Chapter 447 She can dislike Xu Muhua, but others can’t
Yun Niang sighed melancholy.

There is no banquet in the world that never comes to an end. When we gather together, there will always be separation.

The main purpose of Xu Muhua's trip was to send Yun Niang to Xuanqing Temple and say goodbye.

It was almost time and she was ready to return to the city.

Before leaving, she looked at Yun Niang and smiled, "Yun Niang, you will definitely have a wonderful next life!"

Yun Niang opened her mouth but didn't know what to say, so she could only watch her leave without looking back.

She stood in the room and watched Xu Muhua's back walking further and further away, her eyes showing reluctance, and murmured: "This girl is really cruel, she doesn't look back at me, I won't see you anymore..." …”

Xuan Lingzi jumped out of nowhere and stood on the other side of the door frame, looking to the left and right of Yun Niang, looking at the direction Xu Muhua left.

"Well, this girl is cruel!"

This time when they went up the mountain, they didn't even bring any delicious food to the two masters and disciples, so they came here empty-handed with a ghost! Isn't this cruel?
I can say that Xu Muhua is not good, but others can't!

Yun Niang glared at Xuan Lingzi, "She's not! She's a nice person! Don't talk about her!"

Xuan Lingzi was confused, "Didn't you say it first?"

He just agreed!

Yun Niang refused to admit it, and even said something to Xuan Lingzi: "When did I say that? I never said it! Are you old and have bad hearing? I think Mu Hua is right, Just practice hard and don’t do your job all day long!”

Xuan Lingzi:? ? ?

But before he could clear his name, Yun Niang had already drifted away. Xuan Lingzi was so angry that he jumped on the spot.

Is there any mistake? This is his territory! He is a Taoist priest, how dare she, a ghost, teach him a lesson on his territory? !

This world... is too much!
Xu Muhua was also reluctant to give up, but he didn't show it.

If she is reluctant to leave, it will have no other effect except making Yun Niang feel more unable to let go and miss her even more.

Yun Niang is waiting to be sent away, and the less nostalgia she has for the human world, the better.

After sending Yun Niang to Xuanqing Mountain, Xu Muhua wrote a letter to his second aunt, describing the matter in detail and also telling the ending of Yun Niang. I believe that after reading the letter, the second aunt will slowly let go of the regrets and regrets in her heart, and she will no longer feel guilty for Yun Niang's death.

Xu Muhua next focused his energy on the glass kiln.

A pair of glass cups had been made before, and the craftsmen were all the best in the industry recruited by Feng Shaoqing. He even went to great lengths to bring out a skilled craftsman who had been dormant for many years. With so many years of skilled craftsmen, it is only a matter of time to master this technology stably.

Probably those craftsmen also held their breath, and finally the good news came before the Chinese New Year.

Feng Shaoqing had a smile on his face, a rare expression of joy, and he sat aside and talked. Xu Muhua held a small cup in his hand and looked at it carefully, with a hint of wonder in his eyes from time to time.

Hey, you really can't underestimate the craftsmen of ancient times. Their craftsmanship was no worse than those of modern craftsmen, and was even much better than those of modern craftsmen.

Modern people rely too much on machines and have abandoned handicrafts. Over time, even their brains seem to have deteriorated, and the things they produce are the same. At first glance, they may seem so beautiful that they can dazzle the eyes, but over time, they will feel bland and tasteless. The more you admire a true work of art, the more you appreciate it, and the more you love it like a treasure.

She originally thought it would be great if they could make a glass that could compete with modern times as soon as possible, but she didn't expect it to be a big surprise!

Not only is it fired, but it’s also colorful!
Even though the so-called colors are still very monotonous, there is just a light yellow line on the transparent glass, which is enough to make people marvel.

"How's it going? Is this glass okay?"

Xu Muhua withdrew his gaze from the cup in his hand and moved to Feng Shaoqing beside him.

He looked humble and low-key, but the sneer inadvertently revealed from the corners of his mouth and eyes was real.

Just show off, just Versailles!
Xu Muhua gave a thumbs up, "Far beyond my expectation! Amazing, I admire you!"

Feng Shaoqing sighed, "It's not in vain that I shamelessly came to visit you again and again to invite Xu Zhejiang back."

The craftsman surnamed Xu, Xu Muhua, whom Feng Shaoqing spoke of, later heard about it.

Craftsman Xu comes from a porcelain-making family, and his family has been making porcelain in kilns for generations. During its heyday, the porcelain produced by the Xujia Kiln was exclusively for the royal family. Although it can no longer be compared to its heyday in his generation, its prestige is still there.

It was a pity that someone had tampered with a piece of porcelain. The porcelain that was originally intended for tribute was found to be in a pile of fragments after it was sent to the palace. The remaining fragments at the bottom also had disrespectful words on them. All the Xu family were imprisoned, and the Xu family declined and was replaced.

At that time, Craftsman Xu was still an ignorant child and was lucky to escape.

He vowed to restore the glory of the Xu family, and he did it later.

But he was also well aware of the darkness in the officialdom. After experiencing another tragedy in which his family was almost wiped out, he retreated bravely and kept a low profile. A few years later, a piece of porcelain came out and became his final work.

And this piece of porcelain is the colorful porcelain that is popular throughout Dayong and has been favored among nobles and wealthy businessmen for decades.

Before the emergence of colored porcelain, most of the popular porcelain was single-color, and the same porcelain had not yet been fired in multiple colors. It’s not that no one tried, it’s just that they all failed and no one succeeded.

And Craftsman Xu not only fired colorful porcelain, but the colors were also very gorgeous! There can be as many as several colors on the same piece of porcelain!
One can imagine what kind of waves the emergence of colored porcelain caused.

Before firing colored porcelain, every piece of porcelain he fired was of high quality, with few mistakes. The porcelain he fired was very popular before he collected the mountains, not to mention after he collected the mountains.

Especially after the emergence of colored porcelain, the porcelain he fired himself has become the collection target of many enthusiasts, and they are willing to spend thousands of dollars on it.

"If I hadn't shown him that glass of yours, he probably wouldn't have come out," Feng Shaoqing said.

He already had a reputation, and now at this age he no longer seeks profit. What impresses him is the thing itself.

"Sister Mu Hua, you definitely don't know. He also thought about making transparent porcelain back then, but he tried for a long time and failed, and finally had to give up. As soon as I took out your glass, he immediately My heart is moved."

Xu Muhua raised his eyebrows, "Is there such a thing? Isn't that fate?"

Feng Shaoqing smiled and said: "Yes, even he himself said that God wanted to fulfill him. If he refuses again, he will regret it for the rest of his life."

He was the one who was resolute in the beginning, and later he was the one who stayed in the kiln and forgot about food and sleep!

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