Chapter 44

Jin Delei took Shen Liang's extended hand and shook it gently: "Let's find the entrance to the laboratory first."

Shen Liang pointed to the altar: "I have scanned the entire mountain before coming in. The entrance is under the altar."

Jin Delei called an ordinary-looking girl in the team: "Xiao Qi, go back in time and space."

Xiao Qi walked up to the altar with her ponytail wagging, and the three people standing on the other side of the altar also walked up to the altar and stood in a row to join in the fun.

Lu Yu poked Zhou Junxi and asked in a low voice: "Is he really from the Holy Spirit Tower?"

Zhou Junxi: "Yes, it feels exactly the same as what is described on the official website of Holy Spirit Tower."

Xiao Qi closed her eyes and stood in the middle of the altar. The Haidongqing on Ji Minghao's shoulder began to fly around the altar, and the mental bodies of Zhou Junxi and Lu Yu also began to become restless.

Shen Liang was curious: "Is there something?"

Jin Delei also raised her head: "This is the first time I've seen this happen. Maybe the spiritual body saw the person who appeared in the time and space retrieval, right?"

Five minutes later, Xiao Qi walked down from the altar: "Look, they opened the altar with the blood of humans and animals."

Kindred was silent.

Lu Yu stood on the altar and jumped: "How did it open? Did it sink?"

Xiao Qi nodded: "Yes, it sank."

Lu Yu took out the tools from the bag of the protective suit and was eager to try: "That's easy. It should be controlled by the agency. Just wait for me to dismantle it."

Jin Delei glanced at Lu Yu and then at Shen Liang: "Is she a mecha soldier?"

Shen Liang looked at Lu Yu who was immersed in his work with pleasure: "The mecha soldier is the main job, the mecha master is the hobby."

Lu Yu waved to Shen Liang: "Don't stand there and watch. Come over and help."

The two of them were busy on the altar, one squatting and the other lying down. Ji Minghao and Zhou Junxi stood aside and handed over tools.Kindred couldn't help but raise her eyebrows when she saw the tacit understanding among the four members of Alpha Military Academy.

"Ji Minghao, give me a screwdriver." Shen Liang stretched out his hand, "You guys will go down first, because if the screws on this stone plate are removed, the whole stone plate will fall down."

Shen Liang took off the last screw on the altar. She knelt on one knee and fell down with the altar.


Shen Liang's frightened cry came from below.

Lu Yu and Zhou Junxi looked at each other and jumped down without hesitation, followed closely by Ji Minghao, and the last one to land was the student from the Holy Spirit Tower.

There is still a circular hall with an arched roof, and various tattered cloth strips are hung around the hall.The hall is supported by eight columns. Colorful ropes are hung between the columns. Bells are tied to the colorful ropes. Dust is flying because the stone plates fell to the ground.

Just when the coolness fell, a gust of wind blew up, and the bells were shaken by the wind, and the jingling of bells broke the silence for a long time, like a pool of stagnant air.

Sitting around Shen Liang were eight goat-headed monsters with strings of beads hanging around their necks. The monsters had different postures, but had a uniformly scary smile on their faces.

Lu Yu murmured to himself: "Satan..."

Shen Liang covered his eyes: "Oh my god, monster..."

When Kindred saw the monster with a goat's head and human body, she also took a breath and took a few steps back.

Shen Liang turned around and hugged Lu Yu: "Oooh, it's so scary."

Lu Yu half dragged and half dragged Shen Liang behind the monster.

"Come down quickly," she said to the students in the Holy Spirit Tower. "The stone plate above is embedded right between these eight monsters, forming a second altar."

Shen Liang felt a chill on her back. She looked at Ji Minghao: "Do you still feel cold?"

Ji Minghao nodded.

Shen Liang: "Woo hoo, I feel so cold now. This place is so eerie, I'm afraid a ghost is watching me." Lu Yu comforted her: "Our staunch materialist warriors don't believe in this."

When Shen Liang stood up from the ground, his legs were still weak: "I think you're right, these things shouldn't be able to hit me."

"Let's go then." Lu Yu held Shen Liang's arm, "I just took a look and found that the altar on this level should be able to be opened with S-level mental power."

Under the altar was a north-south passage. The moment the altar above them slowly closed, many people felt fear again.

Xiao Qi: “What if I can’t open it later?”

Lu Yu looked at her in surprise: "You are taking the passage where the sacrifices come down. You can't go up. Didn't you pay attention just now?"

Jin Delei pinched Shen Liang's arm in the dark, and Shen Liang hissed: "Why are you pinching me?"

"How will you go back later?"

Shen Liang: "Look for the road. If you can't find the road, blow up the mountain."

Standing at the end of the team, a girl with short white hair laughed mockingly: "Exploding mountains? You really can imagine it."

What a bunch of lunatics who do things without considering the consequences!
Jin Delei looked at her with warning in her eyes: "An Xizhi!"

Ji Minghao: "There must be a channel below to transport the domestic waste of scientific researchers. Let's go out from there."

The corridor was filled with the smell of disinfectant. Shen Liang turned on the flashlight and illuminated the corridor.

The corridor is flanked by two rows of laboratories.

"You have to look for it slowly." Lu Yu pressed his whole body against the wall, "Unless you Vaslo people can use your powers to sense where the thing you are looking for is."

"We're taking a step first." Jin Delei smiled slightly at Shen Liang and Lu Yu, "Our powers can indeed sense where the things we want are."

Shen Liang didn't look surprised.

"Then you go first." Shen Liang, who had been staring at the floor tiles, raised his eyelids and glanced at them lazily, "I wish you good luck."

They watched the four people in the Holy Spirit Tower getting further and further away. Shen Liang opened the door closest to her and turned around and entered the laboratory.

Zhou Junxi stood close to the door frame: "Shen Liang, why did you let them go?"

Shen Liang: "There's no use keeping them."

Lu Yu: "You mean you can feel it too?"

Shen Liang explained patiently: "The mental body and superpowers are both embodiments of mental power, so theoretically, once your mental power reaches a certain level, you can have all the superpowers that have been discovered so far. So, although I can't feel it, But I believe Zhou Junxi can feel it."

Zhou Junxi raised his eyebrows: "Okay, come with me."

Shen Liang: "I plan to take back everything here, including the insect eggs they are looking for. I don't trust those things in the Vaslow Federation."

Lu Yu was eager to give it a try: "Now that they have almost got the things, do you want to snatch them away?"

Shen Liang agreed: "Grab it."

Zhou Junxi: "Why do you two look like bandits?"

Ji Minghao: "We clearly agreed to cooperate, but just left us and left. If it were me, I wouldn't worry about leaving the eggs in the hands of those renegade people."

Zhou Junxi: "Then let's go, don't wait any longer."

Shen Liang: "Okay, through optical-brain contact, you can directly mark their locations on the map."

The Holy Spirit Tower students who were busy collecting insect eggs in a laboratory turned around and saw Shen Liang leaning on the door frame, quietly watching their work.

When the four of them turned around, Shen Liang raised his hand to say hello: "Hi~ We meet again."

(End of this chapter)

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