Chapter 507 Heartbroken

Pei Shaorong deliberately gave a bitter smile, "This kind of thing can't be achieved by just working hard, it depends on fate."

Pei Zhen looked at her with a bit of sympathy in his eyes, "You don't have to be too anxious, there will always be something."

"You have a heart."

"Sister, although you haven't gotten pregnant yet, you still have to be careful. Concubine Xu can't get pregnant before you!"

Pei Shaorong acted like a magnanimous wife, "I am not capable of getting pregnant with the prince's child, so how can I stop the concubine from getting pregnant? Whether it is me or the concubine, the most urgent thing is to get pregnant first! And even if the concubine has a child, she will still call me mother when the child is born in the future."

Pei Zhen looked disappointed, "Sister, you are too kind-hearted! I know you and Xu Muhua are good friends, but you can't give up your status and husband to her just because of this. You are the Crown Princess, the Crown Prince's legal wife, and the future Queen!"

"As the legal wife, you should be more generous, but you can't be too indulgent to your concubine. Otherwise, sooner or later, she will climb over your head and bully you!!"

Pei Shaorong asked suddenly: "So you mean you hope that Princess Qin is like this? But if Princess Qin is like this, then the baby in your belly will be..."

The expression on Pei Zhen's face almost collapsed.

Although the Princess of Qin had given birth to two children, they were both daughters. The eldest daughter was three years old this year, and the youngest daughter was only one year old.

If Pei Zhen could give birth to a son, it would not only be a happy event for the Qinwang Mansion, but also a happy event for the royal family. Her status would definitely rise. If the Qinwang Concubine was unlucky and could not give birth to a son, then her son would be the eldest son. Even if he was born out of wedlock, there was a great possibility that he would inherit the palace in the future!

What she is most worried about now is probably the baby in her belly.

If Princess Qin was a powerful wife, who knows what method she would come up with to get rid of the baby in her belly!
Pei Shaorong's words made Pei Zhen not know what to say next. After a long while, he said hesitantly: "This... just means maintaining the dignity and status of the legal wife, not..."

"I know you care about me, but I believe Mu Hua. She won't get ahead of me."

Then he kindly advised: "Although you are my sister, I still have something to say. You are now pregnant with the king's child, but you must remember your status and not become spoiled, lest you lose face for our Taifu Mansion!"

"After all, you've made a lot of jokes before!"

Pei Zhen almost fainted without being able to catch his breath!

After trying several times, she managed to steady her voice and said, "Don't worry, sister. I already know I was wrong and I will never do it again!"

I don't know if Pei Shaorong's words hurt Pei Zhen's heart, making her not in the mood to deal with Pei Shaorong here. She quickly said goodbye.

Pei Shaorong couldn't figure out what she wanted to do, so he simply gave up thinking about it.

When enemies come, we will fight them; when water comes, we will block it with earth. She is the Crown Princess, and Pei Zhen is just the prince's concubine. Is there any way she can overthrow the Crown Princess?
Xu Muhua didn't know about this yet. She was just a concubine, and the people in the Eastern Palace certainly wouldn't report the Crown Princess' affairs to her. She knew her limits. She and Pei Shaorong had a good relationship, and they were good friends, but now they were also the Crown Princess and the concubine.

She had to strike a balance between getting along and not being too presumptuous. If she took the initiative to ask about everything, it would only make people think too much and suspect that she had ulterior motives.

Besides, everyone has their own privacy. The most important thing is to pay less attention to things that she shouldn’t pay attention to and live her own life behind closed doors.

When Aunt Qi heard her say that she wanted to go back to her parents' home again, she was not very surprised at all. It seemed that she had become numb and accepted her behavior of always going back to her parents' home.

But when Xu's mother saw her coming back, she really wanted to pick up a fire poker and drive her back!

"Why are you back again?!" Xu's mother gritted her teeth as if she was not her daughter but someone who came to collect debts.

Xu Muhua paused and blinked, "Mom, didn't you ask me to come back?" Xu's mother was confused, "When did I ask you to come back?"

"Didn't mother send me a message?"

Xu's mother was anxious, "I sent you a message to tell you about your eldest brother's matter, just to tell you that things have been arranged, you don't need to worry, and don't need to..." Come back!
Fortunately, she is back!

Isn't this the opposite of what she meant? She sent her a message to tell her not to come back!
Xu Muhua looked innocent, "Ah, is that so? I thought my mother sent me a message just to hint me to come back!"

Mother Xu's eyes went dark and she felt like fainting.

Damn kid!

General Xu watched the fight between the mother and daughter and laughed with joy.

When Xu's mother came to her senses and saw that he was still happy and did not join in educating her daughter, she became so angry that she reached out and pinched him hard.

"Still laughing, still laughing! People talked about you the last time you came back, and you're back again this time. You'll be criticized again at the court tomorrow morning!"

Xu Muhua caught a key word, "Mom, what do you mean by being reported again? What does it mean?"

Only then did Xu's mother realize that she had let the cat out of the bag. She immediately changed the subject and said, "Forget it. Now that you're back, go see your grandmother first!"

"Mom, don't change the subject. Did someone report my dad the last time I came back? Saying that he doesn't know how to discipline his daughter? And why he goes back to his parents' home so frequently after getting married?" Xu Muhua guessed.

General Xu said frankly: "I'm not complaining about my father, but about the crown prince, saying that the crown prince is too pampering you..."

Xu's mother glared at him.

General Xu immediately shut his mouth.

There is also this matter! Xu Muhua couldn't help but hold his forehead.

"Who is so free that he would care about the prince's backyard?"

Seeing this, Xu's mother simply stopped hiding it and curled her lips, "It's the Imperial Censor Hu!"

"Lord Hu?" Isn't that the Hu family that discussed the marriage with the Geng family before?
Oh, she already had the evidence against their family, and he still dared to provoke her? Did he really think she was a weak woman who couldn't do anything?
Xu Muhua decided that if the Imperial Censor came again, she would spread the scandal of their family! Let's see if he still has the heart to meddle in other people's affairs!
"Don't worry about him. If he dares to keep talking nonsense, I will go to his house and tear down the door!" General Xu said domineeringly.

"Dad, don't be impulsive. It's not worth it for such a small matter! I have my own way to deal with him!"

Mother Xu said angrily, "Alright, both of you, father and daughter, behave yourself! The most important thing right now is the eldest brother's marriage. If any of you mess it up, I won't forgive you!"

When Xu Muhua was mentioned, he perked up. "Mom, please tell me how big brother's marriage was decided? Has big brother met Miss Geng? Is big brother satisfied?"

Xu's mother laughed so hard that she couldn't close her mouth. "If he is not satisfied, can this marriage be successful?"

She was a very open-minded parent, and she had originally thought that her children's marriages would be decided only after they were satisfied with themselves. But she never expected that Mu Hua would directly let the emperor arrange a marriage for them.

But the eldest brother was not like that, so she let him take a look first and then continue after he nodded.

I am really impressed. I wrote 400 chapters instead of 500 yesterday. When I read it today, I felt something was wrong. Hahahaha

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