The 200 light-energy flashlights and 100 pieces of body armor that were put on the shelves the next day were sold out within three seconds of being put on the shelves.

Tens of thousands of people looked at the gray purchase button and slapped their thighs in regret.

Some buyers who rushed to buy the first batch yesterday have already received the goods and came to the store for evaluation.

"I received the light-powered flashlight. It feels good in the hand. My dad said it would be better to be heavier and have a larger battery capacity. I looked at it and found that it does have a large capacity. I just got it. I don't know if it can last for 80 hours."

“The packaging is really crude, but the things look good, so please give it a good review!”

"Buy it and keep it, grab it and you'll make a profit."

"I got the body armor, it looks so safe, [picture]"

People who are eager to buy cannot contact the store owner, so they can only leave a message under the comments of the lucky ones who grabbed the goods yesterday: "I want to buy at an increased price. If you see it, please contact me..."

"How is the quality? Is it worth buying?"

"Is it false propaganda?"

"Is a body armor really bulletproof? At this price, it's not a cosplay suit, right?"


Because the online store has set a rule that each account can only purchase one product, in order to increase their chances of grabbing it, many smart buyers call their friends and open multiple accounts at the same time to rush for purchases.

Things like grabbing bargains always spread from one to ten, and from ten to a hundred. Every day more and more people are squatting in online stores, just waiting for new products to be put on the shelves at ten o'clock every day to start buying.

The next day, it was also sold out in three seconds.

On the third day, it sold out in two seconds.

Day ...

On the fourth day, no new products were put on the shelves, but the store homepage was updated with one sentence.

"Our store has been reported for disrupting market order and is currently cooperating with the investigation. The products will be available for sale after the investigation is completed."

Apart from this sentence, no one from the online store came forward to explain the incident, and the customer service button was also gray. The store seemed easy to bully, but the angry netizens stopped.

"Reported? Reported by whom? Isn't it the colleagues who make dirty money? Otherwise, who would have the leisure to report?"

"The price has increased so many times. Haven't we made enough money during the national crisis?"

"This is another example of bad money driving out good money!"

"Why, can't you see others have a conscience?"

“Reported dog %¥……**……%%¥”

“Capitalists not only want your money, they want your life.”

"Being good at a low price disrupts the market order. Is there any justice?"

"Who reported it? If you have the ability to report it, you have the ability to stand up. Labor and management will not beat you to death!"

"Everyone, please check out the hot searches on social platforms, [link]"

"Is it necessary to make shady money just like you guys and just ruin the meal so as not to disrupt the market order?"

"Unscrupulous businessmen are missing great virtue!"

"I heard that the product quality was not up to standard and it was falsely advertised, so it was investigated."

"It seems there is a navy?"

Then some netizens with great skills found out that the mysterious store only sold two products, and these two products were exactly the same as those that Yu Rong gave to fans and gave away in a lottery.

Could it be that the owner of the mysterious shop is Yu Rong’s friend?

Everyone stopped yelling at the unscrupulous whistleblower and instead tried to uncover the identity of the mysterious shop owner.

"It would be great if it was Yu Rong. I went straight to the hospital and begged for a bulletproof vest. If online is not available, we will go offline." "Is it really Yu Rong? I saw the product comparison chart, and it's almost the same."

"Didn't she say before that she could only draw a lottery because she couldn't get the right to sell it? Now that she has opened an online store, she can sell it?"

"Many people have asked under her account, but there is no response yet."

"I'm really convinced. Yu Rong's name is everywhere. Fans really don't miss any opportunity to benefit. How can they take advantage of this?"

At the same time, Yu Rong was also very anxious.

I received a notice to cooperate with the investigation the night before and removed the product from the shelves in accordance with regulations. However, until now, no one has followed up the investigation and there is no explanation.

If we don’t investigate thoroughly, the product will not be put on the shelves. How can we not make people anxious?

Although the store was closed, Yu Rong never stopped the factory. After all, in this situation, producing one more piece of equipment may save one more person. The worst case scenario is losing money and handing it out to random passers-by on the road.

Yu Rong asked Telles to help contact the price and market supervision department, but the reply he got was that prices have skyrocketed recently. In order to stabilize prices, the only few staff members have been busy non-stop, and now there are still hundreds of waiting staff on hand. The tasks can only be handled one by one in chronological order. It is expected that it will take half a month to open their shop.

"Half a month?" Yu Rong couldn't believe it. "The situation on the main star is so tense now, and there may be a war in half a month. These life-saving things, would you rather let them pile up in the warehouse than sell them at a low price?"

Teles explained on the other end of the communicator, "There is no way, the rules are like this, unless you give them all away in the name of charity, otherwise if you sell them at a price that is 20 times lower than the price of your peers, you will inevitably cause dissatisfaction among your peers." .”

"Then it's okay for me to continue with the lottery, right?" Yu Rong was a little angry. In times of national crisis, there are always these profit-seeking hindrances.

"Of course, but I have to remind you that the balance in your account seems to be running low. Once it is spent and the funds to maintain the normal operation of the factory cannot be guaranteed, the factory will have no choice but to close down.

Do you want to keep it going for a long time or do you want to stop once and for all? "Teleis advised.

Yu Rong sighed, there seemed to be no solution to this situation.

"But you don't have to worry too much. Someone has already given you some advice." Teles said in a brisk tone.

"What's the idea?"

"Blind box."

"Blind box?" Yu Rong was confused. What does this have to do with blind boxes?

Telles explained: “The charm of a blind box is that no one knows what is inside until it is opened.

Since the product is unknown, there is naturally no way to set a price. Buying and selling is entirely voluntary, and what is inside the blind box you buy depends entirely on luck.

As long as those who buy blind boxes have no objections and those who sell blind boxes are willing, it will naturally not be considered disruptive to the market..."

"What a great idea!" Yu Rong exclaimed. "Which expert gave you the advice from behind? This is simply a stroke of genius!"

Teles grinned and let it slip, "What do you think?"

Since Teles spoke in this tone, it must be a common acquaintance between the two of them. Unexpectedly, this person must be Han Hongxu.

"Professor Han?" Yu Rong blurted out.

"Hey, why should I call Professor Han my husband when he sees so many people outside?" Telles teased.

"Hmph, I won't talk to you anymore, I'm going to send a message." Yu Rong blushed and hung up the communication first, for fear that if she was a step too late, Teles would say something stupid.

After taking three deep breaths to finally calm down, Yu Rong grabbed the communicator and logged into her social account, edited a text and clicked send.

Yu Rong:

"Come to my live broadcast room at ten o'clock tonight for a surprise [expression]!"

Comment area:

"What surprise? Is there another lottery?"

"Rong Rong has also started live streaming!"

"Great, squat well, squat well"

"Will it be a live broadcast of the discharge?"

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