Chapter 494 Planting a Seed

The group returned to the East Palace, and Xu Muhua left the two of them down to taste the skills of the palace chefs before finally sending someone to escort them out of the palace.

Xu Jinyu was okay, but Song Baotong was red-eyed. The crystal tears hung on the eyelashes, pitifully.

"Elder cousin..."

Song Baotong was very sad and reluctant to leave.

She knew that now that she was out of the palace, it would be difficult to see her eldest cousin again in the future. She will go back in two days, and it's hard to say whether she will have the chance to come to the capital in the future. The eldest cousin married into the East Palace again. When the prince succeeds to the throne, she will be the emperor's concubine. It will be even harder to meet her.

Maybe, maybe after such a separation, we will never see each other again!
When he thought of this, Song Baotong couldn't help crying anymore, and rushed over to hug Xu Muhua tightly regardless of it.

Xu Muhua has never been a sentimental person, but now that Song Baotong is crying like this, it makes her feel a little sad.

She stretched out her hand and rubbed the back of her head, with rare tenderness: "Okay, don't cry. She's a grown girl, so it's not embarrassing to cry."

Song Baotong cried louder!
Xu Muhua had a headache.

She asked funnyly: "Are you really so reluctant to let go of your eldest cousin?"

Song Baotong nodded vigorously in her arms.

Xu Muhua felt that she couldn't keep the clothes anymore. She must have shed a lot of tears and snot on her nose. Eh!
She laughed and exposed her, "Aren't you reluctant to let the uncle and tiger boy go?"

Song Baotong cried for a while, and Xu Muhua laughed, rubbed her head again, and said, "I wish I could come to the capital again if I have the opportunity."

"Hmph, cousin, yours is easy. But things are never that simple!" Song Baotong said in a muffled voice.

"Why isn't it easy? Although it's far away, there's nothing we can do about it, right? Prepare the carriage, the road guide, the money, and the guards, and you can come to the capital!"

Song Baotong became even more depressed, "I am a girl, and my parents will not let me come to the capital. But there is no one to accompany me to the capital."

"Why do you need someone to accompany you to the capital? As for you are a girl, as long as you are capable enough, your second uncle and second aunt cannot stop you. They are worried because they think you are too weak. So, as long as you are capable enough, Be strong and you can do what you want!”

Song Baotong forgot to cry. He raised his head from her arms and looked at her through the hazy tears.

This was the first time she heard such a statement.

I always hear people say that a man must be strong, make achievements, and stand upright. As for women, they only need to be dignified and virtuous, follow the three obediences and four virtues, understand the general situation, and rely on men to survive.

Men can do anything, women can do nothing. I can only stay in that small courtyard without leaving the door.

Everyone seems to think that women do not need to be strong or capable, as long as their fathers, brothers, husbands, and sons in the family are capable and strong.

Is everything the eldest cousin said true? Can women be strong and do what they want?
"Are you stupid?" Xu Muhua pinched Song Baotong's chubby face. It still had some baby fat, and was soft, tender, bouncy, and full of collagen!

Hey, luckily she's still young too, only a teenager!
Just the thought of getting married as a teenager made her immediately unhappy again.

What an evil feudal society!

"Cousin, is yours true? As long as I am strong enough, I can do what I want to do?" Can she stop learning from female celebrities, or even get married? She can come to the capital whenever she wants to see her eldest cousin, uncle, and tiger cub?

"Of course!" She lowered her voice as she spoke, "Look, why so many people want to be emperors and officials? It's because of power! Why do we need power? It's because with power, we can do many things. The child is no longer restrained."

It cannot be said that power allows people to do whatever they want, but it does allow people to do whatever they want to the maximum extent.

Song Baotong thought about it after what she said and felt that it was really like this!
At this moment, Xu Muhua didn't know what kind of seeds he had planted in Song Baotong's heart by saying this, and what kind of towering tree it would grow into in the future.

Xu Jinyu was a little worried on the side. He wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth and finally closed it.

Forget it, Baotong is feeling sad now, so just let her eldest sister comfort her.

It’s just that she feels that the eldest sister’s words seem to be teaching Baotong a bad way! If the second uncle and second aunt know, the eldest sister may also be scolded. Baotong is a girl, so she shouldn't listen to this. What if her heart becomes wilder?
Song Baotong nodded heavily: "Cousin, I understand!"

Xu Muhua didn't realize the seriousness of the problem yet, so he praised her!
In the end, Song Baotong was successfully comforted and released, and he left the palace with Xu Jinyu full of ambition!
Xu Muhua also didn't forget to ask Song Baotong to tell her that she would definitely not be able to go out to see her uncle off when they returned. We can only let Song Baotong convey it on his behalf, wishing them a safe journey.

Pei Shaorong, who had been waiting for Zhao Chengye for a day, couldn't help but tell him about the incident after he came back.

She was really worried about someone using her fake pregnancy to make something against him. If that were the case, he wouldn't know anything and would be caught off guard.

Since we are husband and wife, we shouldn't hide it self-righteously. This matter also involves him, so I should mention it to him and see what he thinks.

Zhao Chengye was shocked and angry after hearing this, and he was even more worried about her body.

"Will this have a bad impact on your health? What does Dr. Sun say? Is there a solution?" he asked repeatedly.

"Mr. Sun hasn't found a solution yet, and he can't see what the problem is. If it weren't for Mu Hua, both Dr. Sun and I would really think that I was pregnant, and treat this as a happy event. Spread the word and eventually cause a big fuss.”

Zhao Chengye's expression condensed, "Xu Muhua? What does this matter have to do with her?"

Pei Shaorong told what happened in the morning, and Zhao Chengye was filled with doubts after hearing this.

"How did she know about this?" Even he, the master of the East Palace, had no information or awareness at all. She had just married into the East Palace a few days ago, so how did she know?
This doesn't make sense at all!
What secret does this Xu Muhua hide? How many things about her did he not know?

Pei Shaorong frowned, "Are you doubting Mu Hua?"

After asking, without waiting for his answer, she said with a serious expression: "I know it's strange that Mu Hua knows this, and it doesn't make sense at all. But no matter what, I believe in Mu Hua, she will never harm me. ! I don’t allow you to doubt her like this, she is my best friend!”

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