Chapter 391 Invitation

The two masters and apprentices laughed from ear to ear after seeing the vegetarian meal prepared by Xu Muhua! This is not a vegetarian meal, it is clearly a feast! It’s still a feast that suits their tastes very well!

Master and apprentice both ate to their heart’s content!

They are short-tongued and merciless. After entertaining the two masters and apprentices with delicious food, they have to do something serious!
So Xuan Lingzi didn't rest for too long. He just took a nap in the guest room and then went to Xu Muhua to get ready for business.

Xu Muhua explained Yun Niang's situation and finally said: "Taoist Master, now that the matter is here, I think you have something to do, right? As long as Yun Niang remembers what happened during her lifetime, it will be much easier to find the real culprit! Otherwise, I don’t know how much manpower, material, and financial resources it would take to investigate what happened more than ten years ago. If I have this money, I might as well donate it to Xuanqing Temple. Do you think this is true, Taoist Master?”

Xuan Lingzi smiled and said, "That's the truth. Don't worry, Pindao will definitely help you solve this matter this time!"

"I feel relieved if the Taoist Master says this!"

Zhuangzi came up with two Taoist priests from the nearby Xuanqing Temple, a master and a disciple. Xu's mother and the others soon found out about this.

"Why does Mu Hua look so familiar with the Taoist priests at Xuanqing Temple?" the old lady asked strangely.

Xu's mother replied: "Last year, it was the Taoist priest from Xuanqing Temple who helped solve Jin Yu's matter. Afterwards, Mu Hua also went to Xuanqing Temple to offer incense and gave money to reshape his golden body. Mu Hua said that he always felt like he was with Xuan Qing Temple. Qingguan is destined to have a good relationship with Taoist priest Xuan Lingzi and her two disciples are also very interesting people, so I didn’t stop her from interacting with them.”

Although he is a man, he is still a monk. Even if outsiders find out, they will not say anything.

The old lady is old and doesn't remember some things very clearly. When Xu's mother mentioned this, she remembered what happened to her little granddaughter last year.

"Oh, it turns out it's them! Then we have to treat them well." The old lady said, paused, and then asked: "Why did you suddenly come to Zhuangzi? Could something have happened?"

Xu's mother hesitated for a moment, wondering whether she should mention her second sister-in-law's matter to the old lady. I was really worried that the old lady would mind when I mentioned it. After all, it was the matter of the second sister-in-law's natal family, and it actually had nothing to do with her Song family.

"Speak directly if you have something to say, why are you hesitating?"

"It's like this, my second sister-in-law actually has a twin sister. But more than ten years ago... my second sister-in-law discovered something recently, and she suspected that there was something behind what happened back then. So..."

She had just learned about this matter, and it was Mu Hua who told her about it. After hearing this, she didn't know whether to praise her or scold her.

She messed with such an important matter by herself, and it ended up like this. What should she do? To block it or not to block it?
She didn't know much about the second sister-in-law's sister, but she remembered hearing her second brother mention it before. I know that the second sister-in-law has a good relationship with her younger sister. So now that the second sister-in-law is suspicious of what happened back then, it's hard for her to stop her.

Xu's mother felt a little unreliable. It's been so many years since this happened, so how can I check it all of a sudden? I'm afraid I'll be disappointed again in the end.

The old lady couldn't help but frown after hearing this.

In her opinion, perhaps it was the obsession in the daughter-in-law's heart that was causing trouble. She can understand this feeling, but...

"It doesn't matter, just keep an eye on it!"

The old lady is not worried that her second aunt will go too far in Cheng Guogong's mansion. They are both from big families, so they won't do things so imprudently. I'm just worried that she won't be able to let it go, and the more she messes with it, the more she won't be able to let it go or forget it.

Xu's mother nodded, "I will."

On the other side of Zhuangzi, Xuan Lingzi and others were already in the house. Wu'er and Shiliu were guarding the house as usual, while Granny Qian went to do other things.

Yun Niang sat aside and listened to Xuan Lingzi's words before nodding without thinking too much: "Then just follow what the Taoist Master said!"

Xuan Lingzi did have a way to remind Yun Niang of her past life.

Using objects and practices from her lifetime to forcibly evoke memories of her lifetime. However, this method also has a big shortcoming, that is, it will cause certain damage to Yun Niang's soul. If the person doing it is not good enough, fails midway, and fails to control it well, both parties will suffer backlash. The person who does it will have his power greatly reduced, and the ghost who is doing it will be severely injured and his soul will be damaged.

But Xuan Lingzi said that he was sure.

I didn't consider this before because no one knew the origin of Yun Niang's identity, so naturally there were no belongings from her lifetime.

Although the pearl flowers that Yun Niang had kept were also the hair accessories she wore during her lifetime. But this beaded flower was something she wore before she died, and she had carried it with her for such a long time, and it had become an object stained with the aura of death.

Such objects are useless for practice.

Xuan Lingzi looked at the others and smiled slightly, "Pindao thinks you need to avoid it for a while."

Otherwise, it would be irresponsible for him to be frightened later.

Xu Muhua stood up immediately and was not very interested in these things.

"Second uncle, second aunt, let's wait elsewhere first!"

The second aunt was worried and wanted to stay, but Yun Niang shook her head at her and told her not to worry, she could do it.

In the end, the second aunt had to leave worriedly.

But he refused to go far and insisted on waiting outside the house. The second uncle had no choice but to accompany her.

Xu Muhua didn't want to stand there. After all, he didn't know how long it would take Xuan Lingzi to do it. It's better to find a place to sit down and wait slowly, and don't rush to get it for a while.

"Miss, someone has sent you a letter." Pomegranate came in with a letter in her hand and handed it over with both hands.

Xu Muhua was a little surprised, "Someone sent me a letter? Who?"

Shiliu shook her head, "I don't know, the servant didn't know, it was sent in by the gatekeeper outside. I only said that the person who sent the letter said that the lady would understand after reading the letter."

Xu Muhua felt a little strange and opened the letter immediately.

I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows after seeing the letter.

She quickly put away the letter and handed it to Pomegranate, "Take it and burn it."

Pomegranate took the letter and burned it directly in the house. That little ash opened the window and scattered it into the grass.

"Pomegranate, you go make arrangements. I have to go out for a while. Then tell your second aunt that I will be back soon. Don't worry about Yun Niang."

Pomegranate didn't ask any more questions, "Okay, miss, I'll make arrangements right away."

Xu Muhua didn't alert anyone else. He quietly took Wu'er out and arrived at the place mentioned in the letter.

Not long after getting off the carriage, I saw someone guarding the intersection not far away. Looking further ahead, there was a man standing in a pavilion not far from the intersection, with his back to her.

She took a few steps, and the man seemed to sense something, turned around, and looked over.

Who is it if it’s not Zhao Chengye?

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