Chapter 472 Returning
Xu Muhua still had a good night's sleep. Zhao Chengye, who slept in the Nuan Pavilion, was reluctant to admit that after only two nights of sleeping, he seemed to have really gotten used to sleeping in the Nuan Pavilion!
Today is the day for Xu Muhua to return home. She was born in the Duke of Chengguo's palace, and the emperor gave her a special favor and gave her special things to bring back home. So even if she was just a side concubine, no one would dare to say anything when she came back and made as much noise as the main concubine.

After all, neither the emperor, the queen, nor the princess herself has any objections!

Xu Muhua didn't care, she just brought whatever homecoming gifts the East Palace had prepared!
Although Zhao Chengye had no romantic feelings for Xu Muhua, he still knew how to respect people and made a special confession. So in addition to Pei Shaorong, the head wife, who prepared gifts, the manager of the East Palace also prepared a homecoming gift based on Xu Muhua's identity.

Because he had to go home, Xu Muhua got up early that day. There were still a lot of things to pack and prepare. I had breakfast, checked that everything was fine, and set off.

Of course, the sooner she returns, the better. The sooner she returns, the longer she will stay! I have to go back to the East Palace in the evening!
Alas, that's the bad thing about getting married. It's obviously the place where I've lived since I was a child, it's my home, but because I got married, I became my natal family and a guest.

Of course, Xu Muhua wouldn't care about this.

She has the final say whether it's her home or not!
She also believed that the people in Chengguo Palace would not treat her as an outsider just because she was married. If that were the case, they wouldn't have been so kind to her over the years.

As long as they still treat her as family, in her heart, they are her only family!
As for those in the royal family, hehe, they are partners in interests.

The Duke's Mansion was also ready to welcome Xu Muhua back early.

Xu's mother didn't get a good night's sleep these past two nights!
My daughter was raised by myself and has never left her. Now that she was married, she was still marrying into the royal family. She was either worried about this or that. She tossed and turned at night, and was so tired that even Xu Jiang, who was sleeping next to her, could not sleep well.

She said something vaguely, and was scolded by her. Finally, she cruelly drove him to the study to sleep!

General Xu dared to be angry but dared not speak out. He only hoped that his wife would be relieved when his daughter returned home today. Otherwise, he might not have a good time in the capital these days.

"Back, back, the eldest lady and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince are back! His Highness the Crown Prince brought the eldest lady back in person!" The servant of Duke Chengguo's Mansion went to the intersection to guard the intersection early. When he saw the carriage in the East Palace, he ran away quickly Come back.

The whole family felt relieved when the servant said that the prince would accompany her back.

It didn't take long for the carriage to arrive at the gate of Duke Chengguo's Mansion. Everyone except the old lady was waiting at the door.

The eldest aunt and the second aunt stood aside and said to Xu's mother: "The fact that the prince can accompany him back in person shows that the prince also attaches great importance to Mu Hua."

The two of them also knew that their sister-in-law had always been worried about Mu Hua entering the East Palace as a concubine.

Also, she could have been the head wife of a high family, but who knew that she would become the concubine of the royal family after the decree of marriage came down. What mother who truly loves her children can be happy?

Xu's mother nodded, which was somewhat of a comfort.

"Dad, Mom, why are you standing at the door?" Xu Muhua saw the person standing at the door as soon as he got off the carriage and walked over quickly.

Xu's mother first held her hand and looked her over. Seeing her rosy complexion and full of energy, she knew that she must have had a good time in the East Palace these two days, and she immediately felt at ease.

She wanted to say something, but when she saw the prince approaching, she quickly saluted. The others also prepared to salute together, but were stopped by Zhao Chengye.

"We are all one family, no need to be polite."

Xu Jiang said hurriedly: "Don't dare, don't dare, the etiquette cannot be discarded."

General Xu said this, let alone the members of the Song family. Still insisted on finishing the ceremony.

After some polite greetings, General Xu led the prince inside. Xu's mother lagged a few steps behind, and then she had a chance to talk to her daughter. "Mu Hua, how have you been in the East Palace these two days?" Xu's mother asked softly.

"Mom, don't worry about me, I'm living a good life. You also know that Ah Rong is the Crown Princess, and I have a good relationship with Ah Rong. Who dares to bully me? Besides, the Chengguo Palace is behind me!"

Xu's mother smiled, that's fine.

The prince was a man, so of course he couldn't sit and chat with his female relatives all the time. After a while, he and Xu Rui went to the study.

As soon as the prince left, everyone present relaxed.

Xu Nan even threw herself into Xu Muhua's arms, regardless of the fact that she was now a little adult.

Xu Nan has grown a lot in the past two years, and now she is like a big pug when she throws herself into Xu Muhua's arms.

Xu Muhua said with emotion: "We, Nan, have grown so tall in the blink of an eye." She also reached out and touched his head.

Xu's mother didn't notice. She pulled her younger son over and glared at him, "He's not a kid anymore. Your eldest sister is also married. You should pay more attention!"

Even if they are biological siblings, at this age, they should pay attention to the precautions between men and women. How is it appropriate to hug each other?

"I just miss my eldest sister."

It wasn't until the eldest sister was no longer at home that he finally realized clearly that the eldest sister was really married and could no longer live with them in the future. She was someone else's wife!
Xu Nan was a little sad, sad, and even more reluctant to let go.

"Eldest sister misses you too. Although eldest sister is married, she is still in the capital, and we will still have a lot of time to see each other in the future."

This is probably the only place where everyone in Chengguo Palace feels comforted.

In the capital, at least it will be easier to meet in the future. If you marry far away, you will never know how long it will be until the next time you meet.

The eldest aunt smiled and said: "Everyone in the house is my own family, so it won't be a problem. I think Ah Nan has been in a bad mood for the past two days. Are you happier now that you see Mu Hua?"

Xu Nan nodded and couldn't help but smile.

Xu Jinyu has a quiet temperament. Sitting aside, if you look closely, you will find that his eyes are a little red.

Xu Muhua handed the gifts he brought back to everyone one by one and said, "They are all prepared by the manager of the East Palace. I don't know if they are good or not. Everyone, please accept them!"

Of course, the gifts prepared by the East Palace were not too bad, which also indirectly proved her status in the East Palace.

"Two aunties, have you decided when to go back?" Xu Muhua asked.

"We've decided on a time, but I still have things to do at home and can't worry about it, so we'll leave in two days," said the eldest aunt.

Xu Muhua was a little disappointed, "I'm afraid I won't be able to come back to see him off, so I can only wish everyone a safe journey here."

If it had been longer, it would have been okay for her to come out. Even though she had just gotten married and always ran to her parents' house, others would only say that Cheng Guogong's tutor was not good.

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