Chapter 474 Weird and Abnormal Behavior
Xu's mother's idea is just a thought at the moment. It has not yet been refined into concrete details. It has just taken shape. It is true that the younger daughter is too docile and has a good temper. Looking at the entire capital, she would not be able to choose a suitable family.

If she gets married with such a temperament, she will easily suffer a loss.

Yi Cong is different. He is a member of his own family. His father is his brother and his mother is his sister-in-law. They understand him well enough. Moreover, since Yi Cong is not the eldest son, the pressure will be much less, and his wife does not have to bear the responsibility of the family matron.

He himself is a gentle and kind-hearted person, without any tricks, and he is down-to-earth and steady. He is also not keen on women, because he has to prepare for the imperial examination, and there is still no woman in his backyard!

Such a person couldn't be more suitable for Jin Yu.

Xu's mother planned to find an opportunity to mention it to her husband while he was in the capital. If she had no objection, she would talk to her eldest brother and sister-in-law, ask them what they meant, and finally match up the two children.

When Xu Muhua heard Xu's mother's words, he didn't think much about it.

Everyone sat and chatted for a while before they dispersed to do their own business. Xu Muhua was also temporarily free.

She was about to go to her father and eldest brother to ask about border affairs, when Xu's mother called her out.

"What's wrong, mother?" Xu Muhua sat down again.

Xu's mother took her hand and asked, "You probably don't know yet, but the people from the Xu Mansion next door are back!"

Xu Muhua was startled, "You're back, why are you back so suddenly?"

Speaking of this, I have to mention what happened back then.

She was originally planning to settle a score with her cousin, but her cousin, who had never had any great potential, was suddenly released for some unknown reason!
Forget it if it's released outside, it's nothing. What is puzzling is that her cousin wants to go with her, saying she is worried that her husband is raising a woman outside. There is nothing strange about this, but what is strange is that she also brought Xu Yuyao, who was about to have hair extensions at that time, with her. This is very abnormal!

Although Xu Yuyao did some embarrassing things at the time, didn't the incident not spread out in the end? If you stay in the capital, your chances of finding a good marriage are relatively high.

But at this critical moment, she followed her father to the place where they were released, which was very puzzling.

In the end, only the eldest son, who was married, was left in the capital, and the younger one was taken to the place where he took office.

Are you back now?

This isn't right, it's only been a while, why are you back again?

Xu's mother curled her lips and said, "She said she had made a great contribution. She was supposed to come back during the Chinese New Year, but then something happened, and it was postponed until now. She also said she wanted to come back to drink your wedding banquet, but it turned out that I missed it by one day, so I sent him a gift.”

"Mom, why do I think this is wrong? What kind of gifts did they bring?"

Xu's mother lowered her voice, "The value of this gift is quite high! I even suspected that it was a fake. When did they become so generous? They gave me a century-old wild ginseng and a bunch of beads. Those beads are They are as big as your father’s thumb, round, plump, and even in size, and they are also very valuable.”

Xu Muhua said in surprise: "So generous?"

Xu's mother nodded.

"Could it be that my cousin was greedy a lot during his tenure?"

Xu's mother glared at her, "Don't talk nonsense!"

After a pause, he added: "Even if you really doubt it, you can't say it out loud like this!" In fact, she also doubted it. Otherwise, they are just a stingy family. How could they give such a good thing?
But the gift was given to them, and they accepted it. It would not be good to talk about it again.

But they didn't want to accept it at the time, they always felt a little weird. But they insisted on keeping it, saying it was a gift for Mu Hua, so it was hard not to accept it.

She thought about it and turned around to look in the warehouse to see if there was any suitable gift in return.

"Then what great achievements have they made?"

Xu's mother shook her head, "It's not clear yet. It's mysterious and they won't tell you. Your father can't find out, so he probably has to wait. But from this look, he should have done a lot of good work. And the implications should be pretty big.”

Otherwise there would be no need to be so mysterious.

Xu Muhua nodded, feeling that her mother's words made sense.

"We'll take care of ourselves now that we've arrived. Let's just be careful."

But now that I'm back, shouldn't I find time to settle old scores?

"Also, Yuyao actually found someone to marry over there!" Xu's mother had another big news.

After being shocked, Xu Muhua expressed doubts about this, "Really or not? With her eyes so high, can she find someone to marry in a small place?"

As far as she knew, the place where her uncle stayed was not a good place. Although it can't be said to be poor and backward, it can't be compared with the capital city. It's too far behind!

Xu Yuyao is used to the prosperity and wealth in the capital. How can she find someone to marry in a small place? Even the local wealthy families are incomparable to the nobles here in the capital, unless she is marrying into a wealthy and prestigious family that has been passed down for hundreds of years.

Xu's mother sighed, "Who knows what the couple is thinking?"

Maybe he followed her there and thought about it, or maybe he saw that Yuyao was getting older and didn't know when he would return to Beijing. He was afraid that he would become an old girl, so he simply found a marriage locally.

Besides, when Yuyao did that kind of thing, although it didn't spread, everyone who was close to her in private knew about it. In the capital, she didn't want to find any high-profile marriage. Even if you find one, marrying her might not be a good thing. Can your husband's family just pretend that nothing happened?

It's better to find someone in another place who doesn't know the details, maybe you can still live peacefully.

The more I talked about Xu Muhua, the more I felt that their family was behaving abnormally!

As she thought about it, something moved in her mind, "Mom, is the place where my cousin is being kept close to where dad and eldest brother are guarding?"

Xu's mother was stunned for a moment, "It can't be said that it's very close. It takes half a month to take a carriage!"

"Why do you ask that? Do you suspect that they are doing some shady things under your father's name when they are out?"

Xu Muhua shook his head, "That's not the case. I just can't figure out why my uncle was released when he was doing well back then. With their temperament, even if they were released, they would still try their best to stay in the capital."

In the end, they left without saying a word, which was too honest.

"This..." Xu's mother didn't know what to say.

"Forget it, let's not talk about them. Today is the day for you to come home. Don't mention some disappointing people and things." Xu's mother said, her expression straightened, and while the children were not around, she asked seriously: " Have you not consummated your marriage with the prince yet?”

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