It was supposed to be the autumn harvest season, but the rain was magical. All the gaps where plants could grow around the altar sprouted green buds, and they grew rapidly, spreading their leaves crazily.

This scene made everyone kneeling down and exclaimed.

Then he kowtowed to Su Mo respectfully and piously.

Now that Su Mo has proclaimed himself emperor, the City Lord's Palace is obviously not suitable for him. What he will face next is not the City Lord, but the envoys sent by the Eight Kingdoms!
It is better to say that he is a messenger than to prevent Su Mo from proclaiming himself emperor.

Standing high and looking far away, Su Mo, who had the highest altar, could already see the dust and mist in the distance. This was the dust raised by the trampling of the large troops riding horses.

Su Mo lowered his eyes and looked at Qiu Xin, the leader of the wolf pack below: "Qiu Xin, go meet the teams from all countries."

"Yes!" Qiu Xin nodded, and a strange voice came from her mouth. The wolves surrounding the altar slowly retreated and stood back on Baihu Street.

The alpha wolf was half-lying on the ground, waiting for his master to arrive. Qiu Xin, who had just accomplished martial arts training, jumped down neatly, landed firmly on the ground, jumped up and sat on the alpha wolf's back.

This is imitating Su Mo.

Wolves are much more powerful than horses, and Qiu Xin, who understands animal language, gradually mastered this skill.

Su Mo spoke again: "He Weiyu, please take ten people with you."

The people coming from the Eight Kingdoms may not be simple things, and Qiu Xin may not be able to cope with them.

Qiu Xin also got off the ground quickly and responded to Su Mo: "Yes, Your Majesty."

The 20-member red-coated law enforcement team was divided into two teams, ten of whom followed and the remaining ten stayed at the altar.

Even if the people from the Eight Kingdoms arrive now, all the ceremonies have ended, and Su Mo has proclaimed himself emperor. This is a prayer to heaven and earth, and worship of Emperor Ming, which is recognized by all things!

Coupled with the jade seal owned by Su Mo, he was a more orthodox emperor than the Eight Kingdoms!

That's why the Eight Kingdoms came to the north so eagerly to see if they could prevent Su Mo from becoming emperor.

It's a pity that Su Mo also counts the time. You can come, but you can only watch.

Su Mo, who was wearing a bright red dragon robe, jumped down from the altar and stepped lightly. Everyone below opened their eyes and found that Su Mo had arrived on the ground. His body was as light as a swallow, and his elegant figure was filled with immortality.

"Your Majesty, are you hosting a banquet at the City Lord's Mansion?" Su Xin nodded slightly and asked in front of Su Mo.

When I was embroidering the twelve chapters of the dragon robe, I originally planned to expand the city lord's palace into a royal palace, but Su Mo rejected it.

Now that people from the Eight Kingdoms have arrived, although the City Lord's Mansion is unique, it is still too small compared to the mammoth palace.

"Wait a minute." Su Mo raised his hand and looked at the system, which was already relaxed and relaxed: "Tongzi, replace the city lord's palace with the Forbidden City."


"What did you say, boss?"

"Boss, are you dreaming?"

The system was surprised three times and came out directly from the spiritual sea.

"I've seen the Envoy of God!" This is the code name of the system in the north.

When everyone saw the system, they kowtowed again.

"Boss, don't you think about the territory of the City Lord's Mansion?"

Su Mo narrowed his eyes and grabbed the system with his fingers: "You have been very stubborn recently! You have completed the task of founding the country, so you should give me one of my requests!"

"Boss, you think too highly of me. Where is the Forbidden City? Can I move there?" the system retorted weakly.

Su Mo curled up his lips and said, "Just get one. It's not like we're asking you to move Blue Star." The system immediately shouted, "Get one. Boss, you made it simple. Your City Lord's Mansion occupies such a small area. Why?" Do it?"

"The place in the north of Mocheng is specially reserved for you!" There is no construction in the northern area of ​​Mocheng, so it is specially reserved for you.

The system is silent, and I feel like crying without tears.

"Good boy, go ahead. I'll give you three minutes." Su Mo let go and rubbed the system's head with a gentle tone.

"..." This is a threat!
The system had no choice but to quickly fly to the city lord's mansion.

Su Mo followed him with light steps. Xiao Wang was like a knight, following closely behind Su Mo, followed by the ten-man red-clothed law enforcement team. Su Xin walked in front, Qi Qing, Qiu Zhigao, and Baili Qing followed closely. Followed by.

After the red-clothed team, there are all the major families in gorgeous clothes. Here are not only the families from Mocheng, but also the people ranked in the ranks from the other three cities. There are also ordinary people, but not many, otherwise Mocheng would have been blocked. It stopped moving, but the number of people in this team was still far less than that of the Eight Kingdoms. When the emperor of the Eight Kingdoms went on tour, who wouldn't be accompanied by thousands of people, and the team stretched dozens of miles away?

But Su Mo is a god, and the winged little king is incomparable to others.

When they followed Su Mo to the City Lord's Mansion, they saw it was empty, let alone the City Lord's Mansion, there was no grass. Everyone panicked and looked at Su Mo.

I only saw the Lord God Envoy wandering in the air, seeming to be measuring something.

"Tongzi, are you still not feeling well?"

"Your Majesty the Queen, please wait!" the system shouted angrily.

He didn’t even call the boss, he was so angry!

Su Mo smiled and said to the system: "Be good and consider doing more tasks later."

"Hmph, I won't eat the pie you drew!" The system snorted coldly and headed towards the north area, starting to measure the area.

Looking at the system that seemed to be outspoken, Su Mo said to Xiao Wang, "Go and pick up the guests."

Naturally, they would not be empty-handed when they came to watch the ceremony. They were naturally guests since they were giving gifts. Su Mo, who thought he was quite hospitable, would naturally welcome them as long as they did not cause trouble.

Xiao Wang was too lazy to run, so he jumped up, flew towards the west gate.

A huge figure flew across the sky, and its shadow crossed the ground, drawing out a dark shadow.

Everyone looked up in envy.

At this moment, a huge shadow appeared, and a building suddenly appeared in the empty place. The high walls, the majestic door, and the bright bricks on the top. This scene excited everyone.

Everyone was dumbfounded and looked at the house that suddenly appeared in shock!

No, this is the palace!
This should be more luxurious than Da Chu’s palace!

This is a palace created by immortal magic!
The system was so tired that the program was paralyzed. He came back and directly entered Su Mo's spiritual sea cultivation. Before shutting down, he did not forget to remind Su Mo: "Boss, you are the empress now. You have no words to say, do the task!"

"Who said you can't joke?" Su Mo laughed and looked at this building that looked like the Forbidden City.

Of course, the system cannot move things from other planes, but it can use things from the mall or magic weapons to imitate them. This Xia Kingdom Palace is the product of the system.

The Blue Star Forbidden City imitated is one to one, magnificent, majestic and gorgeous, and even the layout is very reasonable. Compared with the imperial palaces of the Eight Kingdoms of Tianyan, it is naturally superior.

When the system heard Su Mo's words, it was so angry that it gritted its teeth.

"Okay, the mission can still be completed." Su Mo smiled and let go of the hard-working system.

"Hmph!" The system rolled its eyes and went into shutdown state. It didn't even want to watch the excitement of the gathering of the eight countries, no, it should be the gathering of the nine countries now.

Su Mo turned back to Su Xin and ordered: "Prepare a banquet." (End of Chapter)

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