The eldest lady just wants to be a crazy beauty

Chapter 47 It’s really your brother

Chapter 47 It’s really your brother
The night fades, and the morning light shines.

Just after dawn, someone knocked on the door of Gao's house.

First there was a gentle thump, but no one responded, then a louder thump, and finally it turned into a bang, bang, bang, bang on the door.

After several knocks on the door, they finally reached Qin Ruizhi's ears.

Qin Ruizhi stayed up all night, guarding Xiaonian in the side hall.The little girl who was happily preparing to get married suddenly disappeared.

On the other side, Qiu Gu was removing Zheng Pin's arrows and treating his injuries. She removed the arrows and applied medicine to him. She was still unconscious and guarding him.

Qin Ruizhi wanted to ignore the knock on the door, but the knock was louder than the previous one, and she didn't want to bother her elders, so she had to drag her tired body to open the door.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw the person who knocked on the door was wearing coarse linen clothes and a hemp rope belt around his waist. His hair was messy, with a few strands of hair falling from his head. He had a sly smile on his face. The sneaky man was about to go inside. break.

Qin Ruizhi's arm was injured and she could only hold half of her body against the door, "Who are you?"

The man suddenly froze and looked up at Qin Ruizhi, "Is it Ruizhi? We haven't seen each other for a few years. The little girl has grown into a big girl. She looks so much like her mother."

Qin Ruizhi was confused and asked again: "Who are you?"

Qin Qingyue stroked the weakness on his face and stepped forward, "I am your brother."

"Where is my brother..." As soon as she said these words, Qin Ruizhi realized that she was sure she had a brother, but that brother should be in Kyoto and would definitely not be in Puzhou.

That brother came to Puzhou about ten years ago and lived here for more than a month. He once tried to persuade Gao Zhiying to return to Beijing with him, but after a long time he couldn't stand it and gave up. He has never been to Puzhou since.

Why did you come to Puzhou suddenly?
Qin Ruizhi didn't have a deep impression of him, and she hadn't seen him for more than ten years, so she couldn't recognize him, so she asked tentatively: "Since you have come to Puzhou, have you received the letter I sent you?"

"Letter?" Qin Qingyue guessed that it was most likely that his sister brought him a letter when his uncle was transferred to Kyoto. However, he left Kyoto in a hurry and did not receive the letter. He didn't want to expose any flaws, so he nodded and said, "I got it." , so, am I not coming to Puzhou now?”

Qin Ruizhi just wanted to ask Qin Qingyue to help investigate the matter of Guanglitong, but did not ask him to Kyoto, so she became suspicious of Qin Qingyue's words, "Then what I asked you in the letter, have you investigated it?"

"..." This time, Qin Qingyue was stunned. He hadn't received the letter, and naturally he didn't know what he wanted to check in the letter. He hesitated and couldn't explain, so he had to change the subject, "Sister, let me in first. I came all the way to Puzhou to see you, how could you bear to let me stand outside alone?"

Qin Ruizhi didn't know Qin Qingyue, and she had learned from the previous night's assassination, so she had to be cautious. She opened her lips lightly and refused Qin Qingyue's idea of ​​coming in. "I don't know you, I don't welcome you, and I won't let you in. Please You leave, or I’ll be rude to you.”

"Hey... why is your sister so stubborn and unable to get in the food and salt?"

Qin Qing lost his temper and hit the door with all his strength, hitting Qin Ruizhi's upper arm. He took a few steps back and felt pain in his mouth.

"What's wrong with you? Did I hurt you?"

Seeing this, Qin Qingyue hurriedly walked over to help Qin Ruizhi. As soon as he got closer, Qin Ruizhi grabbed his arm and asked, "Who are you? What's your purpose of coming to my house?"

"I am your brother, really your brother, my name is Qin Qingyue." Qin Qingyue's hands were locked from behind, and he bowed his waist and shouted quickly: "Sister, when I came here ten years ago, you were still too young. , it’s normal if you don’t know me. But you can’t doubt that your brother is not your brother. If you still don’t believe it, call your mother out, and he and Aunt Qiu will definitely recognize me.”

"Be honest with me."

Qin Ruizhi clasped Qin Qingyue's shoulders and went to the side hall to find Aunt Qiu for identification.

As soon as he entered the side hall, Qin Qingyue saw Zheng Pin lying on a simple bed made of door panels. He had already taken out the arrow, but he was not awake yet.Beside him was Aunt Qiu, who was resting with her chin in her hands.

Qin Qingyue immediately shouted, "Aunt Qiu, please help me quickly. My sister can't recognize her and will break my hand."

Aunt Qiu opened her eyes blankly, thinking she was dreaming. In her dream, she heard the young master calling her aunt.

I haven't seen him for ten years, right?

Maybe we will never see you again in this life.

A feeling of sadness filled her heart. Aunt Qiu shook her head mockingly, closed her eyes and continued to rest.

A sudden smile appeared on Qin Qingyue's face, and he shouted a few more words, "Auntie, please save me quickly. If you don't save me, my arm will be useless."

This doesn't seem to be a dream.

Aunt Qiu suddenly raised her head, looked around, and actually saw Qin Qingyue, appearing in front of him as if he had fallen from the sky.

It's him, it's really him, this is not a dream.

"Qingyue! Is it really you?" Aunt Qiu was overjoyed and hurriedly walked over, "Why are you here? Are you the only one here? Why did Hao Duanduan suddenly come to Puzhou?"

"Auntie, you asked me so many questions at once and asked me how to answer. My sister doesn't seem to recognize me anymore and is very defensive of me. You'd better tell her first and ask her to let me go quickly. My arm was twisted It hurts so much."

Qin Qingyue pitifully asked for help.

"Ruizhi, this is your brother." Aunt Qiu smiled, went to help Qin Qingyue, and explained at the same time: "The last time your brother came, you were still young, and I haven't seen him for so many years. I'm afraid you already recognize him. Incredible."

"Really brother?" Qin Ruizhi asked.

Aunt Qiu nodded and said with a smile: "It's really your brother, let him go."

Qin Ruizhi then let Qin Qingyue go, "I see that he is sneaky, and he can't tell the purpose of coming to Puzhou. Something happened in the house last night, and I was just in case. Be careful when sailing."

"You should be more cautious." Thinking of what happened last night, Aunt Qiu's face darkened, "Qingyue, why did you suddenly come to Puzhou? Did something happen to your father?"

Qin Qingyue hesitated, "My father is fine, everything is fine. The husband and wife respect each other as guests, the father is kind and the son is filial, and they are living happily. How are they doing well? I just...just..."

"What's going on?" Aunt Qiu said anxiously, "You kid is so hesitant when talking, it's really annoying."

"Oops..." Qin Qingyue looked disapproving and found a chair to sit on. "It's not that big of a deal. I just lost money in gambling and couldn't pay it back, so I came out to hide."

He is actually a gambler. No wonder he has a sneaky and unseemly aura all over his body.

Qin Ruizhi curled her lips, a little disgusted with this brother.

In the memory of the original owner, the elder brother who came to Puzhou ten years ago was still full of poems and books, and he only thought about making achievements and becoming a great minister.

(End of this chapter)

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