Then the two of them returned to Cuizhuxuan and slept in each other's arms.

Early the next morning, Su Qingqing woke up and Jun Mochen was nowhere to be seen.

But while having breakfast, Su Qingqing heard Chun'er's complaints.

"Master, did you hear that? The emperor stayed at Fengxi Palace yesterday. It made them proud. If master, you were not too busy yesterday, there would be nothing wrong with them."

Su Qingqing came back late yesterday, and Chun'er had already gone to bed, so she didn't see Jun Mochen.

And early in the morning, Jun Mochen left Cuizhuxuan, returned to Fengxi Palace quietly, and then came out of it in a swaggering manner.

So the news about staying at Fengxi Palace spread.

Su Qingqing was completely shocked when she heard the news. Wasn't Jun Mochen here with her yesterday?

Suddenly, he thought of Jun Mochen's mask, and something flashed past him.

But Su Qingqing didn't think much about it.

"Just stay the night! The Emperor is not the Emperor of your master alone."

Anyway, it's not a bad thing to have such news. She has been looked down upon by many concubines recently.

Even the Queen Mother couldn't stand it anymore, and even gave herself a lesson yesterday.


With a sigh, Su Qingqing lost her appetite, and then put down the food in her hands.

She needed to think of a countermeasure, she didn't want to become a vixen.

To be honest, it is not easy to fall in love with the emperor.

Unlike Su Qingqing, Concubine Ling on the other side was letting the palace maid adjust her clothes beautifully.

Yesterday, she succeeded in getting the emperor to stay with her, which was considered a breath of bad breath.

Dad wouldn’t think he was useless, so he would get something like that for himself!

Just as Concubine Ling looked at the beauty in the mirror, the palace maid behind her was shocked.

"My dear, what happened to the back of your neck? When did you get hurt?"

Hearing this, Concubine Ling touched it subconsciously, and then looked into the bronze mirror. Sure enough, there was a small patch of red on the back of her neck, but you couldn't see it unless you looked carefully.

"I probably bumped into it accidentally."

Concubine Ling didn't pay attention, maybe it was because she was intimate with the emperor, and she blushed thinking about it.

But at this time, the palace maid spoke casually.

"Slave, I remember that there seemed to be one last time. When was it?"

Although the palace lady said it casually, it reminded Concubine Ling of this incident.

She remembered that such a small red patch appeared on the back of her neck after the last time she went to bed.

Touching her neck again, she felt a slight pain, and then Concubine Ling began to recall everything from yesterday.

Yesterday, I clearly went to seduce the emperor. At that time, I felt a pain in my neck, and then I couldn't remember anything.

But when she woke up in the morning, she saw the emperor sleeping next to her, and the red-faced image in her mind made Concubine Ling feel that it was not fake, so she didn't have too much doubt, but now that she thought about it, everything seemed weird.

It seemed to be like this every time she went to bed before. Even those scenes of going to bed, she couldn't tell whether they were reality or dreams.

The more Concubine Ling thought about it, the more wrong she became. The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became. She couldn't help clenching her fists, feeling a little uneasy.

Although he said this, there was a trace of doubt in his heart.

"Go and call the wet nurse."

She had a very good relationship with her wet nurse. When she entered the palace, the wet nurse went into the palace with her and helped her take care of the affairs in the palace.

It's a pity that the wet nurse liked to nag, which annoyed her so much that she became estranged from the wet nurse.

Normally, she would not let the wet nurse come over except to report some matters. At first, the wet nurse would come to her. Over time, the wet nurse seemed to have gotten used to it.

The reason why I called the wet nurse here today is because the wet nurse knows a little bit about medical skills, and she wanted the wet nurse to take a look and see if there is anything wrong with her body. The wet nurse came over soon, with a look of concern on her face.

"I heard the palace maid said that Concubine Ling is not feeling well? Where is she feeling uncomfortable?"

Although Concubine Ling doesn't like her, she has brought him up since she was a child, and she already treats people as her children in her heart.

However, there is a difference between master and servant. Concubine Ling has been estranged and repeated without any complaints. She just feels that she is older. It is normal for Concubine Ling to like her. She usually does things silently.

Seeing the wet nurse, Concubine Ling was not as impatient as usual, but said eagerly.

"Nanny, you are here. Come and help me take a look."

But after saying that, she felt it was inappropriate, so she immediately withdrew the servants, and even her personal maid was dismissed by her.

After everyone left, Concubine Ling spoke again.

"Nanny, please help me check if there is anything wrong with my body."

Hearing Concubine Ling's words, the wet nurse was very surprised, but she helped Concubine Ling take a look without any hesitation.

First she felt her pulse, and then looked at Concubine Ling herself. The wet nurse shook her head and said.

"My queen is in good health and there is nothing wrong with her."

Hearing the wet nurse's words, Concubine Ling couldn't help but frowned. If she wasn't sick, why would she faint every time she went to bed?

But this matter was her own secret, and it was hard for her to tell her.

Seeing Concubine Ling's hesitation, the nurse's nagging habit returned.

"Your Majesty, are you hiding something from this old slave? I swear that I will never tell anyone, nor will I betray you."

Concubine Ling was a little moved when she heard the wet nurse's words. It was not like she didn't know how kind the wet nurse was to her.

Besides, she really had no one else she trusted, and the only person she was closest to now was her wet nurse, so she gritted her teeth and told the truth.

Hearing Concubine Ling's description, the wet nurse frowned slightly.

I would faint every time I went to bed. I had never heard of such a thing.

There was nothing wrong with Concubine Ling's body, so the wet nurse was very confused.

If someone had tampered with it, he couldn't help but look at the room.

Seeing the wet nurse doing this, Concubine Ling's heart skipped a beat. She did not disturb the wet nurse, but helped to observe together.

Soon the nurse's eyes fell on Concubine Ling's incense burner.

There was nothing unusual about the incense burner, but she, who knew a little about medical skills, always felt something was wrong.

"Mother, did you smell good yesterday?"

After hearing what the wet nurse said, Concubine Ling thought for a while.

"Yes, the emperor likes the fragrance, so whenever the emperor comes over, I will light the incense."

The emperor said that the smell here was different from other places, so every time the emperor came over, she asked the maid to light the incense.

After hearing Concubine Ling's words, the wet nurse turned over the incense burner. She originally thought there was nothing unusual, but at this moment, a little incense ashes outside the incense burner attracted the wet nurse's attention.

"What incense did your Majesty burnt last night?"

If I remember correctly, the empress usually uses lily incense, but the ash of lily incense is gray, and this one is indeed gray-black, which is quite different in color.

Realizing this, the wet nurse did not alarm the snake, but put away the incense without leaving any trace.

Then I looked around the room again and found nothing.

Since she didn't find anything, Concubine Ling didn't have too much suspicion and let the wet nurse leave.

However, when the wet nurse came out, she did not go back to her room, but went to find another nanny she knew well.

This nun was called Aunt Wang. Her ancestor was an incense maker, so she knew a lot about incense. They had a good relationship, so the wet nurse found her.

"Tell me what kind of fragrance this is?"

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