Chapter 401 Would rather become a monk

Xu Muhua was stunned for a moment, and soon understood, and couldn't help but feel a little moved.

It is not easy for the eldest princess to maintain such a heart when she was born into a royal family.

She reached out and shook the eldest princess's hand, and said seriously: "I know that my adoptive mother is doing all this for the good of Hong Ge and me. I remember that, and I will definitely live up to my adoptive mother's sincerity towards me in the future!"

The eldest princess smiled, stretched out her hand and pinched her cheek, "I know you are a good boy. My husband-in-law and I don't ask for anything else. We just hope that you and Hong'er will be well in the future, and never be like me and my husband-in-law. If you meet someone unkindly, your life will almost be ruined.”

If she hadn't been blessed with enough luck, she and her consort would probably never have a chance to reunite in this life.

It can be said that the present and the future between her and the consort are all due to Mu Hua. So she sincerely treats her as her own daughter.

She is going to enter the East Palace. No one can tell what her future journey will be like. It all depends on how she wants to leave.

"No, no, my adoptive father and step-mother have all had their hardships come to an end now. Blessings are yet to come! Hong Ge and I will naturally be blessed by you, and we will definitely be as our adoptive mother wishes in the future!"

Everyone is willing to listen to nice words, and the eldest princess is no exception.

Listening to what she said, the eldest princess's inner annoyance really eased a little, and she felt a little relieved.

Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. As elders, they just need to do their best to provide them with protection.

Ling Hongge happened to come back when he was talking, but the expression on his face was a bit unpleasant.

Seeing Xu Muhua coming, his expression dropped and he laughed, "Sister Muhua is here."

Xu Muhua also said hello to him, and then asked: "I think you seem to have encountered something unhappy. Who provoked you?"

The eldest princess also looked at him curiously.

Ling Hongge immediately looked disgusted and said, "I was pestered on the way back!"

Xu Muhua was amused, "Could it be that some bold rich lady stopped you in the street and wanted to throw a handkerchief to you?"

Ling Hongge rolled his eyes at her angrily, "She's the concubine from the Pei family."

He was very bored, "I have explicitly rejected her countless times, and I have also stayed away from her when I saw her. Who knows she is still like a dog-skin plaster!"

No matter how hard I try, I can't get rid of it!

Xu Muhua couldn't laugh anymore.

She thought it was another woman, but she didn't expect it to be Pei Zhen!
"I think she is determined to stalk you. Be careful when she acts coquettishly and asks Mr. Pei to help her. Maybe one day she will go to the palace to ask for a marriage decree. If that is the case, you can Ruined."

Mr. Pei may not have the nerve to go before the emperor and issue a marriage decree, but Taifu Pei can!

Logically speaking, Taifu Pei would not agree, but no matter what, Taifu Pei is a father and grandfather. He loves Ah Rong, but that doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't love Pei Zhen at all. Maybe I'll be persuaded by Master Pei.

What she said scared Ling Hongge so much that his face turned pale!

He fantasized uncontrollably. If he was really forced to marry that woman Pei Zhen, then the rest of his life would be like being in purgatory!
He shuddered involuntarily. It's so scary. If this were really the case, he would rather become a monk!
Seeing her son's pale and frightened face, the eldest princess couldn't laugh or cry and said, "I think you are just trying to scare yourself!"

Pei Zhen, a concubine, has such a bad character. Her appearance, talents, and character are all not up to par. She is far from qualified to be her eldest princess’s daughter-in-law!
No matter what kind of noble girl her son wants, there is no need to marry a concubine! And not to mention she has such a notorious father and a lowly aunt.

The eldest princess felt that she did not look down on the concubines in the backyard. It's just that she has always felt that as a person, you should remember your identity and not do anything too outrageous.

A concubine is just a concubine, but she wants to be superior to the main wife. Everyone is like this. Isn't the normal ethics in this world going to be messed up? What else are the rules used for? What's the difference between a wife and a concubine? Let's just have the same status.

But this Pei Zhen's biological mother, an aunt, stirs up troubles and is disgusting.

If the imperial brother is really confused and wants to marry Hong'er and this Pei Zhen, huh, that doesn't matter, just marry them and lock them in the backyard. Let Hongge come back with a woman he likes.

Also let her have a taste of Mrs. Pei's mood.

When I get older in the future, I will divorce her!

Of course, just thinking about it, the eldest princess did not think that her royal brother would be so confused.

However, Ling Hongge didn't think Xu Muhua was being alarmist, "Mom, why don't you find an opportunity to enter the palace and ask for an oral order from the emperor, allowing me to make my own decisions about my future marriages!"

He was really worried that one day his imperial uncle would marry him on a whim!

Whether it's Pei Zhen or anything else, he doesn't want to be granted marriage. He hopes that he can find someone he likes and will be like his parents in the future.

Anyway, he doesn't have any great ambitions. He doesn't want to make achievements or build a career. It's enough to live a good life.

"Isn't this... necessary?" The eldest princess felt that he was too dismissive.

Xu Muhua also advised: "Foster mother, you should listen to Hong Ge, just in case something happens. It will be too late to stop it when it happens!"

When she said this, the eldest princess was immediately shaken, "Okay, I will find an opportunity to come into the palace and mention it to the imperial brother."

Ling Hongge was relieved, but still worried, "Is there no way to solve this matter? It makes me tremble every time I go out on the street, like a thief!"

Why should he wrong himself like this because of a completely irrelevant and even disgusting woman?

Xu Muhua smiled and felt that Ling Hongge was taught too much by the eldest princess and was too merciful to Pei Zhen.

"Actually, as long as you find an opportunity to mention it in front of Taifu Pei, this problem can be solved."

Taifu Pei is a scholar and pays most attention to reputation. There was nothing he could do about a useless son who had grown up. What could he do about an unmarried concubine granddaughter?
Not to mention that the wedding day of the prince and A Rong was coming soon. Taifu Pei wanted to see no scandal in Pei's house at this time more than anyone else.

Ling Hongge hesitated, "Is this okay?"

Pei Zhen is indeed disgusting, but Taifu Pei really has nothing to say. Even if he didn't hang out in the court, he had heard of Taifu Pei's name.

If he came to him like this and said that his granddaughter was shameless, wouldn't it be a slap in Taifu Pei's face?
"What's wrong? The sooner you tell her, the better you can prevent uncontrollable things from happening! With Pei Zhen's temperament, if no one controls her, she will get into trouble sooner or later! By then, won't Taifu Pei be even more embarrassed? ?”

"You are doing a good deed by talking to Mrs. Pei now!"

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