Love is like sugar and marriage is like water

Chapter 123 Taking the initiative to show love

Yuchi Sheng was planning to leave Ouyang Shan for a while, but he was reluctant to give up his love for Ouyang Shan, so he thought:

"I, a little secretary, am actually worried about Leader Ouyang's future. Isn't it funny?"

"Leader Ouyang is now a leading cadre at the department level, and I am just an ordinary clerk. I even refuse the good thing that his daughter comes to my door automatically. What is this if not what a fool would think?"

"In this society where most people are selfish, some people will do whatever it takes to get their own best interests. As for me, I won her favor without resorting to such despicable and despicable means, so I can't do anything in this world. It’s time to give up the good things that are within easy reach.”

"I want to boldly accept Ouyang Shan's love for me. There is nothing wrong with me doing this."

Yu Chisheng swayed in front of his eyes with Mrs. Ouyang's contemptuous eyes towards him, recalling the contemptuous and contemptuous glances that her friends, who were either rich or noble, cast at him. The joy of suddenly defeating Cui Hu psychologically made him uneasy at a disadvantage and had to lose.

So, he picked up his cell phone and wrote a reply to Ouyang Shan.

He thought triumphantly: "I want to explain to her that I am just a person of humble status and cannot bear her love... Use this sentence to deliberately stimulate her and make her understand and deeply feel that for It’s not worth it for me to be willing to give up Cui Hu! What’s more, Cui Hu’s father plays a decisive role in the future and destiny of Leader Ouyang.”

After sending the text message, Ouyang Shan didn't reply immediately, so Yu Chisheng hurriedly ran outside to the balcony to do some stretching exercises.

Because he had just sat in the chair, thinking about it for a long time and sending text messages, his arms were a little sore. In addition, the quiet atmosphere in the room prevented him from releasing his happiness - he was almost suffocated by the suppression.

"I must work hard in the future, but if Leader Ouyang knew that I was in love with his daughter, would he agree? Not to mention it would affect his future?

"Alas, my future and destiny are in his hands. If he is not satisfied, my political future will be over."

"It would be great if I was born in a war era. Then I could become a soldier. I don't have to rely on anyone but my own ability. Maybe after a few battles, I can become a majestic general." "

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but puff up his chest and assume a military posture.

"However, there is nothing wrong with being born in a peaceful era. It is like this now. Of course, it depends on leadership promotion and recommendation. Personal growth and progress are inseparable from organizational help."

"Maybe in another twenty or thirty years, I will be able to become a department-level leading cadre like Leader Ouyang, and thus have great power."

"Looking at it this way, I need to become smarter and understand what kind of era background I should choose in this era."

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, as if he saw a bright future waving to him, and couldn't help but murmur to himself, "I can do it, I will definitely do it."

When he calmed down, his vigilance took over again, "What if my message is seen by Cui Hu?"

He couldn't help but become sad.

"Cui Hu might find someone to beat me. If the people he looks for rush towards me, and I accidentally kill or injure them, wouldn't I just fall into Cui Hu's trap? Then I will definitely Will be imprisoned."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but tremble with fright, and quickly ran back to the house to meditate again.

In order to calm down his nervousness, he called his old classmate Sun Zhuan and chatted for a few words. Yuchisheng told Sun Zhuan his troubles, and Sun Zhuan comforted him a few words, which made Yuchisheng feel much more relaxed.

He turned on the speaker and played music. When he heard the singer singing a moving pop song, Yuchi Sheng couldn't help but hum. This was the first time he felt the charm of music.


After Ouyang Shan met Yuchisheng from the teahouse, she struggled for a long time before she made up her mind to send this ambiguous text message to Yuchisheng. Because her innate arrogance did not allow her to do this, but her love for Yu Chisheng forced her to do so. For two whole months, she was in this inner torment.

Finally... her love for Yu Chisheng defeated her arrogance. She sent a love message to Yu Chisheng.

However, after she sent this message out, she became anxious again because she still had to fight against secular concepts and personal dignity.

Before Yuchisheng worked as her father's secretary, Ouyang Shan no longer expected to meet a slightly different person like Yuchisheng. As a result, she began to indulge and even indulge in her own behavior, boldly and enthusiastically exchanging messages with some of her suitors and showing love everywhere.

This kind of sweeping net seems to be an immoral act. In the eyes of Cui Hu, and even in the eyes of her parents, it is simply a shameful act of improper lifestyle.

However, at that time, she lay in bed and ignored all of this. As long as she could chat with them on the phone about irrelevant jokes every day, she was too happy to sleep. Because in those boring days, this was the only way she could have fun.

But now, the purpose of her message was not to have fun but to show her love, and the person she showed her love to turned out to be a man from a rural area.

If her best friends found out about this, they would definitely laugh out loud.

At that time, who among the snobbish and talkative women who were chatting with her mother would be willing to stand up and speak for her? No one would come forward for sure. If she could alleviate their sarcastic verbal attacks, how could she defend them?

In fact, the social pressure brought by this relationship is not the main thing for her, but the mocking contempt and insult are also secondary. What really makes her anxious and irritable is another reason:

She was worried about Yu Chisheng's unpredictable and rebellious character, and she was worried that he would treat her badly. In the past, just treating him as an ordinary friend had frightened her, but now, what's more, she had to treat him as a lover or husband?

If I fall in love with him, he has complete control over me, and his desires will be more, right? What kind of high demands will he make?

After much thought, I didn't figure it out.

Finally, she made up her mind and thought, no matter what, even if there are thorns ahead, I will not change myself and still love him.

Although she said this, she still felt uneasy in her heart.

She always felt that Yu Chisheng not only had no respect for the powerful, but also despised and even hated officials. She guessed that maybe what he really despised was her feelings for him.

In her wild thoughts, she thought of her dignity as a woman.

"A smart and wise woman like me with a unique family background must not spend all her energy on one man. Otherwise... the consequences will be disastrous." Ouyang Shan said to herself arrogantly.

Just when Ouyang Shan was hesitating, Yu Chisheng pretended to be on a business trip abroad again, which accelerated everything.

In the evening, when Yu Chisheng saw that Ouyang Shan didn't reply to her message, he booked a plane ticket online and shared it with Ouyang Shan on his mobile phone.

He lay on the bed and thought proudly: "She must have thought I was going on a business trip."

After he finished making this joke, he fell asleep soundly.

After Ouyang Shan saw this ticket, she didn't sleep a wink all night.

Early the next morning, when Yu Chisheng arrived at the airport, Ouyang Shan pretended to be indifferent and ignored him. She did not take the bait. He felt strange and turned back halfway. As soon as he entered his bedroom, Ouyang Shan came in and looked at him affectionately.

He thought he should say something to her, because it was extremely convenient to speak at this time.

However, Ouyang Shan was unwilling to talk to him and left quickly, so Yuchi Sheng failed to speak to Ouyang Shan. This situation is quite in line with Yu Chisheng's wishes, because this silent environment also makes him feel depressed.

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