Chapter 434: God doesn’t know, ghost doesn’t know

She walked in by herself, while Liang Ming stayed outside.

Liang Ming didn't know what she was doing inside, but she came out not long after.

It looked like it was a bit difficult to carry a package of things.

Upon seeing this, Liang Ming hurried to pick him up.

Only when I got it in my hand did I realize that the package... was very heavy! It’s hard for the eldest lady to bring it up herself.

"Restore everything to its original state, and remember not to expose any flaws."

Of course it is best to hide it, so that the person named Huang can be caught off guard!

Just when he thought it was all just his suspicions and was about to let go completely and become completely defenseless. The sickle that harvests human lives is right in front of the neck... It's interesting to think about it.

Yun Niang was just like this at the beginning, full of excitement and expectation, and went to see him without any precautions, but what met her face was death.

Xu Muhua and his group came and went in a hurry, taking only what they wanted and leaving nothing else. Except for the various animals that were still awake in the house and saw their actions, no one knew what happened in the house tonight.

A quarter of an hour after they left, the people responsible for guarding and patrolling at night woke up one after another.

"It's strange, why did I fall asleep?" The guard woke up and found that he had fallen asleep and panicked.

He immediately stood up straight, looked around vigilantly, listened, and found no movement, so he quietly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

No one should have noticed, right? Nothing happened, right? Otherwise, if the master finds out, he will definitely be punished.

Luckily fortunately!

He had to cheer up, he couldn't make such a mistake again! Otherwise, your life will be at risk!

So do the people on patrol.

I was originally patrolling around the house as arranged, but I felt more and more sleepy and tired as I walked, so I wanted to secretly sit down and rest for a while.

I have been working day and night these past few days. I haven't had a good rest for a few days, and I can't stand it any longer.

Unexpectedly, I actually fell asleep!
But I do seem to feel much better after taking a nap!
I was lazy during my patrol. This kind of thing must be hidden if possible. Who would be stupid enough to yell loudly and let everyone know, and then be punished?
Everyone didn't think much and quickly recovered. They closed their mouths tacitly and pretended that nothing happened.

As for the owner of the Huang Mansion, he was even more unaware.

When I woke up the next day, I felt like I had a good night’s sleep!

After the birthday banquet, Mr. Huang had to go into the secret room every day to feel relieved. But nothing happened for several days, and the people from the blacksmith who investigated came back and said they found nothing suspicious.

I did also see the young lady from the Duke Cheng's Mansion passing by, but in a girl's family, who would associate this incident with the incident in the Huang Mansion? Besides, it's a blacksmith's shop, so it's no problem for people to come and buy things.

Therefore, the investigators did not tell Mr. Huang about this matter. They only said that they found nothing suspicious, and no one asked the blacksmith.

It was very calm for several days in a row. Mr. Huang couldn't continue like this. After confirming it again and again, he really regarded the birthday banquet as an accident and completely let it go. Naturally, I will no longer enter the secret room every day. How could he have imagined that everything in his secret room would be gone in just one night?
After Xu Muhua got the things back, he spent two days sorting them out! It can be seen that this man named Huang has done many shady things!
Yun Niang sat aside and looked at the things piled on the table, with curiosity in her eyes, "Is this the thing that can bring him down and make him pay the price?"

Xu Muhua had already talked with Yun Niang.

I won't use her name to seek revenge, it would be too much of a loss.

She analyzed it, and Yun Niang expressed her understanding, and everything went according to her plan.

As long as they pay the price in the end, one life for another, it doesn't matter in what name or in whose name.

She just wants to see them pay the price!
Xu Muhua picked up an account book and said, "Yes, it's all evidence of his crimes over the years. This book alone has implicated a lot of things and a lot of people. Not to mention others."

Corruption and bribery are the most common among them.

The man surnamed Huang has been the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue for only a few years, but he has embezzled millions of taels of silver! Not to mention the money he got from other sources, his wallet in recent years has been bigger than the national treasury!
Tsk tsk, on the day of the birthday banquet, Mrs. Cui kept showing off in front of many ladies and ladies. It is said that for the old lady's birthday, the family had to tighten their belts for a whole year and save money on food and expenses, so that the birthday banquet could be held with such splendor.

Normally, their family does seem to be living a very simple life, which is completely in line with the appearance of being supported by the salary of a minister of household affairs. But in fact, no matter what they eat, wear, or use, they are all things that look ordinary but are worth thousands of gold.

Even Mrs. Huang said she likes to be vegetarian, but what is the reality? The bowl of plain noodles she ate cost more than an average person would spend in an entire year.

Because she ate plain noodles, the bowl of soup was not simple, it was made from a variety of precious ingredients!

First steam the fresh chicken in a pot, collect the soup that leaks out during the steaming process, and put it into a small pot. In another pot, add matsutake, Hericium and other fresh mushrooms to make soup. When the umami flavor comes out, add minced meat, ham slices and scallops and stew. Stew to a certain heat, then pour the chicken stock into the pot and stew together, and finally filter out the residue. Because the old lady is a vegetarian, the soup cannot have a meat flavor.

Every time the old lady eats vegetarian noodles, she has to use several chickens, because the soup produced by steaming each chicken is limited. If she accidentally steams it for a long time, the soup will lose its freshness. This kind cannot be used and must be re-steamed.

According to the little animals in the kitchen, the cook didn't control the heat well at the beginning. Every time the old lady wanted to eat plain noodles, the kitchen chef didn't know how many chickens she had to kill. Ordinary people would probably be exhausted after a few years. It doesn't take that much.

Those who don't know only see that the old lady is now the royal wife, but her life is as simple as when Mr. Huang was not in high school, which is commendable. He is an old man who is frugal and kind-hearted, as compassionate as a Bodhisattva.

Who knows how luxurious she enjoys behind closed doors.

Yun Niang also saw some information on it through Xu Muhua's hand, and couldn't help but feel happy.

You can get your revenge right away!

"When the time comes, I will take you over to see with your own eyes his downfall and misfortune, and you will pay the price!"

Yun Niang's eyes narrowed and she kept nodding.

It’s just that you have to think carefully about how to use this evidence.

After all, many people were involved. If she handed it over so stupidly, the unlucky person in the end might be that she was not from the Huang family!

She felt that it was actually best to hand over these evidences to the prince, but she had to be careful about how she handed them over.

Xu Muhua thought hard.

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