Love is like sugar and marriage is like water

Chapter 109 Mother’s love is like Buddha

After the lawyer left the prison, Yu Chisheng thought a lot, but he didn't feel much regret.

"I killed someone and was sentenced to death... People outside must be talking about me... I was impulsive. I'm sorry for Murong Lian. She is my benefactor after all, but I love and hate her at the same time."

He thought to himself.

"Now, I have become a prisoner and have nothing to miss."

So, he drifted off to sleep.

At dinner time, the prison guard woke Yu Chisheng up to eat.

"What are some people talking about to me outside?" Yuchi Sheng asked casually.

"I'm sorry, I can't reveal the information. This is our discipline."

Seeing that he didn't say anything and had no intention of leaving, Yuchi Sheng knew his intention and decided to tease him.

"Just wait," he thought, "I'll make you betray yourself."

Seeing that Yu Chisheng didn't bribe him after dinner, the guard decided to tease him and reveal some news:

"However, I still tell you that Murong Lian is not dead... although this is not allowed."

"What did you say, you're not dead? Say it again!" Yu Chisheng yelled like a madman.

Seeing that he had taken the bait, the guard continued: "I shouldn't have disclosed this information, but I still said it... What's your name? Don't be ungrateful... I told you at the risk."

Yuchi Sheng asked again and again questioningly: "Are you sure Murong Lian is not dead?"

The guard was frightened by Yu Chisheng's appearance... Seeing his bearish appearance, Yu Chisheng guessed that he did not dare to lie.

"She's not dead, she's really not dead!" Yuchi Sheng fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face, and kept chanting, "She's still alive, she's still alive."

"Yes, listen to me..."

The guard then told Yu Chisheng about Murong Lian's situation, but did not mention anything about Murong Lian's client coming to deliver the money.

Later, Yu Chisheng was placed in a single room. There were six people living in the original cell, but now it was much quieter with only one person, and almost no one disturbed him.

He did not put all his energy into dealing with the interrogation by the police and lawyers, but allocated part of it to missing Murong Lian.

"Thank God I didn't kill her... If she was really dead, I would kill myself."

However, within a few days, he changed his mind: "I can't die now... I must see her before I die..."

The next day, Yu Chisheng heard footsteps coming from the corridor and couldn't help but wonder: "It's not visiting time at this time, who could be coming?"

Suddenly the door opened, and an old man on crutches staggered in.

When Yu Chisheng took a look, it turned out to be his white-haired old mother who was nearly seventy years old. Her originally straight back was also slightly stooped and no longer as straight as before.

"Son, how could you do such a thing?"

When Yuchi Sheng saw his mother was out of breath while talking, he comforted her and said:

"Mom, don't be sad! But now... I can only repay you in the next life... I'm sorry for your kindness in raising me. You must take good care of your body..."

The mother rested for a moment and continued:

"I just learned about you the day before yesterday..."

She took a breath and continued:

"When I heard about you, I realized that you had gotten into a big trouble! You haven't come home to visit me for several years. You just kept sending some money..."

As he spoke, the old man couldn't help but shed tears and continued:

"I have been saving this money for you to marry a wife in the future. It seems that it is no longer needed now... Well, I brought you tens of thousands of yuan today. I know you are here, and you will definitely come in handy."

"Mom, I don't need it, I really don't need it... Take it back quickly... Don't be reluctant to eat and wear... I am very happy to see you..." Yuchi Sheng shed tears and broke down in tears.

His mother is very old, can't speak more than two sentences without getting out of breath, and her organization is no longer clear.

In desperation, he had no choice but to wave to Yu Chisheng through the glass.

This scene made Yu Chisheng feel extremely uncomfortable, as if he was being stabbed severely by a cold steel needle, and the sadness in him was raging like a violent storm.

Everything seemed so miserable to him, and he couldn't find any solace.

As soon as the meeting time came, his mother left...

This meeting plunged Yu Chisheng into grief.

This was the most uncomfortable moment for him since he was imprisoned.

He seemed to see the ferocious-faced God of Death charging towards him fiercely... The previous heroic ambition and impassionedness disappeared in an instant.

He couldn't help but think: "Mother's love is like Buddha... But I am a sinner. People with white hair give gifts to people with black hair... I have not fulfilled my filial piety!"

At this time, death became frightening in his eyes, not as easy as he had previously thought.

That night, Yu Chisheng thought about it over and over again. He felt extremely guilty and ashamed of his mother... and tortured him so much that he couldn't sleep well all night.

The next day. In order not to let his calm mood be disturbed again, he wanted to ask the guards not to allow anyone to visit. But then he thought of Sun Zhuan again.

He missed Sun Zhuan more and more, so much so that he paced the room anxiously every day.

"Will he come to see me?"

Just as he was thinking about it, Sun Zhuan really came.

When Sun Zhuan saw Yu Chisheng and thought of his immediate execution, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

However, Sun Zhuan still did not give up hope. The purpose of his visit this time was to tell Yu Chisheng that he would do his best to reduce his guilt.

Hearing these words, Yu Chisheng was deeply touched.

"Back then, I should have listened to your advice, but now it's too late to say anything... Alas, there is no regret in the world... Fate really plays tricks on people. The blame is that I shouldn't have fallen in love with Murong Lian..."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

However, Sun Zhuan told Yu Chisheng an explosive news.

“Executive deputy district chief Liang Lu was ‘double fired’, and his illegal behavior has been handed over to the judicial authorities for processing... Later I heard that he had been executed.”

"Ah..." Yu Chisheng was obviously surprised when he heard the news.

"Yeah, the irony is that when Liang Lu was taken away that day, he was presiding over a conference. When he was on the stage, he was giving a special lecture on clean government..."

"I also look down on officials like him. He deserves it..."

"Yes... I read in the notice that Liang Lu pursued private interests, wanted to be an official, and wanted to get rich. The amount of corruption and bribery was extremely huge... he acted arrogantly and abused his power... He turned public power into a tool for private gain. It totally goes against the purpose of serving the people.”

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