Xu's mother's eyes nearly popped out when she saw her daughter actually calling the birds down from the tree!
But then he convinced himself that it was just a coincidence, just a coincidence!

Then Xu Muhua asked about Xiaoniao, and Xiaoniao told him everything he knew. She nodded while listening, as if it was serious.

Xu's mother saw her daughter talking to a bird. The bird chirped occasionally, and it looked like the same thing!

Xu Muhua soon finished asking and let the bird fly away.

She turned around and told the information she had obtained from Xiaoniao. After finishing speaking, she asked: "Mom, did I say something wrong? Did you do all these things after you returned home?"

Xu's mother was dumbfounded.

No matter how hard she tried to convince herself, the facts were right in front of her. Unless she didn't believe it, how else could she explain it? Even if you call the nanny next to you and ask, you may not remember what she said, but Mu Hua said it!

She was still in the princess's mansion at that time!

So, so Mu Hua can really communicate with small animals and understand what those small animals say?

Xu's mother's outlook on life was severely impacted, even cracked, and needed to be reshaped.

It took her a long time to feel frightened. She held her forehead with one hand and groped for a chair, table or something with the other hand. So that she could support her body, otherwise she might be too shocked and unable to accept it for a moment, and her legs would become weak and she would collapse on the ground.

"I want to slow down...I want to slow down..."

Why did her daughter suddenly gain such a skill? If a girl like her had such a special ability, wouldn't it be dangerous if word spread and people knew about it?
When she thought of this, she immediately raised her head and looked at Xu Muhua sternly and warned: "You can't tell a third person about this, okay? If anyone finds out, you will be in danger!"

Even if someone doesn't treat them as monsters and burn them to death, they will still become objects to be fought over.

Of course Xu Muhua knew the key to this, "Mom, I understand. I just told you."

Xu's mother breathed a sigh of relief, but thought of something and immediately raised the topic again, "Have you ever been exposed to outsiders?"

Xu Muhua shook his head and said, "Mom, don't worry, I understand and I have always hidden it well."

"What about the people serving you?" Xu's mother frowned.

Xu Muhua touched his nose and said in a low voice: "I didn't say it explicitly, but Shiliu and Wu'er should be somewhat suspicious, but they are just not sure. Mom, don't worry, Shiliu, Wu'er, and Aunt Qian and the others You won’t tell anyone about me.”

She doesn't doubt the people she employs, and she doesn't doubt the people she trusts. They are all people she trusts, and she will not easily doubt their loyalty to her. And she is not afraid even if she has such ability. As long as she lets Xiao Ban and Dabaan stare at them, they will know whether they have betrayed her or not.

Although she is a modern person, she does not consider herself to be a biological mother.

If one day the people around her really do something sorry for her, she will not be merciful.

Although she said that, Xu's mother was still a little worried and wanted to find an opportunity to give Fenghuayuan's servants a good beating.

She looked at her daughter standing next to her with complicated eyes, and she didn't know whether to be happy or worried about this.

After a lot of comfort and explanation, Xu Muhua finally managed to enlighten Xu's mother and accept her special ability.

After she recovered, Xu's mother felt it was amazing just thinking about it. She held her daughter's head and looked left and right, but she didn't see any difference between her head and other people's. Apart from being a little rounder, having a prettier head, and having thicker hair, there’s nothing special about her!
Xu Muhua was speechless as her head shook in other people's hands, "Mom, mother, please be gentle, my head is very fragile!" Don't break her neck accidentally, then But there was no help. Xu's mother made a move, let go of her head, and glared at her, "What nonsense are you talking about? I think your head is very hard!"

He was not damaged after falling from the attic, but gained special abilities.

Why is there such a strange thing?

Puzzled, Xu's mother had no choice but to put aside the problem and accept the facts.

"Although you have such ability, you are too risky and courageous! How dare you do such a big thing by yourself!" She also said it herself, and she didn't know that the Prince Consort was involved. What kind of conspiracy, getting involved in it will definitely lead to greater disaster than blessing!

It's useless to quibble at this time, the only thing you can do is admit your mistake.

"Mom, I won't do it next time."

Seeing her honesty, as if she really realized that she was wrong and sincerely repented, Mother Xu couldn't get angry anymore. In the end, it just turned into a sigh.

"You, you, are becoming more and more bold. I used to think that you were lively and active, while Jin Yu was too quiet. Now I think it would be a good thing if you were like Jin Yu, so as not to scare me every two days!"

She couldn't accept this.

Xu Muhua blinked his eyes with a well-behaved expression, and his eyes shone with a clear light. There is still some baby fat on the face, which looks soft and waxy. The small mouth is pursed and the corners of the mouth are slightly raised. It really looks a little deceptive. When people look at her, they think she is a well-behaved, gentle and quiet girl.

"Since you have already done this, there is nothing my mother can do to change this fact. But now that the eldest princess also knows about the consort, then you should not get involved anymore and let the eldest princess and the consort handle it on their own! "Xu's mother explained sternly, and there was no room for refutation.

Xu Muhua couldn't wait to do it, she really didn't want to get involved in this matter!

So she deserved it quickly, "Mom, don't worry, I'm just a little girl, how can I get involved in such things? I can't take care of it! Besides, the eldest princess will definitely not let me, an outsider, take care of their husband and wife. It’s my business, so how this matter develops next is none of my business!”

Xu's mother tilted her face towards her and doubted her words, "You'd better do it! If I find you messing around again, I'll take your cards back!"

Xu Muhua reflexively covered her purse and looked at Xu's mother defensively: "Mom, you gave me these cards, how can you take them back?"

Xu's mother said angrily: "Then be honest!"

"I will prove it with actions!" Xu Muhua said confidently.

Looking at her mother Xu now, she feels like she has a headache!

She waved her hand in disgust, "Okay, go back to your yard quickly!"

She needs some quiet time!
Xu Muhua ran away very fast, as if running away, making Xu's mother dumbfounded.

As soon as she left, Xu's mother couldn't help but get up after sitting for a while and walked to the window. Looking at the trees in the yard outside the window, she still couldn't help but feel suspicious.

How come you can suddenly understand what animals are saying?

If she also broke her head, would she also acquire such a skill?

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