Chapter 32 The Jujube Puzzle
"Okay, the phone is almost dead, I'm leaving first." Feng Shibin stood up and was about to leave. Uncle Xu handed over the crutch. Feng Shibin took the crutch and came to the end of Feng Qingyao's bed and said, "Go back to Tan after being discharged from the hospital. Before returning to the village, go back home and I will ask your aunt-in-law to pack the things you had when you were a child and take them away when the time comes."

"Remember to tell me the wedding date you have set."

Feng Shibin said it sincerely. Not to mention Feng Qingyao, even Qi Sinian couldn't tell the truth from the lie.

After Feng Shibin left, only Qi Sinian and Tan Haotian were left in the ward.

Feng Qingyao immediately threw the entire bottle of medicine and the medicine he had just swallowed into the trash can: "I really want to tear his hypocritical face apart."

Qi Sinian looked at Feng Qingyao in surprise: "Oh, I have become smarter after being in the ICU."

Feng Jinyao looked at Qi Sinian who was gloating over his misfortune and said angrily: "Oscar owes him a lifetime achievement award. He is so good at acting."

"I'm the only one who thinks that his last few sentences don't look like he was acting? They feel quite real!" Tan Haotian said empathetically.

"It's indeed true." Qi Sinian nodded in agreement: "The emotions are well grasped."

"Fake things are real when they are real. If he likes to act, let's act with him. If the research fails or we run out of money, we can still work part-time in a play or something." Feng Qingyao said in a weird way.

Speaking of research, Qi Sinian suddenly remembered the report he went back to the laboratory to get that day: "This is the genetic test you did on the day of my accident, as well as the molecular structure diagram."

Feng Qingyao received the report ecstatically: "Qi Sinian, tell the truth, have you fallen in love with me a long time ago? Otherwise, why would you be so kind and considerate to me? You still follow me and open a store for me. ?”

Feng Qingyao's narcissism made Qi Sinian and Tan Haotian roll their eyes.

"I can't stand it, I can't stand it. I'm leaving first. Call me if you need anything." Tan Haotian sighed. The fake show between Qi Sinian and Feng Jinyao looked like it was real. However, the joke between the two stubborn donkeys flew into the air, but I'm sure I won't really admit it.

"Wait a minute, you should check again about Wen Song. I always feel that Feng Shibin pays too much attention to this person. You will definitely find something if you keep an eye on the Feng family detectives." Qi Sinian followed Tan Haotian out. Ward, whispered.

Qingyao, who had suffered a stroke in the ward, sat on the bed and looked at the report Qi Sinian handed her. The genetic test report showed that the similarity was 99.9999%. The blood came from someone who had a direct blood relationship with her, either her father or mother, or the same father and mother. sister, but she does not have such an older sister or younger sister. Her mother passed away seven years ago, so this blood is...

Feng Shibin's.

But how is this possible?He looks quite healthy. If his blood is really used to support so many vampires for so many years, blood must be drawn frequently. If so, how can he have the energy and health to deal with the group? tedious work.

But now he is the only person in the world who has such a close relationship with her.

Wait, is it possible that this is my mother's blood.After my mother got into an accident, because we couldn't save her, why not just drain her blood?

No, if this was his mother's blood, then Feng Shibin would never let his mother die back then?Even if she becomes a vegetative state, he will let her live?This thought of hers really shocked Feng Qingyao.

"Why are you in a daze?" Qi Sinian put the oral medicine that the nurse had just handed him into Feng Qingyao's hand, turned around, poured a glass of warm water and came to the bedside: "Take the medicine first."

"Help me pick up the bottle of medicine I just threw in the trash can." Feng Qingyao skillfully put the medicine into her mouth, took a sip of water, raised her head and swallowed it, then picked up the molecular structure diagram and said : "When I was a child, my mother would often bring home research materials. I remember seeing the three-dimensional diagram of the molecular structure of this drug. It didn't look like this."

"Even if you saw it when you were a child, how can you still remember a molecular structure after all these years?"

"I really remember." Seeing that Qi Sinian didn't trust her, Feng Qingyao shut up angrily: "Do you know Guaizao?"

Qi Sinian frowned and shook his head.

"No, you actually have things you don't know! I thought you were alive..." Feng Qingyao made a sign of four with her right hand and continued to say proudly: "You know everything? Tsk! It seems that age is related to There is no necessary connection between knowledge and knowledge.”

"I'm not interested in this stuff. Why should I know? If I knew everything, I would have to live very tiredly. Why bother?" Qi Sinian paused and continued: "You humans are greedy. Not only your own We all want to know, and we ask the next generation to do the same. The world is endless. Do you fully understand it? What’s the point of talking in general terms?”

"Stop, let's talk about guaizao!" Feng Qingyao didn't want to listen to the old man reciting sutras. She took out her mobile phone and opened the search engine and entered the word guaizao. She found the picture of guaizao and showed it to Qi Sinian.

"This is Guaizao. When I was a kid, we had several trees in our backyard. The trees were getting taller and taller, but every autumn, a lot of these irregular fruits that looked like chicken feet would fall from the trees. When my grandfather was still here, Every November, he would take me to the backyard to pick up jujubes to make wine. Later, my grandfather passed away. Every November, I would also go to the backyard to pick up jujubes to use as building blocks.

So later, when my mother came home with research materials and I saw the three-dimensional molecular structure diagram, I immediately thought of Guaizao.Then I asked my mother. My mother might also think that the metaphor of jujube was very appropriate, so she said that what she did was actually like building blocks with jujubes. When I was a child, I thought that since my mother couldn't accompany me, then I would accompany her. Well, during that time she was working on the desk, and I used a date stick under the desk to build the molecular diagram she gave me.

Now that I think about it, she probably just thought I talked too much and wanted to find something to do for me, so for a long time, I used dates to spell out the molecular structure. In the end, she really succeeded in spelling it out, and my mother saw She was even happier than I was when she saw that building block, and I didn’t see her for a long time after that.So I'm still impressed by that structure. "

Qi Sinian was also surprised when he looked at the picture of Guaizao: "Wow, I have never seen this thing before. Don't tell me, it really looks like a three-dimensional structure diagram of a protein."

"You should believe what I say this time." When Feng Qingyao thought of this, she sighed and complained: "When can I be discharged from the hospital? I can't wait to go back to the laboratory. I have to eat like this every day. Recovery was so hard.”

"If you really figured out the three-dimensional structure of this medicine when you were a child, Feng Qingyao, then you are really a genius!" Qi Sinian waited for a long time and suddenly looked at Feng Qingyao with joy and smiled brightly.

Although he didn't know why he instinctively wanted to get close to Feng Jinyao all these years, and he had also doubted the meaning of doing so, but at this moment he finally knew that this was the vampire's intuition. At this time, he also and Feng Jinyao Same, he couldn't wait to return to the laboratory. Of course, he also wanted to find this kid. With this, maybe the problem that had troubled him for hundreds of years would be solved soon.

"You're crazy, you don't have to call me that."

(End of this chapter)

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