After the pressure on his body disappeared, and the bloodthirsty wolf eyes shifted his gaze, this man dared to get up from the ground shivering, his body still trembling, his eyes frightened.

He is just a civil servant. He has never experienced such a scene. That wolf, just now he thought he was going to die from the wolf's mouth!

It felt like I was touching my chest to save my life. Now I no longer doubted the identity of Qiuxin's beast tamer!
Liu Xianshang stepped forward, waving his folding fan, with a gentle smile on his lips: "Could this girl be the inheritor of some family?"

Such a beast tamer must have learned it since childhood, and must be extremely talented to reach such a level.

Wolves are the wildest animals.

Qiu Xin looked at this man with a smile on his face, and her intuition told her that he was not a good person.

Therefore, Qiu Xin had a cold face, ignored Liu Xianzhi, looked at the crowd and said: "You are here to watch the enthronement ceremony of our Queen of Xia, but you are a little late. The Queen has already offered sacrifices to Emperor Ming of Heaven and Earth, and has been recognized."

Everyone looked suspicious and looked at Qiu Xin in disbelief.

"In that case, the queen must have hosted a banquet for us?" Since the empress of Xia Kingdom had planned the time for their arrival, she must have calculated everything. This banquet is probably also to establish her prestige in various countries.

"Of course." He Weiyu nodded from the side.

"Who are you?" Xia Zirui, the third prince from Muxia, asked in confusion.

"I am the Queen's minister. You may call me Lord He."

Lord He? Are you trying to get ahead of them?
Everyone looked at He Weiyu with disdain. Compared with Qiuxin who could tame animals, He Weiyu looked like an ordinary person from the outside.

"He Shangshu didn't understand the etiquette when he saw the princes from all over the world?" The minister is just an official position, and most of them here are important ministers or princes from various countries. What's more, the prince Liu Xianzhi is here in person!
Who is not more noble than a female minister?

"In Xia Kingdom, I only worship the Queen." He Weiyu spoke slowly, without flinching, looking at everyone calmly.

Indeed, what is the identity of the Queen, and these people dare to compare with her?
These knees were kneeling down on Su Mo!
But everyone just thought that He Weiyu was trying to save their face, and they all scolded in a cold voice: "Is it possible that the Empress of Xia looks down on us?"

He Weiyu spoke again: "What are you talking about!"

Although the Queen looked down on them, she couldn't say so directly.


"Let's go, I want to see what the legendary Lord Su looks like!"

"Let's go!"

He Weiyu turned slightly sideways and moved out of the way of the city gate: "Everyone, please!"

Qiu Xin turned sideways to the other side, and Ah Da's strong limbs took a few steps back to clear the way.

The wolves stood in a row around them, looking at everyone collectively.

The road into the city looks like... it's a bit dangerous!

Liu Xianzhi led his team and took the lead in walking across the road in front of the wolf. When passing by He Weiyu, he smiled and said: "He Shangshu, come to Xiliang as a guest when you have time!"

"Thank you, Prince Liu." He Weiyu naturally understood the identities of these people and said to Liu Xianzhi calmly.

As soon as Xiliang's team entered, the other teams looked at me, and I looked at you, and finally looked at Qin's team.

"Everyone, go ahead, I have to wait for someone else." The person leading the team in Da Qin raised his hand and ignored everyone after speaking.

"Since you won't leave, I, Dali, will take the first step." Tuoba Ding smiled boldly and immediately led the people into Mo City.

"Let's go!" Ning'an Ji Gongfan and others followed closely behind.

"Let's go!" Yan Yunnanli's team also entered Mocheng.

Only people from the Qin State were left at the city gate. He Weiyu was about to speak when he saw a figure of one year old riding a horse.

"Your Majesty!" Da Qin's team collectively knelt down and called respectfully. He Weiyu was shocked, it turned out to be Qin Xuanye, the young emperor of the Qin Kingdom?

This person dares to come?
He Weiyu sneered in her heart, with a calm expression on her face, and said to Qin Xuanye in a neither humble nor arrogant manner: "The Qin Emperor is here, please!"

Qin Xuanye raised his hand towards the Qin team, looked at He Weiyu, and raised his voice slightly: "Who are you?"

"I am He Weiyu, Minister of the Xia Kingdom." He Weiyu was not intimidated by the emperor's coercion and spoke seriously about his name.

Disdain appeared on Qin Xuanye's face, and he said angrily in a deep voice: "I am just a minister. This emperor came in person, but Empress Xia didn't come in person?"

He Weiyu's face turned cold, she looked at the other party with probing eyes and answered: "Emperor Qin has come to our Mo City many times, why do we need someone to greet him?"

Qin Xuanye was shocked, pretending not to understand and asked: "What does He Shangshu mean by this?"

"Emperor Qin, don't think too much. When Mocheng was still called Liangcheng, it's not a secret that Emperor Qin came to Liangcheng many times when he came to Donglai Mountain for autumn hunting." He Weiyu said slowly, rounding off the words. return.

Qin Xuanye stared at He Weiyu, who did not dodge and raised his eyes to face each other.

He Weiyu raised her hand: "Please?"

"Let's go!" Qin Xuanye shouted loudly, and the Qin team immediately followed.

Everyone entered Mocheng, and the law enforcement team closed the city gate. Mocheng was temporarily closed for the past few days.

Teams from various countries entered the city, but they all stayed in the wide space inside the city gate waiting for others.

Many people came to Mocheng for the first time and were immediately stunned by this building! This road! All this has never been seen before!

People who have been here have seen a lot, but they also look at others in surprise. Why is the city lord's mansion in the center of the city missing?

"This is Qinglong Street in Mocheng. These houses are for sale. If you like them, you can also buy them!" I remember the Queen once said that as long as you give money, you can sell them!

"He Shangshu, I don't remember that there is a palace in this strange city. It is impossible for the Queen to live in the city lord's palace after she ascends the throne, right?"

He Weiyu's heart tightened, and she said with a smile on her face: "We, the Queen, have our own considerations."

The original city lord was a conjurer, so the queen should also be able to conjure a palace?

He Weiyu guessed in her mind that the sky suddenly turned black, and people from all over the world exclaimed: "What is that?"

He Weiyu looked up and saw that it was Xiao Wang. She introduced with a smile: "This is our queen's mount, the white tiger beast."

Mythical beast?

How dare you call yourself God!

But after Xiao Wang came down, everyone saw Xiao Wang's appearance clearly, and immediately changed their minds. This white tiger is so powerful and has wings, a mythical beast!
This is indeed a mythical beast!

Xiao Wang looked at the people who were originally disdainful of him and instantly became greedy. He exhaled heavily and let out a tiger roar.

Qiu Xin's wolves all lay on the ground and did not dare to move, with their heads buried in fear and fear.

Only Ah Da dared to look up at Xiao Wang.

Many people from various countries were frightened and collapsed on the ground.

It was Xiao Wang's turn to snort disdainfully: "Trash!"

Qiu Xin stepped forward and asked Xiao Wang: "The Queen asked you to pick us up?"

"Ouch!" Xiao Wang made a voice and answered Qiu Xin.

Qiu's heart is clear, and he says to people from all over the world: "Everyone, please!" (End of this chapter)

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