Fang Ming gave Chu Mu a bad check, and Chu Mu had a complicated expression.

In the end she returned the check.

"Forget it, checking is too troublesome, you'd better transfer the money to me later!"

Fang Ming received the check and nodded: "Okay!"

Chu Mu stood up and held his mobile phone: "Let's go, before it gets dark, let's go early and come back early!"

After greeting Fang Ming, Chu Mu turned to look at Chu Shang.

"elder sister……"

Before Chu Mu finished speaking, Chu Shang stopped her and said, "Mu Mu, I'm with you."

Chu Mu looked at her coquettishly.

Chu Shang turned away, fearing that she would regret it just because her sister acted coquettishly.

She had to go with him anyway. She had just told her elder brother about the matter, and she had already arranged the rest. Now she had to take good care of Chu Mu.

Chu Chang had a very bad feeling in her heart. Her instinct told her that she must follow her sister.

If Chu Shang didn't answer, Chu Mu had no choice but to sigh: "Okay, sister, come with me."

The address on the note was a mountain on the outskirts of the country. It was a small scenic spot developed by the parents of Imperial City. They would take their children there to climb mountains or have picnics every weekend.

The mountain is not too high. Because it is fully developed, there are no harmful animals there. The slope of the mountain is also very gentle, which is very suitable for people with physical weakness like Chu Mu to exercise.

On the way to the suburbs, Chu Mu sent a message to his elder brother in the car, and then put down the phone.

She tilted her head and looked out the window. It was already past four in the afternoon, the sky was still bright, and there were not many cars on the road. They arrived at the suburbs without any hindrance, and there were very few red lights on the road.

As soon as the three of them arrived at the foot of the mountain, Fang Ming saw a red ribbon tied to the tree in front of him.

He ran over and untied the ribbon. There was a message on it: Ask the driver to go back and put your mobile phones in the cardboard box under the tree.

Chu Mu looked up and looked around. In this case, even if they were carrying mobile phones, no one would know!
Just as Chu Mu was thinking this, he heard a very harsh voice changer sound: "Don't be mean, I'm watching you!"

The sound came so unexpectedly that Chu Mu was startled.

【Depend on! Did you know that being scary can scare people to death? 】

Chu Mu patted his chest, then fiddled with his cell phone angrily, and threw the phone into the cardboard box.

After Chu Shang and Fang Ming also threw their phones in, the three of them got up.

There are streamers tied to the trees on the mountain to guide them.

Unconsciously, they came to the depths of the mountain.

Chu Mu was consciously memorizing the route along the way.

Because many people come here to climb the mountain every day, there are many paths trampled by humans, but these ribbons are guiding them to untouched routes.

It's easy for people who come here for the first time to get lost. Chu Mu was so focused on recording the route that she didn't speak much along the way.

Of course, she was not the only one like this, Chu Chang was also recording the route.

Among the three, Fang Ming walked in front. He had good eyesight and could see the ribbon in front of him.

Fang Ming brought his watch, but they had been walking for more than 20 minutes, and they still didn't hear the sound of the voice changer, nor did they see another note.

The ribbon in front was still swaying with the wind. Their speed was not slow, but they had not seen any changes in front of them after walking for twenty minutes. Even if Chu Mu was casual, he couldn't help but feel a little irritated.

Not to mention Fang Ming, he was holding a wooden stick in his hand. When he opened the road, he swung the stick very fast, causing grass blades to fly and the slightest sound of breaking through the air.

(End of this chapter)

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