Chapter 411: Messy
Yuan An asked in a low voice, "Sister Mu Hua, what's your mood today?"

Xu Muhua knew the meaning behind his words as soon as he heard it.

She glanced at him and said, "I'm happy, I'm so happy. The food tonight is very good. I'm very satisfied and full!"

Yuan An was silent, his eyes couldn't help but fall on her abdomen, and then quickly moved away.

It can be seen that she is very full and her belly is growing!
Sister Mu Hua is so cute, I have never seen any young lady who is as informal as her. I ate and drank so much that I felt my belly was full of food. I didn't even hide it, but I touched it as if I was pregnant.

"Why are you here?" Xu Muhua asked.

Why are you here with her if you are not with your family?
Feng Shaoqing, Yuan An and Liang Yichao, one of them got married and became a father, one of them has not yet gotten married but will soon, and the remaining one has not seen any news yet.

But the one who is about to get married, look, instead of visiting his fiancée, he comes over to her. She seemed to feel a gaze staring closely at her from a distance, as if she was afraid that he would steal something from her.

You don’t even need to look to know who the owner of the line of sight is.

Xu Muhua knew this person, but had no contact with him. Maybe it will happen in the future, just let nature take its course.

It seems that there is a high possibility that Brother Yuan's marriage was ordered by his parents. Otherwise, he wouldn't have reacted like this, and he would have gone all the way to please the little girl.

Look at what she said, it's like they were the reason why she was in a bad mood.

The corner of Xu Muhua's mouth twitched, and he waved his hands in disgust: "Hurry up, I'll be in a bad mood when I see you!"

The three of them looked at each other, half convinced.

When Xu Muhua heard this, he wanted to give him a thumbs up.

Yuan An glanced at the position diagonally opposite and said casually: "You don't need me to accompany you. Besides, we are about to get married. There will be many opportunities to get along with each other in the future. Don't be anxious about this moment."

"Aren't we worried that you will feel bad?" Liang Yichao said.

"Why do I feel bad? Can you please stop overthinking?" Xu Muhua was speechless.

"Brother Feng, so are you. I feel like Mrs. Feng is about to come over and grab your ears and drag you back."

Feng Shaoqing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "We kindly came here to comfort you, but if you don't appreciate it, forget it, and we'll beat you up."

Feng Shaoqing glanced at his seat reflexively, and sure enough, he saw his mother looking away hastily, pretending to say something to the people around her.

"Brother Yuan, why did you come to my place instead of staying with your fiancée?"

She really just thought that the dishes at tonight's palace banquet tasted quite good, so she ate a little more!

Why does everyone think that she, the concubine, will be in a bad mood today? Why does she show that she is in a bad mood? She ate too much just now and people misunderstood that she was venting?

Feng Shaoqing: "..."

The three of them were driven away in despair.

As soon as Feng Shaoqing sat back down, Mrs. Feng started reading her. "Miss Xu has been accused of being married to the prince's concubine. There are differences between men and women. You should pay more attention to it in the future! What will you think if you fall in the eyes of others? Are you saying that you want to steal a woman from the prince?"

Feng Shaoqing's face sank, "Mom, what are you talking about! I said before, I only treat Mu Hua as my younger sister, nothing else!"

If there was no proposed marriage, and if time went on, some other kind of feelings might develop. After all, it is normal for people to admire a smart woman like Sister Muhua.

But as soon as the proposed marriage came out, this possibility was completely cut off. His feelings for sister Mu Hua will always remain above the relationship between brother and sister, and will never develop into a second possibility!

"What's the use of saying it? Will other people believe it if you say it? Others will only believe what they see with their own eyes! You don't speak falsely to your own cousin, but you are kind to an outsider and take good care of everything. You let What do others think?" Mrs. Feng still couldn't hide her dissatisfaction and complaint when she mentioned her niece.

As soon as Feng Shaoqing heard her words, he knew that she was making excuses again.

Disgust flashed in his eyes, "Has someone come to you to complain again? Mom, let me tell you, the more you act like this, the more I despise those cousins!"

He has no other abilities, but he is quite good at coaxing his mother. He coaxed her into forgetting who was her biological son!
The expression on Mrs. Feng's face was stiff at first, and then she became a little angry, "I'm just worried about you, why are you blaming your cousins? Isn't what I said reasonable?"

"Mother, you know best. I heard that my cousin's marriage is about to be finalized. She doesn't seem to be very satisfied with it. I'm going to say something ugly. Mother, if you want to help, feel free to do so. But if you want to sacrifice me, I will help you. If you have such compassion, just wait to lose my son!”

I don’t know if she was being told something that was on her mind, but Mrs. Feng’s entire face changed! Shocked, guilty, and sad.

She didn't understand what was wrong with Pingting and why Shaoqing just looked down on her.

After sending him back last year, she thought that as long as he calmed down and the incident was over, she could take Pingting back to the Feng Mansion and find an opportunity to bring them together.

But who knew that she only took the person back with her front foot, and then drove him back with her back foot! He also explicitly hinted at the Ding family.

He originally thought that it would be over after a while, but he didn't expect that he was still thinking about it. Not long ago, he went to remind the Ding family!

No, Pingting's marriage is about to be finalized!

If it's just a good marriage, that's all, but she doesn't look down on it at all!
Mrs. Feng was furious and couldn't understand what her son was thinking.

Is it necessary for my own cousin to do something so extraordinary? He doesn't like Pingting, and he won't give up until he pushes her into a pit of fire, right?

"Are you threatening me? For an outsider? You also said that you have no other intentions for Xu—you have no other intentions for her. Now you don't even want your own mother for her!"

Feng Shaoqing looked at his mother with strange eyes, wondering for the first time whether his understanding of her in the past years was wrong. Was the girl in his memory just a figment of his own imagination?

Even though she was clearly talking about Ding Pingting, she could still bring up the issue to the completely unrelated sister Mu Hua. This... is incomprehensible and unbelievable!
He shook his head, too lazy to mess with her.

It seemed that he had to talk to his father about this issue.

He, the son, said it, but she didn't listen. She would always listen to what her father said, right?

He didn't say anything, just because he didn't want to start a dispute on this occasion.

But in the eyes of Mrs. Feng, it became evidence of his guilty conscience!
Even more angry!

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