Chapter 420: So angry that my liver hurts
Cui subconsciously raised her chin proudly when she heard Xu's mother's words.

Of course, her daughter would be no worse than the young lady in Chengguo's palace!
No, this Xu Muhua's background is not good. Who knows what kind of people her biological parents are? Maybe they were horses raised in the military camp, but they were just lucky enough to be picked up by the former Duke.

But her Zhi'er is different. Zhi'er is a serious official lady! Maybe she will become the daughter-in-law of the chief minister’s family soon!
Zhi'er fluttering butterflies there was not a whim of her own, but a deliberate arrangement. I just wanted Mrs. Feng who came to attend the birthday banquet to see it. I heard that Miss Cousin, who had been living in Feng's house before, loved butterflies the most.

Of course, I have heard of Miss Cui, the cousin of the Feng Mansion. But she also heard that the cousin was driven away by Feng Ershao, and that the marriage was about to be finalized recently. Not enough for trouble.

Besides, she believed that even if Mrs. Feng liked the cousin, she still knew the importance of things and knew what maximizing interests meant.

If Second Young Master Feng marries her Zhi'er, the benefits he will get will be unmatched by his cousin's reincarnation a hundred times!
I am very proud in my heart, but I still have to be humble on my lips.

Xu's mother just smiled and said nothing more.

Cui's position is not enough for her.

Not long after they arrived, a servant came over to report that Princess Kang and Princess Qingning had arrived.

Mrs. Cui showed an apologetic smile to the guests around her and went to greet her sister.

Xu's mother and the others also found a seat and sat down, chatting with the ladies they knew well around them.

Xu Muhua looked around and didn't see anyone he knew, so he just sat there calmly.

Xu Jinyu, on the other hand, soon saw her friend who she had played with since childhood. After saying something to Xu's mother, she ran over casually, dragging the other person with her as excited as a friend who had not seen each other for many years and suddenly reunited.

Xu Jinyu has a quiet temper and doesn't like to go out or attend parties. A few years ago, I was almost killed by a fake. In order not to expose myself, the fake went out less often.

I only occasionally get invited to a good friend's house and sit in his yard for a while. Or maybe the other party comes to see her, and then they meet. I have been recuperating since I got rid of that fake. It really means that I haven't seen my friends for a long time.

Soon Cui came in with Princess Kang and Princess Qingning.

Among the female relatives present, Princess Kang had the highest status. Except for the senior ones who were still sitting, everyone else stood up and saluted.

Princess Kang has always had a good external image, and this time is no exception.

As soon as everyone stood up and prepared to salute, she stopped her and said, "No need to be too polite. Today is Mrs. Huang's birthday. Just be casual and don't be too formal."

Princess Kang's actions certainly won a lot of praise.

Xu Muhua was also filled with emotion!

You said Princess Kang, her husband is dead and her children are grown up. She needs status, status, and money. I can't even imagine how wonderful this day must be.

My husband is dead and I am still young. It is not wrong to want to find a man to nourish myself. But at least be careful. Can't you set up a village or something outside so that you can have a private meeting with your lover?
Why do you want to have an affair in Prince Kang's Mansion?

This time, he even killed his own son for this matter.

What a mess of good cards!
"Why are you looking at my mother-in-law with such eyes?"

Xu Muhua, who was watching intently, suddenly heard someone ask this question, and turned around reflexively to see - Princess Qingning had sat next to her at some point!

The person sitting next to her should have been the young lady from Guanglu Temple Shaoqing's family. When did she become the princess of Qingning? Princess Qingning stared at Xu Muhua and asked again: "Why are you looking at my mother-in-law with such eyes?"

She noticed just now that Xu Muhua looked at his mother and concubine in a strange way!
It's like sighing, like sympathy, and like pity!

Princess Qingning's attitude towards Xu Muhua has always been suppressed in her heart and has never gone away. Now when she saw this look in her eyes, the fire in her heart immediately arose.

Xu Muhua was calm and said, "What kind of look? Princess, are you wrong? If you have to say that I have a certain look, it must be admiration!"

"No! Don't think about deceiving me. Tell me honestly. Are you thinking of something shameful?"

Xu Muhua's mouth twitched.

My good princess, she is thinking of something shameful, but this shameful thing was not done by her, but by her mother-in-law. She is sure she really wants it, does she really want to listen?

If you really want to listen, it's not impossible to listen. In the future, there will always be a chance to know the truth, but we can't tell it now.

"Princess Princess, you really think too much!"

Princess Qingning was so angry that she was itching her teeth, "Just wait for me! Sooner or later, I will find an opportunity to teach you a lesson! Don't think that if you become the concubine of the prince's cousin, I will be afraid of you." ! The concubine is just a concubine!"

Xu Muhua nodded calmly, "Princess, I know that the concubine is just a concubine, you don't need to emphasize it."

In modern times, she would definitely feel ashamed because of her status as concubine. In modern times, aren’t concubines just the little lovers that men keep outside? Worse than concubines in ancient times!

But this is ancient times!
It is perfectly normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. If she was upset because of her status as the crown prince's concubine, it would be too unkind to her breasts.

Princess Qingning never expected that her mentality would be so good!

My liver hurts from anger!

" are really worthless and have disgraced the face of our noble daughter!" She gritted her teeth and cursed in a low voice, "Which daughter of a big family would be willing to be a concubine like you? Don't you feel ashamed? Is it the face of the Duke of Chengguo?"

Xu Muhua looked at her in shock, "Princess, be careful what you say! How can you say that being the crown prince's concubine is a shameful thing? If your words are spread to the palace, the emperor, and the queen, what will they do? Do you think? Then according to what you say, all the concubines in the harem are concubines, you..."

She looked at Princess Qingning with an incomprehensible look, as if she was surprised that she would say such unbelievable words.

The expression on Princess Qingning's face condensed instantly.

She, she just... Recalling what she had just said, Princess Qingning subconsciously looked around and saw that no one noticed them. Thinking of the emperor's preference for him again, he immediately put aside the guilt in his heart and straightened his back again.

"Don't think about throwing dirty water on me, I didn't mean it!"

"Then what do you mean?"

Princess Qingning knew that she had said the wrong thing, and she was afraid that Xu Muhua would hold on to this matter, so she couldn't sit still anymore, so she stood up and walked away without saying a word!
Her abrupt move made the scene go silent.

Everyone couldn't help but look at Xu Muhua.

Xu Muhua showed an innocent and confused expression, saying that he didn't know what was going on with Princess Qingning.

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