Chapter 464 This old man is so bad

Pei Shaorong had already stood up and put on his coat, "Have you found out what's going on?"

Zhao Chengye reached out to hold her hand and comforted her: "Don't worry, it's okay, it's all a misunderstanding. I've already had someone check it out. It's the noise coming from Lanyuan. It should be caused by some nocturnal animal. It's not. Other abnormalities.”

Pei Shaorong breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, I thought..."

"Don't worry, I've got someone to keep an eye on her. The same thing won't happen again." Zhao Chengye said as he carried her towards Nuan Pavilion, wanting to take her to sleep with him.

But while walking, Pei Shaorong woke up, stopped, and looked at him: "In this case, your Highness, please rest early. I have to go back and lie down and continue to sleep."

Zhao Chengye: "..."

Before he could speak again, Pei Shaorong had left him behind without hesitation and gone back to find Xu Muhua!
Zhao Chengye's outstretched hand hung in the air.

He is the prince and she is the princess!
Xu Muhua didn't know any of this and was fast asleep!
Pei Shaorong slept well afterwards. After her wedding, she slept with the prince every night, and she was used to sleeping alone next to her. Although there was a different person last night, Mu Huajiao was soft and fragrant, which was better. Of course, there was no problem of not getting used to it.

Only Zhao Chengye slept in Nuange.

The layout of the Nuan Pavilion was actually not bad, but it certainly couldn't compare with the bed in the room in his main hall. Not to mention how wonderful it is for him to hold his delicate wife in his arms every night. As a result, last night was cold, the familiar temperature was gone, the familiar aroma was gone, and I felt uncomfortable everywhere! How to sleep well?
So after getting up, his face looked a little smelly.

Xu Muhua had someone send Pei Shaorong back quietly to avoid being discovered. She thought that she should find an opportunity to dig a tunnel and lead it directly to her place. In the future, when the prince stayed overnight, A Rong could come through the tunnel without anyone noticing!
When she saw Zhao Chengye coming from Nuange, she glanced at him and said, "Your Highness, please, please get some blood on that handkerchief!" She pointed at the Yuanpa thrown beside the bed.

Zhao Chengye didn't react for a moment, "What?"

Xu Muhua stood up and walked over, picked up the yuan handkerchief, and waved it, "That's it. Last night was our wedding night. If this yuan handkerchief is clean, wouldn't it be a sign of our hard work last night?" In vain? So I have to trouble you to get some blood on it."

After a pause, as if she was afraid that he wouldn't understand, she gave thoughtful instructions: "Find a hidden location and make a slight wound - no, just prick it with a needle and put a few drops of blood on it."

Zhao Chengye opened his eyes wide, "Why don't you do it yourself?"

Did he not understand what she meant? He understands, he just doesn’t understand!
Xu Muhua looked at him in disbelief, "Prince, how can you have the nerve to let me do this kind of thing? You know, the reason why I do this is for your own good!"

But he didn't even want to cooperate with this little thing?

Is that too much?
Zhao Chengye thinks that’s not what happened! But he couldn't refute it! Because she seemed to be doing this for his own good!

In the end, Zhao Chengye had no choice but to prick his little finger with a needle and drip a few drops of blood on the Yuanpa.

After the blood dripped, he wanted to throw away his sleeves and leave, but he couldn't leave!
Xu Muhua looked at him with an expression that was hard to explain, "Your Highness, why are you acting so willfully and childishly? Do you know that if you walk out like this, all our previous efforts will be in vain?"

What would others think when they saw his black face?
The concubine annoyed the prince on the first day she married into the East Palace? The concubine had only been favored for one night and she had incurred the prince's disgust? If that were the case, wouldn't everything we did last night be in vain?
Isn't he a prince? Can you be more thoughtful? Do a complete show! Of course, acting all the time will get tiring. If you endure it for a while, you won't need to act anymore. But isn’t this just a newlywed?
And she always felt that the one on the dragon throne who proposed her marriage to the prince must have bad intentions! It was definitely not because she had a good relationship with the Crown Princess that she proposed the marriage, hoping that the two of them would become the Crown Prince's virtuous wives.

She very much suspected that his purpose was the opposite. He wished that she would compete with the crown prince Arong for favor and use the power of the two families to gain benefits for herself. Compared to the Tutor's Mansion, the influence of Duke Chengguo's Mansion in the capital is still smaller. If there is a real confrontation, there is no telling who will lose and who will win in the end.

There are so many disciples of Taifu, and if they unite, there is a high probability that Duke Chengguo will not be able to do it.

If that were the case, the emperor would be able to kill the Duke of Chengguo and take back military power without even having to do anything.

Zhao Chengye swallowed his anger and decided not to argue with this woman.

He said with a sullen face, "I just want to walk around, not leave."

Xu Muhua glanced at him and decided to give him some face and not expose him.

By the time she finished packing, it was already two quarters of an hour later.

The status of the side concubine is not as good as that of the main concubine. Logically speaking, there is no need to go to see the queen, let alone the emperor. But who told her to come from Chengguo Palace? So she still had to visit the two masters of the palace.

The emperor even spared some time to meet the newlyweds today.

The two went directly to the queen's palace, where the emperor was already waiting.

The Crown Princess Pei Shaorong was also there, as were the Emperor, Queen, Crown Princess, and other concubines who came to the Queen's Palace to pay their respects. As for why he didn't leave even after asking for his blessing, it was probably because he wanted to watch the fun.

"My sons and ministers pay homage to my father and the emperor, and my mother and queen, I respectfully wish my father, the emperor, and my queen to be in peace."

Xu Muhua followed the prince and knelt on the ground to salute the emperor and the queen.

"Everyone get up!"

After getting up, the two of them sat down on the chairs beside them, but the position where they sat was very particular. Xu Muhua was the concubine and had to sit below the crown princess.

"I am relieved to see that the concubine and the prince have such a good relationship. Prince, you are not allowed to bully your concubine. She is the pampered and grown-up daughter of Duke Cheng Guo. She is very precious. If you bully her, Cheng Guo will If you want to settle a score with me, I won’t help you!”

Xu Muhua suppressed her blush at the right time and showed a shy expression.

Sure enough, wasn't this old man just trying to incite hatred for her by saying this?
The Crown Princess is still sitting here! Which real wife would be willing to hear her father-in-law telling her husband in public that he should not bully his concubines in the future? Under normal circumstances, what would a wife think and feel when she hears such words?
Don't you want to hate her as a concubine to death? Why don't you go back and deal with her with all your strength?

Even if she is a normal person, she cannot be beaten obediently. She is not allowed to resist, and she is not allowed to fight with her real wife? If we start a fight, I'm afraid it will be a fight to the death.

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