Chapter 59 Beautiful Countryside

"Asked! My mother and her family moved away a long time ago. The family bought a house and shop in the town and started a business." Situ Jiao said while pointing to the pile of loess in front of him that had no visible pattern. said. "That's our old house, which my grandma built at that time."

Hearing the sound, Qi Sinian lightly tapped the accelerator and drove straight towards the small yard of the small mound.

The grass in the yard was as tall as a person. As soon as Feng Jinyao saw the grass, she remembered the scene of being harassed by a snake that day. She suddenly felt terrified and stood outside the yard without daring to take a step in.

As soon as Qi Sinian got out of the car, he saw Feng Jinyao standing hesitantly outside the yard: "Just wait there. As he said that, he took out some sacrificial supplies he bought when passing by the county town from the trunk."

At this time, Situ Jiao found a rusty hoe from the soil and cut off the weeds from the yard. The weeds, which were as tall as a person, clicked as the hoe hit the stone. The sound fell one after another.

Although the grass had been trampled to the ground by Qi Sinian and Situ Jiao, Feng Qingyao still did not dare to step on the soft grass mat.

"What if the snake is hiding below, and I step down on its tail and give it a bite when it raises its head?" Qi Sinian looked at Feng Jinyao's clenched fists, eyes full of fear, and put all the things in his hands. Leave it to Situ Jiao.

Situ Jiao carried her things and led the way. She walked along the path next to the ruins of the house.

Qi Sinian came back to pick up Feng Qingyao: "Give me your hand, what are you afraid of when I'm here?"

"Didn't you hear a sentence? I'm afraid of being crawled by a snake for ten years." Feng Qingyao held Qi Sinian's cold hand and carefully stepped on the place where Qi Sinian stood.

"Follow me!" Situ Jiao's voice came from the woods behind the house.

As soon as Qi Sinian raised his feet, there was a crunching sound under his feet. Feng Jinyao was so frightened that she jumped onto Qi Sinian with great skill, hugging his neck tightly with her hands and hooking her legs around his thighs.

"Sister Jiao, we are waiting for you in the yard. You go and come back quickly."

"Then you go around and we'll call you back."

When Feng Qingyao's mischievous gaze met Qi Sinian's deep gaze, it was as if the whole world had disappeared. His eyes stared at her dreamily, as if she would be rubbed into his body in the next second. In his heart.

Qi Sinian walked out of the yard and put Feng Qingyao on the ground. The villagers who had collected the fruits rode their three-wheeled motorcycles home. When they passed by, they all looked at them and laughed shyly: "Young people nowadays are really in love. We show affection anytime and anywhere, but if we quarrel, we will either live or die, or we will break up and get divorced."

"What about you, young man!" Qi Sinian said, grabbing the bridge of Feng Jinyao's nose.

"Mr. Qi, Yaoyao, come here quickly!" Suddenly Situ Jiao shouted.

Qi Sinian and Feng Jinyao were stunned, and immediately walked hand in hand to the back of the house. Although Feng Jinyao was still scared, because he was worried that Situ Jiao was in danger, he was curious about what happened on the mountain, and Qi Sinian Holding her hand, she jumped away from the large grassland like a monkey.

After passing the yard, we have to climb a mountain. This is a mountain that few people climb. It really requires both hands and feet to climb up. Qi Sinian let Feng Qingyao walk in front, and he supported her from behind, but when Feng Qingyao climbed up , there seemed to be some kind of barrier erected in front of Feng Qingyao and Qi Sinian. Feng Qingyao could easily pass through it, but Qi Sinian could not touch it.

"What's going on?" Feng Jinyao saw that Qi Sinian's left palm was injured. She jumped down again and checked his wounds, fearing that he would fall down like last time. "How are you? Are you okay?" "It's okay, it's just that there's something here that makes it hard for me to get through." Qi Sinian picked up a wooden stick and waved it in the air in front of him, but there was no obstacle and Feng Qingyao could pass through.

At this time, Situ Jiao couldn't wait to run over: "Did you see it?" Situ Jiao said while pointing to the air in front of them.

"Just now when I was scenting my milk, my finger was accidentally scratched by a plant. A drop of blood fell to the ground, and then I saw the blood spread out and formed a huge red net. Did you see it? Shrouded in this mountain top." Situ Jiao spoke as if he had discovered a new world.

But neither Feng Qingyao nor Situ Jiao saw the net that Situ Jiao mentioned.

Feng Qingyao glanced at Qi Sinian and suddenly turned to look at Situ Jiao, almost saying with certainty: "Are you a descendant of the high priest?"

Situ Jiao was very surprised because she had not had a chance to tell the second half of the story, but she was very surprised that Feng Jinyao knew her identity just by using a net?

"How did you guess it?"

In order to answer Situ Jiao's question, Qi Sinian turned his head and glanced at Feng Qingyao, gently raised his hand, and slowly moved forward. Situ Jiao saw the moment Qi Sinian's hand touched the red net, his palm Immediately he was injured, revealing bright red flesh and blood.

He just held it and loosened it, and when he saw again, the wound just now had slowly disappeared.

Feng Qingyao was not surprised at all. Situ Jiao suddenly thought of something, pointed at Qi Sinian and said: "Yong... stranger?"

"To be precise, they all call themselves vampires." Feng Jinyao looked at the extremely shocked Situ Jiao. She looked at Qi Sinian in surprise and slowly approached him, wanting to reach out and touch him. Skin, Feng Qingyao stopped her.

"So the high priest didn't die at that time, and there are still descendants?" Feng Qingyao asked.

"The descendants of the high priest existed before the conspiracy was planned, and the one who saved the vampires was also her descendant." Situ Jiao said while looking at Qi Sinian in disbelief.

"Why is there a blood race ban here?" Qi Sinian didn't care whether Situ Jiao was a descendant of the high priest, but he had lived for 400 years, and this was the first time he saw a place he couldn't go to. If so, So where will his people be?
"To be honest, I didn't know I had such an ability. I had always regarded grandma's words as a story, but I didn't expect that they were all true." Situ Jiao looked at Feng Qingyao's wary look and continued, "Grandma When she sent me out to study, she said that she had passed on all her skills to me, and that she felt at ease and was worthy of her ancestors. I always thought it was just the skills of making jewelry."

"Why is there a vampire ban here? Do you have to wait for you to open it?" Qi Sinian brought the topic back again.

This time Feng Qingyao and Situ Jiao really thought about this problem, so Feng Qingyao also climbed up. At this time, she was no longer afraid of snakes, insects, rats and ants. She found a random branch on the ground and looked around.

"Where is the boundary of this network?" Feng Qingyao asked.

Situ Jiao raised her head and glanced up, then used the wooden stick in her hand to draw a line along the border of the net. After removing the leaves, there was clearly a mark left by something on the ground.

"Found it!" Situ Jiao knelt on the ground and cleared away all the dead branches and weeds under the net, revealing a piece of scarlet soil.

(End of this chapter)

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