Chapter 16 Pandora’s box is opened

Qi Sinian did not expect that Feng Jinyao had such a tough side. He knew very well how painful it was for a person to live alone in the world, not to mention that Feng Jinyao had to endure the oppression of the Feng family for so many years.

In an already difficult life, she still has to stubbornly stick to her so-called dream.

Thinking of this, Qi Sinian couldn't help but feel the slightest pity for Feng Qingyao.

He gently held Feng Qingyao's shoulders and asked her to lean against him. He gently held her left hand with his right hand, and the pad of his thumb kept dancing in her palm. It was originally just for comfort, but in Feng Wanyue's view There is actually a real friendship between them.

"Okay, very good. My father and I are waiting for you at the Feng family's old house. You can come back when you are able." Feng Wanyue glanced at the two people who had a look on their faces and left the office angrily.

Feng Wanyue left the office, cursing the people around her as she walked. Listening to Feng Wanyue's voice gradually fade away, Feng Jinyao immediately sat up straight, distanced herself from Qi Sinian, covered her face with trembling hands, and tried her best The ground calmed down his emotions.

Although competing with Feng Wanyue almost exhausted her energy, Feng Jinyao felt an inexplicable sense of relief at this moment.

But she didn't notice at all that the blood on her right hand had dripped onto the carpet.

She felt Qi Sinian leave and then approach her again. Through her fingers, she saw Qi Sinian holding a cup of light yellow liquid in front of her: "I can't do the experiment if my hand is injured!"

Feng Qingyao wiped away her tears and put down her hand. Only then did she see that her right palm had been covered by her nails. When she let go, she felt an excruciating pain.

But compared to the pain and injury, Feng Jinyao was more curious about the cup of light yellow liquid. What was Qi Sinian doing in front of her?
Qi Siqiang gently held her wrist and slowly spread her fingers. Feng Qingyao winced in pain.

"Don't move." Qi Sinian frowned and growled.

Then move more gently, spread your palm as slowly as possible to expose the injured area, and then use a cotton swab to dip a little light yellow liquid.

"what are you doing?"

"Don't move, do you think Feng Wanyue is so easy to get rid of? She will not leave easily. Your performance just now surprised her, but soon she will notice the cowardice behind your courage, and Your injured palm is the best evidence of your cowardice, you don’t want Feng Wanyue to see the injury on your palm, do you?”

"She should be the one to be afraid of now. The tiger will treat me like a sick cat if it doesn't show off its power."

"You? You're a paper tiger at best!" Qi Sinian said, applying the light yellow liquid on Feng Wanyue's palm. "And the Feng family, do you really want to go back?"

"Of course, are we really going to get married?" Feng Qingyao asked with an unhappy look on her face.

"If we don't get married, do you think you can deceive Feng Wanyue and your father?" Qi Sinian suddenly smiled and said, "Didn't you say you liked Edward and Bella yesterday? Am I not worthy?"

"Who wants to bite me to death this morning?" Feng Qingyao looked at Qi Sinian who was moving softly and said resentfully: "To you, I am just a piece of food for you!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly opened her eyes wide and stared at the wound on her hand. At this time, the damaged skin began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just half a minute, except for some red blood stains on Feng Jinyao's palm, the skin and flesh It's still intact.

"What's going on?" Feng Qingyao couldn't believe her eyes.

She tried hard to wipe off the blood on her hands to see more clearly. Qi Sinian brought a wet tissue to help her clean up the blood.

"How is that possible? What did you do to me?"

"It's just what you saw. If you don't believe it, I'd be happy to let you see it again." Qi Sinian revealed two sharp tiger teeth.

Without thinking, Feng Qingyao stretched out her right arm: "This is unscientific!"

"What science? Your human science?" Qi Sinian sneered.

He grabbed Feng Qingyao's arm and bit it down without any politeness. Blood spilled from Qi Sinian's fangs, and the fragrant blood slipped into Qi Sinian's mouth, immediately arousing his true nature.Qi Sinian pushed Feng Chengyao's arm away in a panic, as if he would no longer be able to control it a second later.

Feng Jinyao didn't notice the difference in Qi Sinian's expression at all. She stared intently at the wound that was gradually healing like pressing the fast forward button, and touched her neck thoughtfully: "So the neck in the morning is also because of Is there no trace of this?"


"Then can this venom heal all injuries in the human body?" Feng Qingyao asked thoughtfully.

"more or less!"

"Then when did the Feng family start collecting these venoms?" Feng Qingyao pursued.

"I'm not sure when it started, but your Feng family has been in the business of selling vampire venom for generations." Qi Sinian said unceremoniously.

"If venom can repair all human injuries, then why didn't the Feng family save my mother when she was in a car accident seven years ago?"

"How can you be sure that what happened to your mother seven years ago was really a car accident?"

"Is not it?"

Feng Qingyao stood up excitedly. She looked down at Qi Sinian: "You were at the Feng family's old house back then, and you said you saved me, so you must know what happened back then, right?"

"I only know that your mother couldn't have been in a car accident, but what exactly happened is a family matter of the Feng family. I don't care and have no way of knowing."

"Why can't she have a car accident?" Feng Qingyao didn't quite understand the meaning behind Qi Sinian's words.

"Did you know your mother has ALS?"

"She told me about me when I was little."

"Then you should know now how her ALS was cured, right?"

"Vampire venom?" Before today, she really thought that her mother was a very powerful pharmacist who had developed a medicine that could cure ALS. But today, she suddenly discovered that the mother she had always admired and the person she had always wanted to be was actually treating her... lied.

Feng Qingyao suddenly didn't dare to dig deeper. She seemed to have opened Pandora's box, but the corner she had opened so far already made her feel suffocated. She didn't know what would happen next?
"What? You want to be a coward again?" Qi Sinian crossed his legs, crossed his arms, and leaned on the sofa leisurely and said.

"Don't worry, I won't run away again, I'm just a little scared. For so many years, I never thought that I have been living in a huge lie. Maybe you really told me that I am the real version of Truman." world."

Qi Sinian suddenly smiled. He pointed at the two contracts on the table and extended his right hand to Feng Qingyao as a sign of goodwill: "Feng Qingyao, from now on we are in the same boat. We will help each other. The truth will come out.”

Feng Jinyao shook it briefly, and was soon attracted by the silver chain on Qi Sinian's wrist, and was momentarily distracted.

Feng Qingyao could only think about her sachet ball chain that appeared in the cellar album.

She suddenly wondered if her mother had put the chain in the photo album on purpose.

But her mother had given her many gifts since she was a child. Why this sachet ball?

Feng Qingyao thought about it, stood up and walked out the door: "I'll go back to get something first. See you in the lab later?"

(End of this chapter)

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