Obviously, Ji Fan was not the only one to consider this situation.

Zhou Junxi asked Shen Liang in the communication: "Shen Liang, is there a shortage of individual mecha soldiers at your side?"

Shen Liang: "A bit. But I can only take a gamble. I must bring enough mecha masters to prevent the star beast from attacking our vehicle and causing our vehicle to sink."

Ji Minghao: "It doesn't matter, we can help later. My and Zhou Junxi's mechas can fly."

In the cockpit of the ship, Ling Zhao sat next to Shen Liang, and Shen Liang used his mental power to control the direction of the ship.

Ling Zhao: "Isn't it quite mentally draining?"

Shen Liang rubbed his forehead: "Yes. I plan to find a place to stop, and then all of us will go ashore."

Ling Zhao raised his eyebrows: "But there are cliffs here."

Shen Liang: "Climb up. Haven't you mecha masters also trained in physical fitness? This height should be no problem, right?"

Ling Zhao looked at the cliffs on both sides of the bank and took a breath: "I think the problem is huge."

Shen Liang laughed and patted Ling Zhao on the shoulder: "I'm just teasing you."

There was silence in the cabin for a while, Shen Liang's mental energy was exhausted a little too much.She stood up: "Ling Zhao, are you coming?"

Ling Zhao responded: "Okay, take a rest first."

Shen Liang moved his body and walked out of the cockpit slowly.

The water was rough and the boat was bumping.Shen Liang stood on the bow of the boat for a while. He couldn't bear it anymore, so he hugged the pillars of the awning in the cabin and rested for a while.

Many people in the cabin were affected by the SSS-level mental power and the bumps of the ship. They lay on the side of the ship and vomited.

Shen Liang looked at them: "Isn't that true?"

"You don't understand." A mecha soldier waved his hand towards her, "Ugh——"

Shen Liang looked at a boat full of vomiting military cadets, sighed, took out his soft sword, and lay beside the boat bored to tease the black water.

After her sword plunged into the water, she brought up a few small fish——

The kind of fish that can be grilled and eaten.

Shen Liang's eyes lit up.

She carefully took the two fish off the soft sword, then took out a butterfly knife and quickly scraped the scales, disembowelled them, and removed the bones.

"Shen Liang, what are you doing?"

Shen Liang held a piece of fish in one hand and shook it proudly: "How do you like it? Do you want to eat it?"

"Is this edible?" The man's eyes widened. "Isn't it said that the meat of the star beast is fishy, ​​smelly and even poisonous?"


Shen Liang threw the processed fish meat on the deck: "This is either a star beast or an ordinary fish meat."

The man swallowed.

Shen Liang smiled: "Want to eat?"

The man nodded.

Shen Liang crawled in the darkness on the deck. She crawled over and picked up the two pieces of fish meat that were still stained with blood. She smiled mischievously: "No, if you want to eat it, you can catch it yourself. Unless you give me money."

"You eat raw food?"

Shen Liang shook her head. She sat on the ground and sliced ​​the two fish into fillets bit by bit: "Wait for me to try first." She hung Ling Zhao's mecha necklace around her neck and gave it to each military academy student from the league organizer. Energy is drawn from the equipped light source.A boatload of students were lying on the side of the boat, soaked in the rain, watching Shen Liang quietly.

Shen Liang took out the energy source from the metal box. She wiped the energy source on the wet deck with her hand, and sparks burst out from the energy source.

Sparks splashed on the thin fish fillets, which were rolled and cooked in an instant.

Shen Liang rubbed his hands and breathed hot air into his palms: "Would you like to have something to eat?"

A group of people gathered around happily.

"That's great. This way we don't have to drink nutrient solution."

Shen Liang knelt on the side of the boat and wanted to continue fishing. A wave came and she was soaked all over.

The cold wind blew, and she shivered, feeling cold all over.

"Oh my god, I can't stand it anymore." Shen Liang took off his school uniform jacket and wrung out the water, "I'll probably get a headache and a fever if I stay here for a long time."

She stood up unsteadily and tied the wrung-out school uniform jacket around her waist.She looked up and saw the live broadcast equipment carried by the unmanned aerial vehicle following not far away, so she grabbed the small aerial vehicle.

The viewers in the live broadcast room felt their eyes were dazzled, and then they saw fish meat that was placed casually on the deck, soaked in blood, grilled and slightly burnt, and looked unappetizing.

Wearing half gloves and a sports vest, Shen Liang appeared in the camera with clearly visible upper body muscle lines. She enthusiastically greeted the audience in the live broadcast room and enthusiastically showed them her grilled fish fillets.

In the commentary room, Zhang Yanzhi couldn't help but frown when he saw Shen Liang's sullen look: "Although that fish fillet seems a bit hard to describe, in the arena, it is the only food besides nutrient solution~"

Eileen also smiled with crooked eyebrows: "Now it seems that the group of military cadets who landed on the water are actually the most comfortable group."

After Shen Liang showed off the pitiful fish fillet to the live broadcast equipment, he opened the stadium communication channel: "Guess what we are eating now?"

No one cares about her.

Shen Liang was a little confused. She fiddled with the field communication and said to herself: "What's going on? Why is no one paying attention to me?"

Lu Yu's voice came intermittently, mixed with some electronic sounds: "You feel comfortable. We were almost eaten by the star beasts on the cliff. When will you come to help?"

Shen Liang was stunned for a moment: "Lu Yu, is the communication signal there not good?"

Lu Yu's voice was still intermittent: "It is estimated that the thunderstorm has affected the communication. Didn't the Yue Yuanxing Monitoring Station say a few days ago that the thunderstorm in the Cliff Arena would be the strongest in the past century in the past two days, so the communication might be affected by that time. It will all break.”

Zhou Junxi's voice also appeared intermittently on the communication channel: "Is it so serious? Lu Yu, how do you know that thunderstorms will affect communications?"

Lu Yu: "Because it uses the oldest communication equipment. I have researched this equipment, but it will be affected by thunderstorms, so my suggestion is to gather before that day comes."

Shen Liang, who was indulging in enjoying grilled fish fillets, couldn't stop laughing when he heard Lu Yu's words: "Everyone in Alpha Military Academy, report your time."

After everyone reported their points, Shen Liang marked everyone's location on the map: "Can you see the map now?"

"You can command."

"You mark all the star beasts you encounter on the map, or that can be detected with your mental power. We will discuss where to gather after all the points with star beasts are marked."

After hearing Lu Yu's warning, most of the military cadets who were sitting leisurely on the boat lost their interest in having fun. They sat in two rows under the awning and lowered their heads to wait for Shen Liang's command.

Shen Liang walked into the cockpit.

She sent the map in the communication channel to the map on the center console.The center console projects the stadium map into the center of the cockpit.

At that moment, Shen Liang saw a small triangle floating down the water. On both sides of the triangle were towering cliffs that reached as far as the eye could see.

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