Zhao Jingmo nodded: "Yes. Cheng'er and Dalangjun have always been considerate of me, analyzing this matter for me and thinking of a solution for me. But..."

Jingniang: "Just what?"

Zhao Jingmo lowered his head with a bitter look on his face: "It's just that this matter involves a lot of things, I'm afraid it will be difficult."

She never thought that the Wang family would be related to the royal family!

She could imagine how difficult this was with her eyes closed!

Although it was easy for Dalangjun to say, she was not a fool and knew that things were not simple.

Zhao Jingmo clenched his fingers.

She entered the Wang family at the age of twelve as a beautiful maid, and was taken away by the eight-year-old Jin Nengda of the Wang family to be her personal maid.

When he was thirteen years old, a son of the royal family came to the Wang family.

Although she was still young at that time, her appearance had already made her wife wary of her.

Even if she was placed beside the young master as a maid to make tea, she would still be called to the madam's side every day, and scolded and lectured, telling her not to do those seductive things and not to have any improper thoughts. This would bring disgrace to the entire Wang family, and their whole family would have no chance of survival.

Zhao Jingmo was an honest and decent girl, so even if the young master really valued her, she never dared to overstep the line.


She can write and play chess now, all taught by that man.

Even now, when she closes her eyes, she can still remember that man's cold eyebrows, and his strong and slender fingertips...

"Mo'er? Your real name is Mo'er?"

"Mo'er, raise your head and let me see."

"Mo'er, you are really a wonderful person. Although you are a little young, if you take care of yourself a little longer, you will definitely become a gorgeous beauty who will stun the whole garden."

"Mo'er, what a pity that I met you here."

"Mo'er, are you willing to come back to the capital with me? How about I let you be a maid in my house? It will have a better future than staying in this small town of Qingyang?"

"Mo'er, maybe... you are willing to follow me?"

During that period, even his wife did not dare to beat or scold Zhao Jingmo too harshly.

But Zhao Jingmo is only thirteen after all.

She had not yet fallen in love, she only knew that there was an extremely noble young man who treated her a little differently.

Now that I think about it, maybe it was just a boring day of leisure, and I just played it like teasing cats and dogs.

Actually, what's so special about it?
Otherwise, he wouldn't have suddenly left one day without even saying a single extra word, let alone seeing you for the last time.

However, after he left, the Wang family didn't bother her much.

Now that I think about it, perhaps because of the previous experience of Wang Xian'er, the Wang family will not easily offend these girls nowadays.

However, what Zhao Jingmo is thinking about now is: If the blood feud of their Zhao family is really related to the Wang family, then how should she take revenge?

The affairs of the Zhao family inevitably made Jiang Wancheng feel a little depressed.

She didn't eat much for lunch, and she still couldn't eat much for dinner.

Wen Chaoyan poured her a bowl of soup and placed it in front of her: "I will return to the garrison tomorrow and try to see the emperor. How do you think?"

Jiang Wancheng's eyes lit up and he looked up at him: "Really?"

Wen Chaoyan didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Really. But if I go back to work, I will be too busy to take care of you guys every day. It will be difficult for me to have meals with you three like today. Okay?"

Wen Erlang was puzzled: "Didn't my brother take a three-day wedding leave?"

Jiang Wancheng didn't know how to explain, so Wen Chaoyan said, "There is an urgent case, brother needs to go back and deal with it."

Wen Erlang seemed to have discovered something and asked, "Is it related to Sister Mo'er?"

Jiang Wancheng looked at him in surprise.

"Ji Lang, what do you know?"

Wen Erlang shrugged, "I don't know anything. But Sister Mo'er's eyes are red all day long, and she is depressed. But what happened in her family?"

Jiang Wancheng and Wen Chaoyan looked at each other. Perhaps it was because Wen Erlang had experienced a lot in the past year, and his growth did not disappoint Wen Chaoyan.

Therefore, Wen Chaoyan has now made up his mind to let Wen Erhe face the cruelty of the world appropriately.

Just considering that Sister Ya was still here, Wen Chaoyan just touched Erlang's head temporarily and said, "Come to my study later."

After dinner, Jiang Wancheng took Ya Jieer for a walk in the garden to help digest the food.

She also took the opportunity to stroll around the entire yard.

If this house wasn't haunted, it wouldn't have been their turn.

The rockeries, lakes, gardens and even the small courtyards are all unique.

By the time Jiang Wancheng and Ya Jie'er finished their shopping, half an hour had passed and their feet were sore.

Ya Jie'er quickly asked Hua'er to take her back to rest, and Jiang Wancheng also returned to his own Cangcuiyuan.

She thought that there were only ten guards in such a big yard.

There are only six maids now, and there are a few maids, but there are not enough people.

Even though they have few masters, to take care of the yard, clean, and guard the house, just a few people are totally not enough.

Moreover, there are quite a few guests living in this house now.

Therefore, Jiang Wancheng needs to recruit more staff as soon as possible.

Now that they have moved to the city, Lin Xueyan, Lin Baiwei, and Cui Jinzhi have also moved here.

Gu Tingzhou and Li Yan have their own place to stay.

The entire Jinyiwei still doesn't know that Lin Xueyan and Gu Tingzhou are husband and wife.

However, this is not a solution, so the two of them will have to reveal their identities sooner or later.

After returning to the room, Jiang Wancheng rummaged through his treasure box.

Now, as the weather turns cooler, the ice drink business has completely stopped.

However, Jiang Wancheng's two shops are about to open for business, and it is impossible to predict whether they will make a profit or a loss by then.

She didn't have much silver available, and what she had saved was only over two thousand taels.

She had always wanted to buy two adjacent houses for Sister Xueyan and Sister Baiwei as a gift to them for their help to her.

So, this silver is still not enough.

Wen Chaoyan seemed to have some gold left, but Jiang Wancheng had not checked how much.

Fuxue and Yihua walked in at this time.

Fuxue was holding a booklet in her hand, while Yihua was holding a package.

"Miss, there is something here. We two servants took a look and dared not look down. We haven't registered it yet. Why don't you take a look at it yourself first?"

Jiang Wancheng took a look and realized that this was the gift Jingniang had given him.

Jiang Wancheng had just opened the letter when Wen Chaoyan came back.

Fuxue quickly put the book aside, and she, Yihua and Qingmei, all three of them retreated very tactfully.

Jiang Wancheng burst out laughing when he saw this.

"They are really afraid of you. Can't you put a smile on your face sometimes?"

Wen Chaoyan snorted very stingily: "No. My smile can only be seen by you, my lady."

As he said that, he pulled Jiang Wancheng into his arms and sat down. "What are you looking at?"

The original three-day wedding leave was suddenly gone, which made Wen Chaoyan feel a little regretful.

Therefore, he was even more reluctant to let go of his wife while holding her in his arms.

Jiang Wancheng opened the package completely, "I also want to know what Jingniang sent me." (End of this chapter)

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