Chapter 482 The first favored bird must be this
Feng Laosan's expression lit up, and he approached Feng Laoer, "Second brother, isn't this a good opportunity now?"

"What good opportunity?" Feng Laoer's mind didn't turn around for a while.

But Boss Feng turned around, clapped his hands, and said happily: "Yes! Brothel!"

After speaking, he slapped Feng Lao'er hard on the shoulder and solemnly said: "Second brother, I will leave it to you to handle the matters assigned by the boss! You must do it beautifully!"

Feng Laoer was stunned for a moment.

No, weren't they talking about him and Hong Niang just now? This is such a sad and melancholy thing! As his brothers, shouldn't they feel sorry for him at this time, be considerate of him, and be twice as kind to him?
Why are you still entrusting such a difficult task to him at this time?

Still not brothers anymore?
"Second brother, come on, I believe you can handle this matter for the boss!" Feng Laosan looked at him and clenched his fist.

Feng Laoer took a deep breath and tried to struggle, "What the boss told me must be very important. Let's do it together..."

Boss Feng waved his hand, "No need, I think I can just leave this matter to you!"

Just enough for the second child to practice.

What he just said makes sense. If you happen to have a chance, give it a try!
As for what happens if he messes up the boss... that won't happen, it won't happen, he will just make up for it when the time comes.

The boss's letter didn't say when it would be done, so there should be plenty of time.

The protest was ineffective, and Feng Laoer had no choice but to take the matter over.

At this time, there was silence outside the palace. Only the occasional sound of a watch could be heard from outside the palace. In the palace, apart from the footsteps of patrolling guards walking, there were only some sounds of nocturnal animals.

In Yichun Palace, Xu Muhua, who was supposed to be sleeping, was sitting on the bed with his legs crossed and his hands on his knees. He was only wearing comfortable underwear. His hair, which had been combed delicately and cumbersomely during the day, was now scattered behind him, wearing nothing. A face with a serious expression.

"Have you discussed it yet?" she asked.

The chirping birds stopped and turned to look at her.

Xu Muhua felt a little funny when he saw this scene, but he held it back. If she laughed, Xiaoban would definitely want to get to the bottom of it again. Knowing that she was laughing, he would probably be annoyed again.

"We've discussed it!" Xiao Ban jumped forward.


"Let them keep an eye on your cousin's family, my eldest brother, me, and the new kid from Peishan Kingdom!" Xiao Ban said in an awe-inspiring tone.

Xu Muhua called Xiao Ban and the others over tonight, but he didn’t expect that he also brought other friends with him! And a crow came!
After she finished telling the story, several birds started making a noise, which almost alarmed the palace people outside!

What's the noise about? Of course it’s a division of labor!

Xiao Ban just wanted to have fun at first, and didn't think about anything else at all. When his little friend rushed to do things for Xu Muhua, he reacted slowly.

They are trying to compete with it for their jobs!
Xiao Ban was anxious, this was something that was absolutely intolerable!
But it's just a bird, it has no clones. Xu Muhua can't do it without helpers if he lets them do so many things at once.

Finally, Xiao Ban had to take a step back.

No matter what, it must be the most favored bird in front of her! No other bird can compete with it for this position!
Discussion after discussion, Xiao Ban competed for favor, but in the end he did not forget about serious matters.

Of course it would be better to stay in the capital, but they are all veterans and they are still rookies. If they go to Pishan, what if they mess up things? It would be a waste of time and delay! So for the sake of the overall situation, it is better for them and the newcomers to go to Pishan.

If they stay, they can be saved if something unexpected happens.

"Oh, I know Xiaoban is the most sensible and considers the overall situation. I couldn't be more at ease if you go to Pishan Kingdom to check things out for me!" Xu Muhua praised Xiaoban so much that he felt very happy.

Xu Muhua looked at the new little guys and said, "If you don't understand anything, you can ask Xiaoban and the others."

The new arrivals were still a little uncomfortable and were both curious and a little afraid of Xu Muhua.

Xu Muhua did not force them and insisted on getting close to them. After all, not every bird is like Spot.

In fact, in the past few years, except for Xiao Ban and the others, it can be said that all the animals in the entire capital that can do so have been organized by them.

The ones flying in the sky are the new ones in charge, Big Spot and Little Spot, and the ones running on the ground are the uncles. Occasionally, the tiger cub will show up. The tiger's reputation is very effective. With a roar, other animals will kneel down uncontrollably.

Last year, someone in the palace paid tribute to a lion and kept it in the zoo, as well as a big bear. Two animals that were originally unrelated have come into conflict for some reason, causing the animals in the zoo and the people in charge of these animals to suffer miserably every day.

All methods were used, except that the lion and the bear were almost beaten to death.

But the palace is busy, so of course it can't be really beaten to death.

Later, I don’t know who remembered that Xu Muhua, a young lady from Chengguo Palace, had a tiger in the backyard. The tiger is the king of beasts. Maybe bringing the tiger here can scare these two noisy things in the zoo?

Treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, there is no loss in trying.

The palace sent someone to the door. After hearing this, Xu Muhua thought about it and said that she could try it, but there was no guarantee, and her tiger could not be harmed in any way. She also specifically told Hu Zai that her own safety was the most important thing, and she didn't need to worry about anything else.

I didn’t expect this method to work!
Not to mention the lion and the bear, all the animals in the zoo were frightened by the tiger cub.

This incident made the tiger cub very proud. From now on, the tiger cub is also a tiger with a name!
Now Xu Muhua feels that he can develop overseas business.

She took the opportunity to tell her plan to the newcomers, Xiaoban and Big Ban, "When you go to do things, see if there are any suitable ones and let them join our big family!"

Xiaoban's eyes were filled with resentment.

Just know that this woman will not be satisfied with just a few of them.

It seems that it must work hard to avoid losing its status in the future!

"Okay, we'll keep an eye out."

Da Ban and Xin Lai were very sensible. After knowing what Xu Muhua was going to do, the two birds understood.

Da Ban has lived in the palace since he was a child. He also knows a lot about the human world and has learned a lot. It's not as stupid as his brother.

It thinks this is good, at least in the palace from now on, their lives will be much more secure. Unexpectedly, the people who live in some palaces are not even allowed to hear the sound of birds. Whenever they hear the sound of birds, they try to drive them away and kill them. Many of the same species have died.

It has to create a better environment for its children!

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