Chapter 78 The unknown little green dot
Two hours later, Tan Haotian's hole was dug. In order not to attract attention, Qi Sinian carried Cao Yujiao to the backyard.

Qi Sinian supported her, while Tan Haotian and Situ Jiao kept shoveling the soil and burying her roots or feet in the mud, probably up to her knees. They compacted the soil on the surface, poured water on it, and Cao Yujiao's branches and leaves Vitality suddenly appeared, and even the bark of the tree that was still crying before gradually stretched out.

"You seem to be in a good mood!" Tan Haotian shouted to Cao Yujiao.

Cao Yujiao was so excited that she shook her body. The leaves stretched and rustled in the sunshine and breeze, which instantly attracted many birds, chirping and singing on the treetops.

Seeing this scene, Tan Haotian and Situ Jiao finally breathed a sigh of relief, but Qi Sinian's brows tightened even more.

He always had a feeling that whether it was the sad vine in the room just now or the happy vine at this moment, it was not Cao Yujiao, but the unknown little green dot he had seen in the laboratory before.

"Why do I feel that she seems to have grown up a little bit more than before?" Situ Jiao said to himself as he looked at the vines.

Qi Sinian and Tan Haotian, who were about to leave, turned to look at the vine. Indeed, as Situ Jiao said, it was getting taller and stronger, and its branches were lengthening little by little, stretching towards the Tan Qi family's house.

"We can't let it grow indefinitely." Qi Sinian looked at Situ Jiao: "What can you do?"

"I don't know, but I can try." As he said this, Situ Jiao bit his finger and began to draw directly on the tree trunk. It worked quickly. Green smoke was rising from the bark, and the rattan was like As if being stimulated, he shrank back in pain.

"Very good! Just stand here obediently and don't think about doing anything, otherwise I will send you to the valley." Qi Sinian threatened before leaving.

It was approaching noon, and Bai Lingfeng had already prepared lunch. She walked out of the yard and looked at the vine. She felt that the vine was also looking at her. She quickly looked away: "You all come and eat quickly!"

Qi Sinian looked at the time, turned to Bai Lingfeng and said, "Pack one for me. Qingyao is alone in the laboratory, I will send it to her."

However, when Qi Sinian, Tan Haotian, and Situ Jiao went to the laboratory after dinner, Feng Qingyao was not in the laboratory at all.

The breakfast Qi Sinian bought in the morning was still on the table. He had just taken a bite of the peeled eggs and they were still soaked in the porridge bowl. There was still half an egg left in the bowl of Xiao Long Bao...

All signs indicate that Feng Jinyao was having lunch before leaving. The morning slide was still placed under the microscope. Qi Sinian noticed that the small green dots gathered at the rear right. That direction was northwest. Along that direction Qi Sinian All Si Nian could think of was the airport.

But what was Feng Qingyao doing at the airport at this time?

Situ Jiao did not peel off the cocoons in the laboratory like Qi Sinian, but directly made a phone call.

Situ Jiao turned on the speakerphone. Tan Haotian and Qi Sinian turned to look at the phone on the table, expecting to hear Feng Qingyao's voice: "The phone you dialed has been turned off. Please call again later."

Disappointment showed on everyone's faces: "Where can she go?"

At this time, Tan Haotian turned on his mobile phone, and a piece of news caught his attention: "Feng Group is holding a press conference."

Qi Si young asked: "Where to open it?"

"Group headquarters!" At this time, both Tan Haotian and Situ Jiao were staring at the mobile phone screen.

Feng Shibin, Feng Wanyue, and Yin Gongming were all present at the press conference.

Qi Sinian turned the slide and pointed the small green dots to the east, which is where the Feng Group headquarters is located. But as soon as he stopped, the small green dots started to move on the screen and returned to the northwest. .

"I don't know what method the Feng Group used to make those women like Cao Yujiao return to normal." Tan Haotian said.Qi Sinian was immediately attracted by these words. He came to the two of them instantly and watched the live broadcast.

"Here we are very grateful to the Feng Group for their help, and we would also like to take this opportunity to advise you that medicine is three parts poisonous. Please do not abuse drugs privately, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous." A woman wearing handcuffs said: "We also I will pay the price for my actions, and I hope you will learn from them."

"Huang Yin!" Situ Jiao said, "Just now I was thinking that if they were poisoned by taking too much venom, then the charm should be useful, so the one painted on Cao Yujiao's bark is the same as the one on Huang Yin. Pattern.”

"So if you lost that sachet ball before, you could cure their illnesses?" Tan Haotian asked.

"It should be." Qi Sinian said as he looked at the woman on the screen who was taken away by the prosecutor's office staff.

When she mentioned the lost gold and silver, Situ Jiao felt filled with guilt. If she hadn't exchanged the gold for the 50 yuan, she wouldn't have had to watch a woman in bloom turn into a vine.

What's even more troublesome is that the strength and speed shown by Feng Jinyao last night were the same as Cao Yujiao's vine. If she didn't think of a way quickly, she might still watch Feng Jinyao turn into a vine.

"Situ Jiao, all the changes that Qingyao observed in them this morning, including the changes in our blood clan, may be related to these little green dots on the screen. See if there is any way to separate them and see what they are. " Qi Sinian took off his lab coat and said, "I'll go out to find her."

Tan Haotian and Situ Jiao looked at each other, and Qi Sinian drove away from Tan Garden.

Tan Yuan originally had a road leading to the airport. It was built many, many years ago for the convenience of drug transportation. Today, this road is still the main road connecting Tan Yuan with outside dealers.

Because it is far away from the city, there are very few cars on this road, all of which are large trucks loaded with goods.

The fastest time from Tan Yuan to the airport is half an hour. As soon as Qi Sinian arrived at the airport, he heard an announcement from a boarding gate in the terminal: "Please note that Ms. Feng Jinyao who is going to Australia, you are taking 3U3883 The flight will take off soon, please rush to gate 73 to board the plane immediately! This is the last boarding announcement for flight 3U3883. Thank you!"


Qi Sinian was stunned when he heard the content of the broadcast: "Go to Australia? Why is she going to Australia!"

Qi Sinian had almost never flown on a plane. He was stopped at the security checkpoint because he did not have a ticket.

He immediately called Tan Haotian: "Book me a flight abroad at the nearest time, as soon as possible."

Tan Haotian was confused when he received the call. When did Qi Sinian need to fly? Besides, he didn't even have a passport, so how could he go abroad? However, he still used his fastest speed to book a ticket for Qi Sinian in one hour. Air tickets to the United States.

Qi Sinian checked in for the first time. Just when he was confident that he could get in, he encountered a problem while going through the security check.

He had taken off all the metal parts on his body, but the machine in the hands of the security inspector still kept beeping.

Not to mention he was anxious, even the security personnel were very anxious. After confirming that there were indeed no metal objects outside his body, the security personnel asked: "Sir, do you have a stent?"

Qi Sinian nodded quickly.

The security personnel once again confirmed that there were no dangerous goods on him before allowing him to pass.

Finally, he saw a dejected Feng Jinyao in the terminal 70.

(End of this chapter)

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