Chapter 423: Know how to complain

Xu's mother thought this was lively and interesting, and when she returned home, she couldn't wait to go to the old lady to share it with her.

Mr. Huang was most likely the person who started to fall in love with Yun Niang and then abandoned her, and even killed Yun Niang in a frenzied manner. Xu's mother also revealed this to the old lady.

So she thought that if she told the old lady about this today, she would definitely be happy after hearing it.

Such people do not deserve happiness! Even more unworthy of having children and grandchildren!

"Sister, that monkey is actually the Monkey King, right?" Xu Jinyu asked in a low voice on the way back to the backyard.

Although he was asking, his expression and tone were clearly affirmative.

Xu Muhua's expression remained unchanged, "Little girl, don't talk nonsense without evidence!"

Xu Jinyu covered her mouth and laughed secretly.

Xu Muhua was speechless, "Don't talk nonsense. If someone hears it, spreads it out, and Master Huang hears it, I'm afraid the matter will be blamed on us. By then, we won't be able to clean ourselves up even if we jump into the Jinsha River. ”

"Sister, don't worry, I'm not that stupid!" Xu Jinyu wrinkled her nose cutely and snorted softly.

She is already an adult and knows the seriousness of the matter, so she won't be so brainless.

Xu Muhua reached out and rubbed her head, causing Xu Jinyu to mutter dissatisfiedly: "Sister, why do you seem to treat me like a child..."

She is almost hair-length and is an adult! You can also help share household chores!
Upon hearing this, Xu Muhua reached out and pinched her cheek again. It felt so good!
It’s great to be young, just like a delicate flower!

She pinched hers again...well, just as good!

"In my eyes, you are still a child, so you don't have to worry about anything else. Taking care of yourself is doing your family a favor, you know?"

Although she is almost reaching her age, she is not just a child mentally.

If you have this condition, just pamper me!
When it comes time to get married in the future, she must choose carefully and find a good marriage for this girl.

I'm just a little worried. With her bun-like personality, she probably won't complain if she is bullied at her husband's house in the future.

Before she entered the East Palace, she had to be brainwashed.

At this moment, Xu Jinyu didn’t know that he was about to have a brainstorm. Instead, he looked at his eldest sister with admiration.

She thinks the eldest sister is really amazing!
Today's affairs in the Huang Mansion must have been arranged by the eldest sister. Apart from the eldest sister, she really couldn't think of anyone else who could have such ability. The animals raised by the eldest sister all obey her words, so those monkeys must have been caused by the eldest sister to cause trouble!
Is that why the eldest sister did this, just for the second aunt's sister? She had also heard about her second aunt and sister. It was so pitiful. That Mr. Huang was really not a human being!

Xu Jinyu thought angrily in her heart, the angry villain clenched his fist and waved it fiercely.

Does the eldest sister want to vent her anger on her second aunt?
From now on...if she and Anan are bullied in the future, will the eldest sister vent their anger for them like this?
With this thought in mind, he asked unconsciously.

After asking, she realized that she had said what was in her heart, and she was so shocked that she immediately covered her mouth. A pair of watery eyes were wide open and round, as innocent as a frightened deer. Xu Muhua was surprised, "Of course! Do you still need to ask? You are my younger brothers and sisters. If you are bullied, I will definitely take it out on your behalf."

Thinking of what he just thought about, Xu Muhua took the opportunity to teach: "Jin Yu, you have a soft temper and are easily bullied by others. Remember, no matter what happens or who you meet in the future, anyone who dares to bully you will be your own If you can’t handle it, you have to tell your family, and you have to learn how to complain, you know?”

"Complain?" Xu Jinyu was a little confused, "But...but complaining, don't everyone say that complaining is not a good thing?"

If a person likes to complain, others will hate him, right?

"How can this be the same? There is one kind of complaint that causes trouble for no reason and stirs up trouble. There is another kind of complaint that is smart, clever and knows how to use the resources around you. Think about it, you have a backer behind you, but you are being ridiculed. You pee on your head, but you don’t know how to use the backers behind you to support yourself.”

"This is stupid! Think about it again, I snatched a piece of pastry from you, and you ran to tell your mother and grandmother, and let your mother and grandmother scold me. This is sowing trouble and causing trouble! Because it's just a piece of pastry, a trivial matter , it’s not worth the trouble, just let the kitchen cook it if you want.”

Xu Jinyu seemed to understand.

Xu Muhua patted her shoulder and said, "Anyway, if anyone bullies you in the future, just tell the eldest sister. We are two sisters, and we should support each other, especially when you get married in the future, if you are bullied by your husband's family, You must tell your eldest sister when you are wronged, you know?”

"If you are the kind of person who is so suppressed in your husband's house that you can't even lift your head, like a slave, but you suffer it yourself and don't dare to tell your family. I will not recognize you as my sister then. My sister can't be so worthless! "

When she heard that she would deny herself, Xu Jinyu quickly said: "Sister, I heard it, and I will definitely remember your words! If anyone dares to bully me in the future, I, I will fight back! If you can't win, I will. Looking for you and Anan!”

"Well, that's right, remember what you said!"

Xu Jinyu nodded heavily, with an extremely serious expression, firmly remembering their conversation just now.

Returning to Fenghua Garden, Xu Muhua felt that the atmosphere in the room was not right. When he went in and took a look, sure enough, Yun Niang was leaning on a wide chair, staring far ahead, not knowing what she was looking at.

Hearing the footsteps, Yun Niang looked away and looked over, "You're back."

Xu Muhua sighed, "Yun Niang, you are going to scare the people in my yard to death!"

No wonder when she came back, she saw that all the servants in the yard were staying away from the main house.

There are some things that servants may not know too clearly, but they will hear a little bit about them. In addition, if there is a ghost in the house, you will instinctively notice that it is different from other places.

It's that chilly, chilly feeling on the back of your neck.

Yun Niang said innocently: "I didn't do anything!"

Although she came out, she has always been in this room! No wandering around!

Xu Muhua stopped pestering her about this issue. He sat down, poured himself a cup of tea and drank most of it before saying, "Today's birthday banquet in the Huang Mansion was ruined."

Yun Niang was stunned for a moment before she smiled lightly, "This is a good thing! It sounds really happy."

Two days ago, Xu Muhua had asked Yun Niang to come out and identify Mr. Huang's portrait. Yun Niang recognized that Mr. Huang was indeed the man who betrayed her back then.

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