After passing through the book, the vicious female supporting character and the heroine work togethe

Chapter 499: It turns out that he really wanted to cheat on his wife

Chapter 499: It turns out that he really wanted to cheat on his wife
The Hu family had arranged everything, but they didn't expect Geng Zhiqiu to miss the appointment! They thought that even if the Geng family had suspicions but no evidence, they would still do it to save face.

So when the two sides met, Mrs. Hu couldn't control her expression and knew that Geng Zhiqiu didn't come! Mrs. Geng was a little suspicious in the beginning, and her heart sank immediately. She only believed it 50% before, but now it became 90%, and she just needed the final evidence to confirm it!
Both parties were absent-minded. Geng Zhiqiu didn't come, and Mrs. Hu didn't have the mind to deal with Mrs. Geng. After a while, she hurried back to the house on the pretext of something going on at home.

Mrs. Geng also returned to the house with a gloomy face and told the story.

"Mom, it seems that there is indeed a problem with this marriage. Then forget it."

Mrs. Geng was also somewhat thankful, "Fortunately the words have not been spread yet!"

Otherwise, you will be in a dilemma at this time!
"Mom, there must be a reason why the Hu family is targeting us. We still have to be more careful next time." There is no telling what the other party will do to force her.

Madam Geng nodded. "You are right. I will talk to your father about this matter in person when he comes back! And you, before this matter is dealt with, you should stay in the mansion and try not to go out!"

Lest you give others a chance!

This was nothing to Geng Zhiqiu, as she seldom went out. She didn't have many friends in the capital, and she usually spent her time in the mansion, and only occasionally went out with her maids and guards.

It was also a coincidence that Bai Xiaosheng also found out about the Hu family and sent the results directly to the Geng family.

When Lord Geng returned home and saw the result, he was immediately furious and cursed the Hu family in the study room for being too bullying! A family of filthy people, how dare they cheat on a marriage!

What's even more infuriating is that the marriage between the two parties has not been made public yet, otherwise he could directly report them to the emperor and accuse them of marriage fraud! Let them pay the price!
The Imperial Censor, bah!

But it’s okay, at least his daughter’s reputation was saved.

Concubine Jing was very angry after receiving this result, and hurriedly sent people to the East Palace to invite Xu Muhua to her palace.

Speaking of which, Concubine Jing had not had much contact with Xu Muhua before, but she didn’t know why. She had a good impression of Xu Muhua and wanted to get close to her!
When Xu Muhua came, she immediately poured out her bitter feelings!
"My dear, this is a good thing! Otherwise, if we don't find out until Miss Geng gets married, Miss Geng's rest of her life will be ruined!"

Concubine Jing said happily: "Yes, thanks to you!"

She held Xu Muhua's hand tightly, full of gratitude, "Thanks to you for reminding me that day, I became suspicious and wanted to check it out, otherwise... I really can't imagine the consequences!"

When Zhiqiu was born, she didn't have any children yet, but she had been in the palace for several years and felt that there was no hope for her. She thought that this was her life. She had no favor, and she certainly had no children. She would probably spend her whole life alone in the palace.

So for this niece, she treats her as her own child. Although the Geng family had not come to Beijing at that time and were far away, the eldest brother and sister-in-law always had people sending things to the palace, and they never forgot to stuff a portrait of Zhiqiu every time.

She had watched the child who had been pretty and cute since she was a child grow up through portraits.

After the Geng family came to Beijing, she summoned Zhiqiu into the palace and liked her even more after spending time with her.

First, she is her own niece, and second, she has placed a lot of emotions on Zhiqiu. There is always something different. "I was a little too suspicious, so I reminded the queen. Anyway, it's always right to be cautious about this kind of thing. Now Miss Geng has avoided this disaster, which is a good thing."

Concubine Jing couldn't help but have a smile on her face, but the smile just rose and fell down again when she remembered something. She couldn't help but sigh: "Okay, who knows... Zhiqiu's marriage will have to be chosen again now, and I won't Know how long it takes to choose the right marriage.”

When Xu Muhua mentioned this, he had a question to ask, "Mother, please don't think that I am too curious and have no sense of propriety. I think Miss Geng is good-looking and has a good temperament. Why are we talking about marriage now?"

Geng Zhiqiu is already seventeen, so not getting married is nothing, but she hasn't even decided to get married, which seems a bit strange.

Women in Dayong usually discuss their marriage before and after their haircut. Once they get their haircut, they can prepare for the marriage. People like Geng Zhiqiu are rare, especially since she is an official lady.

Concubine Jing's expression froze for a moment, and then she said, "I won't hide it from you. Zhiqiu... this child has a miserable life! Before my eldest brother and his wife came to Beijing, they had already arranged a marriage for Zhiqiu at their place of work. Both parties knew each other well, and they were just waiting for the two of them to get married once they were old enough."

"But I didn't expect that the other party's life would be even worse! He suddenly died of illness at such a young age! Everyone else has died, and our Geng family can't marry anyone else, so we can only forget about this marriage!"

"When this happened, I don't know who lacked great virtue. He actually said that we knew our fate was tough, Kefu! I was so angry! It was obviously because he was in poor health, and an illness killed him. We They didn’t even mention that the man’s sudden death would delay our Zhiqiu’s life-long event.”

Concubine Jing's anger went away as quickly as it came, "This has affected Zhiqiu's reputation. We haven't talked about a suitable marriage again, and it's been delayed until now."

I thought this niece had turned bad luck around, but unexpectedly... her luck was really bad. Should she remind her sister-in-law to burn some incense or something?
Xu Muhua suddenly realized.

So that's how it is, no wonder!

But it doesn't matter, she doesn't care about this, and I believe her parents won't care either.

She felt that she had to hurry up on this matter!
Dad and eldest brother won't be able to stay in the capital for long, and they will go back to the border soon. Her eldest brother is already an old bachelor! Miss Geng will become an old girl if she delays it any longer!

"This is not Miss Geng's fault. Maybe this is a test given to her by God. If she survives it, she will be happy and happy."

Concubine Jing smiled when she heard this, "I hope so too. Although I am a little anxious, I still have to choose carefully."

Concubine Jing's voice suddenly rose as she spoke, and she said with some excitement: "I think there will be a suitable candidate next time. If you are worried, I will go to Bai Xiaosheng again, give Yinzi and the others, and ask them to help find out." It’s clear, so you don’t have to worry!”

Xu Muhua was silent.

Should she consider letting the three Feng brothers start a side business, such as being matchmakers?

I just don’t know if the three brothers are willing to do it.

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