Unknowingly, Jiang Li has been practicing in seclusion at Xuanling Mountain for ten years.

The seven elders were all eager for Jiang Li to go out for a walk.

These seven people gathered around the training place arranged for Jiang Li, with sad faces.

The third elder spoke first.

"Doesn't she understand what seclusion is? I've told her so many times that seclusion means you can't go out. Why does she still go out every day and harm our disciples!"

"Now I seriously doubt that she said she wanted to become an immortal just to torture us and upset the world of immortality. She must have discussed it with the Demon Lord!"

The second elder also said the same to Master Liu, and followed him with a few words.

"Let her go, let her go -"

"...I have been thinking about how to find a way to send her to the Demon Lord for a period of time in the past two days, but isn't that a waste of time? Besides, she is attacking the golden elixir inside now. If we disturb her, something might happen. questionable."

"Just let her go out on a mission after flushing the golden elixir, saying that our Xuanling Mountain has the obligation to eliminate the demon cultivators around us. If she doesn't want to, let her pay the rent!"

The Sixth Elder hit the nail on the head and told Jiang Li's destiny, which was unanimously recognized by everyone.

The seventh elder looked at the place where Jiang Li was practicing and recalled the time when Jiang Li just started practicing.

After entering Xuanling Mountain, the seven elders gave Jiang Li a comprehensive physical examination to test Jiang Li's current strength and spiritual roots.

When I learned about Jiang Li's golden blood before, I only did a simple test, but now it's a comprehensive test.

If it weren't for the fact that this place was in ancient times, Jiang Li would have remembered the laboratories he had seen.

The final test results failed to find any similarities between this spiritual root and any of the recorded spiritual roots.

If you think about it carefully, maybe it is similar to the ethereal spiritual root of the third Immortal Lord. It has never been recorded, but there are some legendary spiritual roots.

Leader Liu even planned to use his superb divination skills to divine clues about this spiritual root, but then the sword used for divination was shattered into pieces, so broken that there was no residue left.

"The way of heaven does not allow divination, which shows that my divination technology has threatened the way of heaven!"

Leader Liu said this shamelessly, and then a thunderbolt struck at his feet.

Tian Dao is cautious, this is something Jiang Li has known for a long time.

The Demon Lord heard about the situation here and did some investigation, and finally found the record of golden blood in an ancient book.

"In ancient times... people with golden blood... died... are you too unreliable?"

Leader Liu said this to the Demon Lord.

This ancient book, even if it is an ancient book, is just a tortoise shell. The words that can be written on it are really limited, and it has been worn out for too long.

"I also want to repair it, but the time span has to be 10,000 to 20,000 years, so there is really no way."

There are things that even the Demon Lord can't do, let alone others.

But no matter what, there are records, which shows that there is not much problem with this spiritual root. Although it says "died" at the end, it does not necessarily have to do with golden blood.

Jiang Li's training began.

Leader Liu personally taught Jiang Li a lesson.

"Are you going to take a divination class?"

Jiang Li asked Head Liu. Head Liu looked at the tortoise shell copper coins he bought, and then said to Jiang Li.

"This line of work is too unpredictable. Let's wait until you can become a Mahayana master like me before we talk about divination."

Later, Master Liu spread some knowledge about cultivating immortals to Jiang Li.

The levels of cultivating immortals are very simple: Qi training, foundation building, golden elixir, Yuanying, transformation into gods, transcending tribulations, and Mahayana. Above the Mahayana, there is the Immortal Lord or the Demonic Lord.

Although the levels are divided in this way, there are still many details.

For example, there will be a fusion before transcending the tribulation, because in order to be able to practice quickly, most immortal cultivators will separate some energy or spirits or directly have clones to assist in the practice. The fusion period is to achieve the greatest degree of control over oneself, to control it perfectly. The body's energy and spirit reach its peak state to cope with the thunder in the tribulation period.

For example, there is a virtual elixir before the golden elixir. At this time, a fake elixir is condensed and used first, because not everyone has a chance of success, which is considered a cheating practice by ordinary people.

For example, before practicing Qi, there is also a step of physical training. It takes an ordinary cultivator about two years to temper his body so that his body can withstand the pain of practicing Qi and prevent his muscles from exploding.

Because practicing qi is like tossing the qi in your body.

During the Qi training period, the cultivator is required to be able to fully mobilize the Qi in his body, control its flow, transformation, and conform to its trend, so as to reach the point where he can control the flow of vitality.

Once these qi can be separated from the body of the immortal cultivator and can be controlled by the immortal cultivator outside the body, you can start to learn some basic skills.

Whether it is a flame technique or a frost technique, its essence is to release the energy in one's body outwards, and use corresponding techniques to modify its attributes. At that time, this required a lot of Qi, and it was not required to be done during the Qi training period.

This step is difficult because it is completely different from previous experiences. It takes most people nearly ten years to reach the peak of their Qi training period.

There are also many people who have damaged their bodies at this stage and have to give up cultivating immortals.

The requirements during the Qi training period are not very high. We do not pursue power, but only pursue control. For cultivators, the two most important words are right here, control.

Control yourself so you can control others. Only when you can completely control yourself can you maximize your power.

At this time, there is not much Qi in the body of the immortal cultivator, and it cannot withstand much torture. After practicing twice, it will consume a lot of energy, almost reaching the limit, and has to continue to use various medicinal materials to replenish the body. If it were a mortal, with such a huge consumption, he would have to lie down for ten days and a half.

But what cultivators do is go against heaven.

They transform the energy originally needed for life activities into cultivation energy and mobilize it to other places. This sounds like a pure act of self-mutilation, but as a cultivator, if you can't even do this step, then you can just be a mortal for the rest of your life.

Do not break or stand.

It took Jiang Li one class to transform from a mortal to a monk in the Qi training stage.

As soon as Master Liu finished explaining how to practice Qi, Jiang Li had already started trying.

It’s not unusual to try something after hearing it. Master Liu often sees his students doing this, so he continues to teach.

"That's it for today. I'll take you to have a good time tomorrow..."

"Is this done?"

Jiang Li interrupted Head Liu, and then waved his hand, and Head Liu saw the potted plant over there falling to the ground.

Although the power of this move is not great, it has achieved the level of releasing the true energy, indicating that it has entered into Qi training.

This made Leader Liu very unhappy. He didn't even see Jiang Li's deflated appearance.

But Leader Liu was also comforting himself in his heart, why Jiang Li had been practicing in the martial arts before, and he was already practicing physical fitness. In addition, his spiritual roots were different now, and his physique had changed a lot. He started practicing Qi in one day, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with him.

So, Master Liu immediately started talking about foundation building. The so-called foundation building means a preliminary attempt at communication between heaven and earth.

The qi of the human body is limited, and the qi of heaven and earth is also limited, but the qi of heaven and earth is much greater than that of human beings.

Eating also borrows the energy of heaven and earth, but the efficiency is very low. It can only keep people alive, and at most they will make people fat. As an immortal cultivator, you should be able to communicate with heaven and earth and fill your body with the energy of heaven and earth.

Of course, if you borrow something, you must repay it, and it is not difficult to borrow again. This sentence also applies to immortal cultivators.

For a cultivator to transform from an ordinary person to a Mahayana monster, even if he has good talent, it will take seven to eight hundred years. After so many years, he needs to accumulate and consume a lot of Qi, and he may be able to support one or two small sects.

Therefore, when a cultivator is angry, his anger will return to heaven and earth, leaving no part of it for himself.

Therefore, sometimes the best place to practice is for those who are prepared to resist the natural calamity, but fail to guard against it, and their Tao body collapses. Once they die and their spiritual energy returns to heaven and earth, a group of immortal cultivators will come out to rub the immortal energy around them.

They are like a whale falling. When a whale falls, all things come into being. Moreover, these qi are all of high quality, so if you want to cultivate, it will be twice the result with half the effort.

Jiang Li asked the system.

"Is there any way to successfully build the foundation in one class? I really want to see Master Liu's surprised expression again."

"...Okay, no matter what the reason is, as long as you are motivated."

The system said this, and then asked Jiang Li to try communicating with the world first, and said that it might take a few attempts, but as long as he got started, the system would find a way to find bugs.

It worked right the first time.

The system is not happy now either.

"The spiritual roots are so amazing!"

"Not at all, and I don't think spiritual roots are that powerful. I really don't like this hierarchical place. I still want to see equality among all living beings."

The system did not speak, because this was indeed what Jiang Li said from the bottom of his heart.

As a person who has never experienced fairness since he was a child, Jiang Li believed from the bottom of his heart that it would be a great thing if everyone could be equal.

So, under the command of the system, Jiang Li spent a whole morning completely progressing from Qi training to foundation building.

After being stunned again, Leader Liu chose to resign.

Make friends with whomever you love!

These were the last words that Master Liu said.

So, the seventh elder went into battle himself.

On the first day of battle, the Seventh Elder asked Jiang Li, who had already begun to build the foundation.

"You are so fast, aren't you afraid of any problems in your practice later?"

"That's not the case. You tested my spiritual roots some time ago. Didn't you tell me that the blood of my spiritual roots can already bring me close to the level of foundation building. So it doesn't matter if I can do both in one day. Big problem."

"Then let me teach you about the golden elixir first. Anyway, you are almost done."


Jiang Li listened carefully to the seventh elder's explanation.

Although you can start to communicate with heaven and earth and absorb the energy of heaven and earth for your own use when building the foundation, it is always not enough.

What's even more troublesome is that the qi of heaven and earth directly enters the human body, and it is difficult to efficiently transform it into qi that cultivators can directly use. With the exception of the third Immortal Master's ethereal root, all Qi needs further processing. And this processing is often very cumbersome.

They need a more convenient way.

The simplest one is a golden elixir.

Condensate the Qi in your body, let it stay in your Dantian, and then control the Qi to continue condensation.

When the golden elixir is successfully condensed, it can absorb the energy of heaven and earth more efficiently. In essence, this is a weapon refining, but it is based on one's own Qi.

After that, they need to choose a path and have this path determine their own golden elixir properties. This is what is often referred to as the basic technique.

Golden elixir is a watershed and the most basic thing for immortal cultivators. If this step is missed, then this life will only stop at the golden elixir.

Just like Bai Feng and others.

Therefore, even if he could condense it as quickly as possible, Jiang Li did not do that. What she was able to do in seven or eight years, it took ten years before she finally planned to attack the golden elixir.

And in these years, she has certainly not been idle, causing trouble to her disciples everywhere in Xuanling Mountain.

Jiang Li's identity as the future Immortal Master was revealed by herself.

Naturally, no one believed this at first. Who could connect the unreliable person in front of him with the most reliable fairy master?

However, after seeing the attitude of the seven elders towards Jiang Li, some people gradually began to agree with that possibility.

Jiang Li is not anyone's illegitimate son, why should they be so respectful? When bullied, he didn't dare to fight back, so he could only vent his anger on his disciples.

Moreover, Xuanling Mountain is already the leading existence in the world of immortality, and it has led other sects to compete with Donglin Mountain for so many years. Whose illegitimate child do they need to care about?

Maybe not.

Then it can only be a big shot, just like Jiang Li said, the Immortal Lord.

Soon, word spread that Jiang Li had transformed from an ordinary person to a monk in the foundation building stage in one day.

Naturally, everyone in Xuanling Mountain thought that Jiang Li had a special cultivation method.

This situation is actually the best solution. Jiang Li only needs to continue to retreat, and he will soon become a legend, but it is impossible for Jiang Li to do that kind of thing.

She did something that shocked the seven elders of Xuanling Mountain.

Class starts.

Jiang Li began to build a small platform in his retreat place so that students who came to attend classes could have a place to sit.

Jiang Li finally got his wish and worked as a teacher for a while, experiencing the skill of throwing chalk heads on it.

However, Jiang Li likes to tell stories, and she doesn't know anyone when she talks about them. Based on the content of Jiang Li's teaching, this class quickly became a place for her to spread her problematic thoughts.

Even if he has never been a bandit, Jiang Li's own ideas are very poisonous to serious immortal cultivators.

Two years have passed, and many disciples on the mountain have gone astray. The seven elders can also clearly feel that there is something wrong with the style of painting of many disciples.

In order to avoid Xuanling Mountain, which has a good reputation in the world of immortality, the disciples would be tortured by Jiang Li and then go out to embarrass Xuanling Mountain. The seven elders gathered around here to think of a way to get Jiang Li to leave here and go out. Turn around.

Three days later, Jiang Li finally ended her retreat. She hasn't figured out what way to go, but no matter what, she can go out into the wild.

She still misses those disciples in her heart.

And Jiang Li, who went out, also received his first mission from Xuanling Mountain.

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