Chapter 486: What you say is better than what you sing
Pei Shaorong didn't answer her words and looked at her coldly.

Pei Zhen was not upset, and after talking to herself for a while, she looked shy and happy, and seemed a little proud, and said: "Actually, I came here today to tell eldest sister something. Sister, I... I am pregnant with Prince Qin. 's child!”

Not only Pei Shaorong, but also Xu Muhua was shocked.

Pei Zhen is pregnant?

But she quickly calmed down again.

Pei Zhen's marriage to the fourth prince has already departed from the plot in the book, and it seems that it is not unusual for her to become pregnant now.

Xu Muhua even began to doubt whether the book he was reading was genuine.

Could it be that she was actually reading a pirated book? Because it was a pirated copy, she was not constrained by the plot of the book after she became a character in the book, and it seemed that she could easily change the plot of the book.

It can't be that this book was actually written by her, right?

That can't be the case. Although she likes to be introverted, involving others and herself, she really can't write novels.

To sum up, she had every reason to suspect that the book she read was a pirated version.

After thinking about it, she thought of a very crucial point.

When she first watched it, she seemed to have seen the finale. After all, the male and female protagonists were happily together.

The male and female protagonists live happily together, isn't this a sign of the finale? This book should be like this, right?

It's just... she didn't seem to see the author say it was over... Is there any extra that she hasn't seen yet?
She was thinking wildly here, while Pei Shaorong was surprised and quickly recovered. She twitched her lips and said nonchalantly: "Oh, congratulations then."

Pei Zhen was a little disappointed when she didn't see any irritated expression on her face.

But she immediately cheered up again, and the smile on her face seemed deliberate and showy.

"Eldest sister, you see that you have been married to the East Palace for such a long time, and I am worried for you before you are pregnant. So this time I entered the palace not only to share the good news with my eldest sister, but also because I I want to give a prescription to my eldest sister.”

He paused and looked at Xu Muhua, "Concubine Xu can also use it. If the eldest sister and Concubine Xu can both conceive the emperor's heir, I will have made a great contribution."

As she spoke, she opened her purse, carefully took out a piece of paper from it, and handed it to Pei Shaorong: "Sister, this is the prescription. The reason why I got pregnant so quickly is all thanks to this prescription. "Sister, you can have it checked by a trustworthy doctor before using it."

Pei Shaorong frowned unconsciously and looked at the prescription she handed over.

While he was still hesitating whether to answer or not, a hand reached out. The fingers are long and white, and the nails are also clean, with only a healthy pink color. This hand took the prescription handed over by Pei Zhen.

"There really is such a recipe, let me take a look!" Xu Muhua took the recipe over.

Pei Zhen's face showed an expression of "I knew it would be like this", which seemed to be expected.

Xu Muhua didn't understand medicine, so of course he couldn't see what was going on. Just at a glance, she saw that many of the medicinal materials written on it were medicinal materials she had heard of, and some she had never heard of.

"You would be so kind as to give such a recipe to Ah Rong?" Xu Muhua asked bluntly.

Pei Zhen shrugged, "I've already said it. My elder sister is firmly in the position of Crown Princess, which is also beneficial to me. In the past, my relationship with my elder sister was not good in the mansion, because we were both ladies of the Pei Mansion, daughters of our father, and we had to compete for favor." "But now my elder sister is the Crown Princess and I am the Prince's Consort. There is no conflict of interest. Of course, I will not be stupid enough to be an enemy of my elder sister anymore."

What Pei Zhen said is quite similar.

Pei Shaorong and Xu Muhua didn't believe it at all.

Dogs can't change from eating shit, and bad people may become good, but it is absolutely impossible for a person who is fundamentally bad to become a good person.

Xu Muhua smiled and said, "How can there be no conflict of interest?"

Pei Zhen frowned and looked at her with some confusion, "Where did Concubine Xu start with these words?"

"Prince Qin and the Crown Prince are brothers! Does Prince Qin really have no idea at all? Is he really willing to be his minister for the rest of his life?"

Xu Muhua felt no psychological pressure at all when he said such words. On the contrary, Pei Zhen's face suddenly changed and she said sternly: "Concubine Xu, please don't say such words again! Aren't you trying to provoke King Qin and the Crown Prince? Does it matter?"

"I am the concubine of King Qin. I know very well what kind of person King Qin is! King Qin has no ulterior motives. He only wants to serve the emperor and the prince in the future! He has always told me that he is a minister. , you should remember your duty as a minister!"

After hearing these words, Xu Muhua wanted to clap his hands.

What you say is better than what you sing!

Just lie to a three-year-old child!
Hey, but if she hadn't known what King Qin was doing behind his back, she might have actually believed it!

After all, after the incident in the Li family, King Qin, who was still the fourth prince, was grounded for a long time. Later, the ban was lifted, and the Master kept a much lower profile when he returned to the court.

After returning to his favor not long ago, he has been very low-key, humble, and diligent in completing the tasks assigned by the emperor. He never asked for credit or asked for anything in front of the emperor. He behaved very well inside and out, and no one could find anything wrong with him.

So much so that now King Qin's reputation has improved a lot, and no one mentions the Li family anymore.

Xu Muhua said casually: "If the relationship is really good, it cannot be provoked."

After a pause, he looked at the Crown Princess and smiled slightly: "Just like the relationship between me and the Crown Princess, it's useless for anyone to instigate it!"

Pei Zhen had a strange expression on her face when she heard this, as if she was sarcastic or waiting to watch the fun. She obviously didn't believe what Xu Muhua said.

"Concubine Pei is pregnant. How come I haven't heard of such a great thing?" Xu Muhua asked.

She thinks this is a bit strange!

I don’t know what’s going on, but the emperor has many sons, and some of them are married and have children. But so far, no one has given birth to a grandson for the emperor! All are daughters!

In the book, this kind of thing is of course done by the heroine. The emperor's first grandson was born to Crown Princess Pei Shaorong. Because of this, her status and that of the prince became more stable.

If Pei Zhen is really pregnant, it is impossible not to hope that the child in her belly is a son. If it is a son, he will be the emperor's first grandson, which is of extraordinary significance, and her status will be greatly improved. If you're lucky, it's not impossible to kill the princess and ascend to the throne.

Therefore, neither Pei Zhen nor King Qin could hide such a big happy event!

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