Chapter 443 It’s all retribution
"Do you still remember Yun Niang?" Xu Muhua asked.

Mr. Huang's eyes were blank for a moment, as if he was asking who Yun Niang was.

Xu Muhua's eyes turned cold and he glanced at Yun Niang beside him.

Yun Niang stared intently at the middle-aged man in front of her, showing no signs of his reaction.

After so many years, she was just a passing visitor to him, a stone in his way. She had been kicked away long ago. Of course, she was not worthy of any nostalgia on his part. It’s perfectly normal not to remember.

Besides, he was about to die. Did she need to be sad, angry and sad for such a dying person?

Xu Muhua smiled, with cold eyes, "Forgot? Master Shangshu has indeed done too many things to his detriment. He has become extremely cold and heartless. He has even forgotten the woman he once swore an oath to."

"Master Shangshu, you have lied to yourself for so many years. Do you really think that you and Ms. Cui are a loving couple who are devoted to each other? Where did the expenses of Master Shangshu come from when you went to Beijing to take the exam? Where did the money for my mother's medical treatment come from? Master Shangshu will never forget this, right?"

When she said this, Mr. Huang immediately remembered who Yun Niang was!

"You!" He looked at Xu Muhua in shock and confusion, his heart tightened, and he blurted out: "Could it be that you... are Yun Niang's son? Impossible, she died back then!"

After falling off a cliff, it was impossible for her to survive on such a high cliff!

"It seems that Mr. Huang has remembered who Yun Niang is. Of course I can't be Yun Niang's son. Don't you know very well that she was pushed off the cliff? Anyone who falls off such a high cliff will die. Of course Yun Niang is no exception."

"Master Huang, you didn't expect that the truth that you thought would be buried forever was still known today more than ten years later. Yun Niang is dead, but she still has family. Yun Niang's sister is my aunt oh!"

"I leaked the secrets in your secret room. The career you have worked hard for so many years has been ruined. It is all my fault! Are you happy or unhappy?"

"Ah! I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!"

Master Huang excitedly stretched out his hand to catch Xu Muhua - Xu Muhua in turn grabbed his wrist and bent it hard - Master Huang let out a scream.

"Shh! Don't make any noise. It's not a big deal. You have been tortured, so this little pain should be nothing. I came today just to see you and see how miserable your family is now, so that Yun Niang can Feel at ease under the Nine Springs."

"It's all retribution!"

Xu Muhua stood up and looked to his side.

Yun Niang nodded.

She left without looking back, despite the man named Huang yelling and crying behind her, begging for mercy without being moved.

As for Cui...the only person surnamed Huang loves the most is himself. Whether it's Yun Niang or Cui, they are just stepping stones for him.

Now that everything is ruined and she said something like this again, he will definitely vent his emotions on Cui when he is desperate.

If Mrs. Cui hadn't fallen in love with him and wanted to marry him because of her status, and the Cui family sent people to kill Yun Niang, how could things have happened today? The more desperate he becomes, the more he will hate Cui and put all the faults on Cui.

The two of them will definitely make a big fuss, won't Ms. Cui know the truth of the matter?
Ms. Cui was not innocent about what happened back then, so she didn't want to die easily.

Outside the prison, Feng Shaoqing was still waiting. He was relieved when he saw her coming out and walked over, "Have you finished your work? I'll take you back!"

Xu Muhua shook his head, "No need, Brother Feng, I can just go back by myself. Liang Ming is here, so don't worry." Seeing her say this, Feng Shaoqing stopped insisting, "That's okay, you should pay attention to yourself."

"I'll treat Brother Feng to dinner another day!"

Feng Shaoqing said with a smile: "You should really treat me to dinner. I finally made a pair of glasses. I originally had a great use, but you left."

Although it is said that a pair of glass cups has been successfully fired, it does not mean that it is smooth. Even porcelain with such mature technology cannot be fired smoothly every time, let alone this time it is very likely to be a coincidence. Craftsmen will need to study it carefully in the future.

Xu Muhua shrugged, as if helpless, "I can't help it, my cousin is getting married, and I, as a cousin, can't be silent at all. After thinking about it, I feel that there is nothing I can do, except this glass. And it happened to be fired at this time, which proves that it is destined!"

"I can't fault your clever mouth." Feng Shaoqing shook his head in amusement.

Xu Muhua rolled his eyes, remembered something, and shook his head, "Besides, I did you a big favor, Brother Feng, and solved a big trouble for you! If you really want to say it, you have to thank me properly. !”

Feng Shaoqing was stunned for a moment and asked in confusion: "Where do you start talking about this?"

Xu Muhua came closer and lowered his voice and said: "I heard a few days ago that Mrs. Feng seems to be interested in looking at you for you, and the person she is looking at is the daughter of the recently resigned Shangshu family... If it weren't for If something happens suddenly, maybe you will become a couple with this Miss Cui. "

Feng Shaoqing: "..."

When she said this, he really couldn't refute it, but...

"What does this matter have to do with you? It can't be your fault that their family collapsed, right?"

Is it too shameless of her to take the credit for this incident?

Xu Muhua smiled proudly, "How can you say it's a trick? Please say I'm seeking justice!"

This is tantamount to indirectly admitting that this matter has something to do with her.

But Feng Shaoqing was not at all relieved, let alone believed. He just thought she was being naughty and wanted to make fun of him about how his mother helped him look after her.

"Okay, okay, okay, I know you are a good girl with a very sense of justice. Since you said so, next time I treat you to dinner, I will thank you properly for helping me and preventing me from falling into misery, right?"

"Hey, okay! It's settled!"

Xu Muhua left with Liang Ming, and Feng Shaoqing returned to continue his duty.

He was still lazy and ran out.

Xu Muhua's carriage stopped nearby, and she thought that since she was out, she would take the opportunity to stroll around and visit her mahjong parlor.

After walking a few steps, a carriage passed by.

The curtain of the carriage was lifted by the wind, and the people in the carriage inadvertently turned their heads and saw her face flashing past.

Princess Kang frowned.

Why did the profile of his face that flashed past him look familiar to her?

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