Chapter 352 The Chosen One

Xuan Lingzi's face froze, "W-what?"

Xu Muhua also introduced her just now. Both Xuan Lingzi and Qingyangzi knew that Miss Song was Miss Xu's maternal cousin. A few days ago, I arrived in the capital with my brother to celebrate the New Year here.

But what did the cousin say?
He is innocent!
Song Baotong looked at them in confusion, and pointed to the position next to Xuan Lingzi, "Well, if she is not your wife, why is she in this room? Look at her dress, and she is in this room He looks like a master, not like a pilgrim!"

The key is that this broken passage doesn't look like any pilgrims are coming to the door.

She is not a wife, but there is a woman hiding in the living room. Wouldn't that be...

In an instant, Song Baotong's eyes changed when he looked at Xuan Lingzi!
Qingyangzi looked at Song Baotong with a strange look in his eyes. He couldn't help but move closer to Xu Muhua, lowered his voice, but in fact everyone in the room could hear him, and asked: "Can your cousin see this?" See……"

Xu Muhua was also suspicious.

Song Baotong heard this and asked, "What did you see? Didn't you see that woman?"

How is it possible that such a big man is standing there!

The look in her eyes became so strange, especially the second cousin's.

Yes, Xu Jinyu is already trembling!
She immediately sat down next to her eldest sister, hugged her arm tightly, and wanted to get into her arms!
Xu Muhua was helpless and stretched out a hand. Her boyfriend hugged his sister contentedly, "It's okay. Don't be afraid. The Taoist priest is still here. What are you afraid of?"

"What are you talking about?" Inexplicably, Song Baotong couldn't help feeling a little chilly, and his scalp began to feel numb.

"Cousin, did you really see a woman? But, but I didn't see it! Except for the five of us, there was no one else in the room!" What on earth did the cousin see? Was it a female ghost?

But... this is a Taoist temple. How could a female ghost be in a Taoist temple?

Xu Jinyu's little head is full of big question marks.

"Cousin, second cousin, don't be joking. How can you not see such a big person there?" Song Baotong pointed to the opposite side. She was so impatient that she couldn't sit still and simply stood up.

You have to prove that there is someone here!
She strode over, wanting to drag him over so everyone could have a good look! Look how they still pretend to be stupid!

Who knew, as soon as she stretched out her hand, she passed right through the other person's body!

Wear, pass, go, go...

Song Baotong's eyes widened in disbelief, and he tried again in disbelief. She looked up at the woman standing in front of her with a flattering smile on her face, and then looked down at her hand passing through her body... She rolled her eyes and fainted.

Seeing Song Baotong's actions, Xu Jinyu was sure of something. Seeing her fainting, she wished she could faint too!

Ahhhh! Why would Taoist Master Xuan Lingzi have... dirty things here?
Xu Jinyu shivered in Xu Muhua's arms and was about to cry.

Xu Muhua helplessly held his forehead, then raised a kind smile and looked at the sister in his arms, "Sister, I have something to deal with here. How about I ask the maid to accompany you for a stroll first? Don't be afraid, it's very safe here. Otherwise, why would I bring you here? If you don’t trust others, don’t you still trust eldest sister? "

Xu Jinyu could not refute these words.

And she did feel scared staying in this house. Maybe it would be better to go outside to an open space.

She nodded eagerly.

Xu Muhua asked Shiliu Wu'er, who was guarding outside, to follow her, so she wouldn't be afraid of the crowd.

After she went out, Qingyangzi pointed at Song Baotong who was still lying on the ground, "What should I do?" She was the only girl left in the room, so Xu Muhua had no choice but to pick up Song Baotong and put her aside. Let her lean on the chair.

Finally, he looked at Yun Niang, "Did you do anything to her?"

Yun Niang - she is the female ghost who was in Fenghuayuan before.

When Xuan Lingzi and his apprentice came to practice, she was worried that they would be discovered and then taken away, so she hid.

But he didn't expect to be discovered by Xuan Lingzi in the end.

At that time, he said that there were other dirty things in the Duke's house and he wanted to help her clean them up, and he didn't charge any cash, so it was considered a delivery service.

She saw that if she didn't explain the female ghost, she would have to be taken in by the two masters and apprentices, so she had to tell the story about the female ghost.

As soon as the female ghost came out, Qingyangzi recognized her immediately!

The female ghost was scared and guilty, and Qingyangzi was surprised.

Xuan Lingzi was even more surprised.

This female ghost actually has this kind of karma with her apprentice?
Later, after Xuan Lingzi learned what happened, he did not confiscate the female ghost and took her back to Xuanqing Temple.

She said that she had been dead for who knows how many years. She had not committed any murders and had not practiced. If she continued like this, she would be wiped out sooner or later.

Qingyangzi originally planned to send her to be reincarnated, but due to some matters of her own, she was delayed, so that the female ghost became what she is now.

Qingyangzi has a responsibility, so he should bear it and settle the cause and effect.

She will follow them back to Xuanqing Temple, and they will help her. When the opportunity is right, they will send her to be reincarnated.

After arriving at Xuanqing Temple, for some reason, one day the female ghost suddenly remembered her last name, which was Yunniang.

But there will be no more.

This left Xu Muhua quite speechless.

Xuan Lingzi mentioned to her in private that people like Yun Niang usually died unjustly and had deep obsessions before death, so she was allowed to avoid ghosts after death. When she first died, she probably wanted to avenge herself, but somehow she ended up like this.

It had been too long. If she wanted to be reincarnated, she had to let go of her obsession first. But now she doesn’t remember anything, how can she leave?
Xuan Lingzi could only think of a way to protect her soul and then wait. This kind of thing really depends on chance.

Yun Niang felt that she was wronged.

"I didn't do anything! I knew she was your cousin, how could I dare to do anything! I just stayed here. I didn't think that you couldn't see her, so I didn't go out."

Who would have thought that her little cousin could actually see ghosts!
Does she have yin and yang eyes?
Yun Niang asked.

Xuan Lingzi was also suspicious. He stood up and walked to Song Baotong to take a look but found nothing wrong.

He was silent for a moment, "This cousin of yours may be the chosen one."

Xu Muhua: God’s chosen one!
Her cousin wasn't planning on getting into this business in the future, so what could she do with this God-given ability?
For ordinary people, seeing ghosts is a very unfortunate and terrible thing!

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