Chapter 331 Tiger Boy was bullied
After the cousins ​​greeted each other, Xu's mother took the two brothers and sisters to visit the old lady.

It was rare for people to come from the in-laws' place, so the old lady was naturally very happy.

In particular, I saw that Song Yicong and Song Baotong were both very upright-looking. One was full of bookishness, with a gentle temperament and clear eyes. Although she looks squeamish, whose daughter is not a treasure? Therefore, the old lady still liked the two brothers and sisters very much. She held one hand and asked about the in-laws, and it took a long time to let go of them.

Xu Muhua noticed that this cousin was well-behaved in front of the old lady and didn't do anything out of the ordinary, so he probably had a suspicion in his mind.

The way I rolled my eyes just now was either because I looked down on her background, or... she was just a naughty kid!

Xu's mother originally wanted Song Baotong to live in the same courtyard as her. Anyway, she lived alone in the main courtyard, and General Xu was not there, so there was no need to avoid it. But Song Baotong himself refused.

"Auntie, I want to live with my eldest cousin! I heard that my eldest cousin has a tiger. I want to play with the tiger!"


Xu Muhua said with a smile: "Mom, you also know that Tiger Boy has grown up now, and my cousin is a stranger. If he lives in my yard, I'm afraid Tiger Boy will be stressed. If he doesn't pay attention, Tiger Boy will get hurt. Cousin, I have sinned."

When Xu's mother heard this, she made her decision without waiting for Song Baotong to speak, "Forget it! Baotong, you can either live with your aunt first, or..."

"Then I'll live with my second cousin!"

After saying that, she ran to Xu Jinyu, held her hand intimately, and looked at her coquettishly: "Second cousin, can I live with you?"

Xu Jinyu has a soft temper, and she is his cousin. It is a rare occasion, so of course she will not refuse. Besides, she and her eldest sister had already discussed this matter.

"Okay, you can live with me. The place where I live is big and everything is complete. It will definitely be no worse than what you have at home. You can live there with peace of mind."

Since the youngest daughter was willing, Xu's mother said nothing more.

After riding the carriage for several days, everyone was very tired. Xu's mother asked them to go back to their own yards early to tidy up. I have also told the two brothers and sisters that when they come to Chengguo Duke's Mansion, they will treat it as their own home. If you have anything to say, just say it and don't hold it back.

"Cousin, when can I see the tiger you raised?" Song Baotong asked.

Xu Muhua thought for a while and said, "Tomorrow!"

This cousin wanted to see Hu Zai, but she wouldn't let her see him.

Again, as long as she doesn't act like a monster, everything will be easy.

Hearing this, Song Baotong immediately laughed. He had a chubby face and two simple horns on his head. Two brightly colored ribbons were tied to the horns. He was cute and innocent. The Song family are all good-looking, otherwise General Xu would not have fallen in love with Xu's mother at first sight. All love at first sight was motivated by lust.

Therefore, Song Baotong also has a pleasing face, which combines the advantages of the Song family. His eyebrows are still immature, but his refinement and future glory are already faintly visible. In addition, he is still young and has a child-like innocence about him. This makes it even more likable.

"Cousin, you are so kind. Then I will play with you tomorrow!"

After saying that, she pulled Xu Jinyu back to the courtyard. Her lively personality could make people hear her chirping voice from a distance.

"Cousin?" Xu Muhua called out strangely when he saw Song Yicong still standing there. Song Yicong hesitated for a moment before walking over, his face hesitant to speak.

Xu Muhua tilted his head and looked at him, and asked puzzledly: "Cousin, do you have something to say to me?"

"Ahem!" Song Yicong put his fist to his lips, cleared his throat, and said in a low voice: "Well, cousin, it's like this, Baotong...well, she was spoiled at home. If she is like this in the capital, If she has done something excessive for a while, please bear with her. Or if you come to me, I will restrain and discipline her."

Xu Muhua raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

Oh, it seems that this cousin is probably really a naughty kid!
She smiled, and she smiled so generously, "Don't worry, cousin, we are cousins. My cousin did something wrong. As a cousin, of course I won't argue with her."

Song Yicong had an expression of relief on his face when he heard this, ignoring the trap in her words.

"That's good, that's good. Thank you cousin."

"Cousin, you're welcome. If my cousin is not used to living there, he can tell us at any time. There's no need to be too formal."

The two of them exchanged polite exchanges before they separated and left in different directions.

Of course, the Duke Cheng's Mansion will not change because of the two more guests. Song Baotong doesn't know if he has just arrived. His temper has not been exposed yet, and he seems to be a well-behaved child.

After I came to Fenghua Garden the next day and met Hu Zai, I seemed to like him. He came here every day and couldn't leave!

Xu Muhua was practicing calligraphy in the room that day, when Pomegranate walked in with an unhappy look on her face.

"What's wrong? Are you provoking me?" Xu Muhua just stopped writing and looked up when he saw a surprised question.

Pomegranate bit her lip and hesitated for a while before asking bravely: "Miss, can you please stop letting my cousin come over to play with Tiger Zai?"


Shiliu said angrily: "Miss, you haven't seen how much my cousin bullied Tiger Boy! My cousin pulled out a lot of hair on Tiger Boy's body, and my cousin also pulled Tiger Boy's whiskers off." Two of them were pulled out!”

This is no longer playing with Tiger Zai, he is clearly bullying Tiger Zai on purpose!
Hu Zai was also too honest, because he was the lady's cousin, so he was bullied, and Hu Zai was not angry.

Hearing this, Xu Muhua's face sank, "Is there such a thing? Let Hu Zai come in."

The uncle and the tiger cub have been kept in Fenghuayuan for a long time. Everyone who works in the yard knows about it and is used to it. The two are free in the yard. She rarely watched their every move, let alone checked them every day to see if they were injured, because she knew it was impossible.

Song Baotong came over to play with Tiger Zai every day these days. At first, she secretly observed her, and felt relieved when she saw that she didn't do anything.

Unexpectedly, she actually pulled out the tiger cub's hair and pulled out the tiger cub's whiskers!
Pomegranate called Tiger Zai in, but Tiger Zai was still in a state of turmoil, nothing happened.

Under Pomegranate's guidance, Xu Muhua pulled open the underside of Huzai's neck, and sure enough he saw a bald patch! Looking at Tiger Boy's whiskers, there are indeed two missing ones, and they are all asymmetrical!
Tiger Boy seemed to understand something at this moment, lying down at Xu Muhua's feet and rolling over, with a pair of tiger eyes filled with grievance.

It doesn't want to play with that human, okay?

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