in the armor cover, glanced at Concubine Hua and Zhen Huan who were admiring the flowers, and said nothing.

Concubine Qi, who knew cats well, reached out and stroked Songzi's twisted back and said with a smile: "Maybe you don't like the sachet on my body. The Queen's Palace has never liked burning spices, so it is reasonable for Songzi to follow the master."

After saying that, she felt embarrassed and replied: "I also liked him very much. Later, when the third elder brother was born, the imperial doctor told him not to keep him in old age, so he let him go."

Zhen Huan smiled and joked: "Other people keep cats and dogs, but Sister Jingfei likes to raise some unique ones. The last time I went to Sister Jingfei's, I was shocked when I walked in. Sister Jingfei's big crystal There is actually a big turtle in the tank."

Concubine Jing said with a smile: "I just like that thing to be quiet and easy to raise. I don't care what I feed it. I can't bother to raise it, and I can't raise it even if it has clumsy hands and feet."

Zhen Huan said: "If sister Jingfei says that she is clumsy, then I don't know what to say about myself. Sister Jingfei said that she is so unbearable. I am ten times more clumsy than sister. I think she is even worse." ”

Everyone was talking lively and couldn't help laughing when they heard the words.

Concubine Hua was looking at those peonies with interest. When she heard what was said here, she hummed softly at Zhen Huan, rolled her eyes beautifully and said: "Young lady knows how to curry favor with high-ranking concubines, why don't you remember the good qualities of your own sisters?" Well, can't Concubine Hui and Concubine An fall in your eyes?"

"It's too attentive to keep calling my concubine like this."

Concubine Hua smiled, glanced sideways at Concubine Jing and said, "It's not like I won't be able to scream anymore. Why are you so anxious?"

As she spoke, she covered her mouth and smiled.

Zhen Huan was about to retort, but An Lingrong held her wrist and blocked her in front.

"What Concubine Hua said is wrong. Your Majesty Wan just said that the tortoises raised by Concubine Jing are different from others. How come you are condemning Your Majesty Wan on behalf of your concubines and concubines?"

"Could it be that the empress feels that there is no true sisterly love in the harem?"

Zhen Huan, who was pinching her wrist by An Lingrong, smelled a special fragrance. Then, her chest felt tight, and her vision went black. Venus was spinning around, and she had to take a breath to rest.

Concubine Hua glanced at An Lingrong and said with a smile: "How dare you joke with Sister An? I am a hero who has contributed greatly to the fight against the epidemic and the epidemic."

Hearing this, Concubine Jing turned her face and said nothing. The other concubines also stopped laughing and looked at An Lingrong and Concubine Hua who were fighting together, feeling embarrassed.

Seeing that the place had cooled down, the queen folded a pink peony and said with a smile: "Concubine Hua, you are too serious. It doesn't matter who cured the epidemic with the prescription, as long as the emperor believes that you are all meritorious." People are enough, don’t you think?”

Concubine Hua's face hardened, she raised her head and said, "If it is, it is, if it is not, it is not. Those who are blessed are naturally not afraid of outsiders gossiping, but I am afraid that some unlucky ones will come from behind to win favor."

The queen was not angry, she just smiled and said to An Lingrong: "Today the Queen Mother has given you a lot of things, Concubine An. Don't forget to pick one or two when you go back."

Immediately afterwards, the queen said to Concubine Hua: "Concubine An is not blessed. She is the sister who entered the palace later. Now she is not only a concubine, but also helping my sister to handle the affairs of the Sixth Palace. If my sister has help, then it is my sister." I am even more blessed, and I am very happy and at ease.”

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone praised the Queen for her profound blessings.

Concubine Hua did not answer, only smiled coldly, stared at the pink peony in the queen's hand and said: "This peony blooms quite well, but the pink color is a secondary color after all. It is not worthy of elegance, and it is worse than peony. Although It’s not Kao but it’s bright and dazzling, that’s how generous it is.”

As soon as Concubine Hua said this, everyone's heart skipped a beat, but it was hard to say anything.

At this time, Concubine Hua had a blooming red peony on her temples, which made her face even more beautiful and charming.

Everyone knows that pink is used by concubines, and red and bright red are used by the royal family.

At this moment, Concubine Hua used red flowers, but the queen held pink flowers.

There was a reversal of superiority and inferiority, and there was silence for a while. No one dared to speak freely anymore.

The queen took a flower in her hand and threw it away. It was a big embarrassment, but Concubine Hua was very proud of it.

Zhen Huan, who had been ridiculed by Concubine Hua before, said calmly: "I once learned a poem by Liu Yuxi when I was young. Now I want to read it at the right time and show my shame in front of the queen and all my sisters."

The queen was embarrassed, and when she saw Zhen Huan coming to the rescue, she said casually: "Read it."

Zhen Huanman said in a loud voice: "The peonies in front of the court have no character, the hibiscus on the pond is pure and emotionless, only the peonies are the true national beauty, and they move the capital when they bloom."

Taking advantage of Zhen Huan's recitation of poems, An Lingrong glanced at Concubine Hua's position and pretended to appreciate the flowers, but in fact she pressed the newly planted tree in the direction of Concubine Hua.

Coincidentally, the wind picked up here, and the trees and flowers made rustling sounds, which offset An Lingrong's small movements.

Meizhuang, who was standing next to An Lingrong and had not spoken much, happened to see this scene.

Although Meizhuang didn't understand the reason for An Lingrong to do this, seeing that An Lingrong was struggling, she also took a tentative step forward and helped An Lingrong push the row of saplings slightly to the right.

After finishing the arrangement, An Lingrong looked at the branches near Concubine Hua and had reached her side. She smiled slightly, picked a flower casually, and walked to Zhen Huan's side.

Meizhuang whispered: "Lingrong, what does this mean?"

An Lingrong smiled and said: "Sister Mei, don't worry, you will know later."

Before Zhen Huan finished reading the poem, the queen smiled with relief and pinned the peony on her lapel.

"What a peony, a true national beauty! Respect and inferiority are inherent in the human heart. No matter how red the peony flower is, it will never be as beautiful as the peony. It is not as fragrant as the national beauty of the peony."

Seeing the anger on Concubine Hua's face, the Queen smiled and said: "Today is supposed to be a flower appreciation, why does Concubine Hua's sister seem unhappy? Don't let your worries ruin your interest."

"Your Majesty, you have read so many poems and books. If you have time to come to Yikun Palace, I will ask you for advice."

Concubine Hua is now one of the protagonists of this flower viewing banquet. If she leaves like this, it will be too embarrassing for An Lingrong and other foxy ladies.

Therefore, Concubine Hua did not leave, but stood there admiring the flowers and stopped talking.

Seeing that Concubine Hua stopped talking, the queen nodded with satisfaction and led everyone to continue to watch the last flowers blooming in the yard.As time went by, the rouge on the noble Fucha's face faded a little, under Chun'er's eager attack.

She finally gave the box of medicated rouge to An Lingrong, who liked to use incense, and Chun'er, who begged for rouge.

Zhen Huan leaned close to An Lingrong and Chun'er. She smelled the smell of rouge and felt a little nauseous.

So he ran to Cao Guiren's side and stood there, but there was still a certain distance from where Concubine Hua stood.

As the noble Fucha touched up his makeup and used up the box of rouge, the queen brought up the matter of the heir again, her mature eyes always looking at the other's belly.

Because of the epidemic, the festival, and the canonization of An Lingrong.

The queen never had the chance to abort Fucha's fetus. Seeing that the fetus was about to stabilize, she had no chance, so she could only place her hope on the midwife and wet nurse of noble Fucha during the delivery.

But the rich lady and the other concubines didn't understand the Queen's cruelty. When they heard that the Queen liked the fetus in her belly, they all looked happy.

Zhen Huan, who was full of anger, intentionally or unintentionally pointed her finger at the childless Concubine Hua.

This made Concubine Hua suppress her anger and no longer wanted to enjoy flowers with these bitches.

She took two steps toward the flower bed in disgust, making sure she was far away from Zhen Huan, then gave a perfunctory salute to the queen and turned to leave.

Unexpectedly, she walked too fast, and as soon as she turned around, a string of small beads coiled on the flower on her head hooked on the flower branch and scattered with a splash.

Dongzhu fell all over the ground like heavy rain, which made all the concubines surprised.

The pearls worn on Concubine Hua's head are as big as a thumb, perfectly round and uniform, and there is almost no difference in size. They are very precious.

Hearing the noise, Concubine Hua turned sideways again, turned her head and looked up at the ground, but was startled by Cao Qinmo behind her and couldn't stand still.

Concubine Hua was unsteady on her feet. Her feet slipped and she stepped on the scattered pearls. She slid straight out and immediately let out an indescribable soprano.

Not only that, her head happened to hit the branch, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

An Lingrong shouted repeatedly: "Why don't you help Concubine Hua, Songzhi!"

Several palace servants hurriedly helped Concubine Hua, but they did not expect that Dongzhu was polished to be smooth and flawless. It happened that there had just been an autumn rain on the ground.
As soon as Concubine Hua was lifted up, who was covering her head in pain, several palace maids with weak legs knocked down several people. There were constant cries and shouts in the courtyard, making it a mess.

The maids of the inner prison were holding one hand and another, not knowing what to do.

Concubine Qi saw the chaos in the scene and unconsciously hugged Songzi tightly, making Songzi, who could smell several rouge aromas, go crazy.

An Lingrong noticed this, and waved her hand to Noble Fucha, who was holding his stomach, and said: "Noble Fucha, come here quickly, be careful of the child in your belly."

The ignorant nobleman Fucha walked over cautiously, and the worried concubine breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the emperor was safe.

As the noble Fucha approached the queen, the strong fragrance stung the queen, stroking her heart and saying, "Amitabha! Fortunately, the noble Fucha is fine."

Before she finished speaking, Concubine Qi suddenly screamed and took back her hand in pain.

The pine nuts in his hand screamed and flew out. Before everyone could figure out what was going on, they saw the pine nuts flying straight in the direction of the noble Fucha.

Zhen Huan only knew that something was wrong. She managed to get away from Concubine Hua and avoid Dong Zhu on the ground. Suddenly, in a panic, she was pushed hard by someone's hand behind her.

Zhen Huan felt like she was swooping down hard, straight into the belly of the noble Fucha, and in front of the ferocious-looking Songzi who was flying over.

Before she had time to think about it, Zhen Huan leaned over and landed heavily on the ground. Soon her body rolled onto her arm.

Then, there was a meow, and her cheek seemed to have been scratched by something sharp, causing burning pain.

Zhen Huan was so painful that she almost shed tears, so she had to grit her teeth to hold back. At the same time, screams filled her ears.

An Lingrong took the opportunity to pick up the stone, while the smell of rouge was still on her hands. When Songzi came over, she hit Songzi on the head with all her strength.


Even more miserable sounds surrounded everyone's ears. Some of the concubines who wanted to help the noble man turned around and saw An Lingrong hitting the head of Crazy Songzi with a stone regardless of the danger.

The Queen, who loves cats and loves abortions even more, saw Songzi being smashed on the head by An Lingrong and her bloody appearance, so she subconsciously shouted: "Songzi!?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she knew that what she said at this time could easily be misunderstood, so she decisively turned her head away from Song Zi, trying her best not to let a smile appear on her face.

The queen said anxiously: "Hurry up and take the noble Fu Cha into the bedroom and call the imperial doctor!!"

At the Queen's command, someone hurriedly ran out to ask for the imperial doctor.A group of people gathered around her to greet her, but almost no one came to ask if Zhen Huan was injured.

She struggled to get up, but her arm hurt as if it was broken, and she couldn't get up.Mei Zhuang and Chun'er hurried over and carefully helped him up and sat down.

Meizhuang was sad, looked carefully and whispered: "It looks like the one who was caught by Songzi just now. Fortunately, the injury is not deep, so it shouldn't be a big deal. Alas, what if you are injured even a little bit?"

The queen became angry, and while settling down the wealthy nobles, she ordered the concubines to stop making any noise.

When he turned around, he saw Zhen Huan sitting sideways, and Concubine Hua also looked like she had a headache. She hurriedly called out: "My dear, you are not in good condition either. You and Concubine Hua are helping you into the side hall to rest, and ask the imperial doctor to come in and take a look."

While everyone was busy with the three concubines, An Lingrong took out the powder from her sleeves to cover up the smell of incense powder and rouge, and sprinkled it on the ground.

Not only that, she expressionlessly stuffed a small pill into the mouth of Songzi, who was about to die and struggled to get up, which made the animal feel excited.

After doing all this, she stood up and said to Baojuan, Baoping and Jinxi who had arrived late: "Go and invite the emperor and the queen mother. After a while, she will find someone to put the pine nuts in a white cloth and hand them over to the scissors." Qiu, let’s see if we can find an imperial doctor to treat her and feed her.”

"Remember, be sure to sprinkle some fruit and vegetable water into the white cloth to let the pine nuts be tainted with the smell of the queen's palace, and guide the autumn cut to be wrapped in white cloth. Don't say it deliberately."

"Also, straighten those crooked branches so that they don't look artificial."

"Mother, we understand."

After doing all this, An Lingrong forced herself to retch a few times. After making sure that her eyes were full of tears and her face was pale, she slowly walked into the room.

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