When Xu's mother heard this, she was suspicious at first.

Even if something happens to the eldest princess, she shouldn't ask her daughter to come over! What can a girl from Muhua do?
In terms of relationships, the eldest princess has a nephew who was raised by her own hands and whom she regards as her own son. In terms of people who serve and take care of her, the eldest princess is surrounded by many confidants. What role could Muhua play in the past?
Could there be some conspiracy?

But seeing the anxious expressions on the faces of the servants of the eldest princess's palace, they almost took action and dragged their daughter away. It looked like something was really urgent. Xu's mother couldn't stop her daughter from going.

"Since it is the eldest princess who has invited me, then you should go! If nothing happens, go home early. If anything happens, let someone come home to spread the news." Xu's mother said.

Xu Muhua nodded, "Mom, it's probably nothing important. I'll go take a look and I'll be back soon. You don't have to worry about me."

"Go, be careful in everything, don't be careless!" Xu's mother warned.

Xu Muhua nodded to show that he understood.

Mother Xu watched her get into the carriage at the eldest princess's residence, and then she shook her head worriedly and lowered the curtains before entering the residence.

Probably because he was really in a hurry, Xu Muhua was jolted around in the little carriage as if he were riding on a boat. He had to hold both sides firmly with both hands to steady his body and prevent him from hitting the wall of the carriage.

Fortunately, Duke Chengguo's residence was not too far from the eldest princess's residence. Not far away, her butt would have to be spread open.

After getting off the carriage, Xu Muhua wanted to reach out and rub his poor butt. But she was a girl, and she couldn't do such an degrading thing, so she had to endure the discomfort and follow the servants to walk fast. It’s so miserable!
When they arrived at the courtyard where the eldest princess lived, Xu Muhua saw a maid guarding the door from a distance.

The maid seemed to have seen her too and walked over quickly. As she got closer, she recognized that she was the maid serving the eldest princess.

She was surprised.

What happened to the eldest princess? At this time, the personal maid was not guarding her. Instead, she was waiting for her here. And why do you think she can play any role? Do you think everyone thinks that the eldest princess's love for her is irreplaceable?
I really don’t dare to take it!
"Miss Xu, you're finally here! Follow me in quickly!" The maid couldn't wait to hold her hand and rush in.

Xu Muhua was so curious that when he entered the room, he was greeted by Nanny Qi.

She first asked the other servants in the room to go out, and then she said to Xu Muhua in a low voice: "Miss Xu, it's like this. His Highness went out this morning. There was something going on in the house, so I didn't follow him. Did your Highness go out? It didn't take long for him to come back, and he looked strange, as if he had lost his soul."

She paused for a moment before sighing again, and said: "I thought His Highness was feeling uncomfortable, so I asked him for a long time before I found out something. It turned out to be His Highness... She might have met someone, and that person was probably She looks a bit similar to...the Prince Consort, and Her Highness...has been muttering that she saw the Prince Consort."

Isn't this nonsense?

The prince-in-law is dead long ago, how can there be a prince-son-in-law?
Xu Muhua's heart skipped a beat when he heard this.


Could it be that the eldest princess went near the house and met the consort for some reason? Logically speaking, it is unlikely, but who knows, things in this world are not absolute.

Aunt Qi was worried about the eldest princess, and did not pay attention to Xu Muhua's expression. She continued: "We have persuaded you and said what we should say, but His Highness just can't listen! We have no choice but to persuade you I’m here to see if you can persuade His Highness.”

Aunt Qi also saw that the eldest princess had a good relationship with Xu Muhua during this period, and she often talked to her about the consort. He also felt that Xu Muhua was smart and sensible, and he might be able to find some solution, so he treated the dead horse as a live doctor. Xu Muhua said: "I'll try my best!"

"Thank you, Miss Xu."

Xu Muhua walked in. Aunt Qi stayed outside and did not follow her in.

The eldest princess leaned on the bed with a haggard look on her face, her expression was blank, her eyes were unfocused, she was obviously distracted, probably thinking about her consort. She didn't react when she heard the noise.

Xu Muhua sat down on the round stool beside the bed and called softly: "Your Highness? Your Highness!"

When the eldest princess came back to her senses and saw her eyes suddenly burst into light, she immediately grabbed her hand, as if she was eager to gain the approval of others, and said eagerly: "Really! I really I saw the Prince Consort! Although the man looked different from the Prince Consort back then, I recognized him at a glance. He was the Prince Consort! "

The eldest princess identified the man as the consort, but wasn’t the consort dead? So she was extremely conflicted, two completely impossible existences colliding with each other in her mind, and no one could overpower the other.

"Your Highness, don't be impatient, calm down, and let's talk slowly. Your Highness can tell me what happened. I am a bystander, and I will help His Highness analyze it." Xu Muhua's voice was gentle and full of soothing power. , soothed the eldest princess's anxious mood and made her calm down slowly and briefly.

The eldest princess recalled what happened today, and her eyes became a little dazed.

"I went out today. I originally wanted to relax and buy some things. But the driver of the carriage is new and he went the wrong way..."

Xu Muhua listened carefully and was speechless when he heard the eldest princess's description.


I took the wrong road and somehow ended up near that house.

Although the eldest princess is from the capital, she grew up in the palace. Later, she married the consort and lived outside the palace. But people don’t have the time to wander around the streets and alleys of the capital all day long!

The new coachman didn’t know the road, and the eldest princess didn’t know the road even more! After wandering around for a long time, I couldn't find the way, so I had to ask for directions.

It was such a coincidence that the door he knocked on was the small door of the house where the consort was staying temporarily!

It was probably that Boss Feng and the others didn't know what they were busy with. The prince-in-law didn't think much when he saw someone knocking on the door, and he happened to be not far from the door at that time. Hearing someone knocking on the door, he went to open the door.

But the prince-in-law's voice has not recovered yet, so he can only make gestures. The groom doesn’t understand! You asked the two of them, and I made gestures for a long time, as if talking to each other like chickens and ducks.

The eldest princess was impatient and couldn't help but lift the curtain on the carriage. At this glance, she saw the consort standing behind the door with half of her body and half of her face exposed!
Consort, the person who is engraved in the heart of the eldest princess can be recognized by the eldest princess even with a pair of eyes and a mouth, let alone half of his face.

She hurriedly got off the carriage and walked over quickly.

This movement probably attracted the attention of the Prince Consort. When he saw that it was the eldest princess, he panicked and subconsciously closed the door!
The eldest princess definitely wanted to get to the bottom of it. When she knocked on the door again, there was another person standing behind the door, and she firmly refused to admit that there was the person the eldest princess mentioned!

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