Chapter 516 Kill Him

She also thought about it for a long time before she came up with this method, which could not only avoid suspicion, but also not ruin the old lady's health all at once. If the treatment was timely and she was lucky, the old lady might just suffer a little...

In fact, Nanny Wan also knew that if that person wanted to attack the old lady, he would definitely not let her get well easily. The worst result was that the old lady died from this minor cold.

Xu's mother never expected the truth to be like this! It was in the palace, in the palace...Apart from that person, who else would dare to attack the old lady of the Duke's Mansion?

As for the reason...Xu's mother quickly figured out the twists and turns.

If the old lady died, as a son, the master would have to observe mourning. In this way, the emperor would have a legitimate reason to keep the master in the capital.

Even if the eldest brother returned to the border, he was still too young compared to the old master, and it was hard to say whether he could suppress the other generals in the barracks. Of course, the emperor would not miss such a good opportunity, and he would definitely have other arrangements.

The purpose is to seize the military power in the hands of Duke Cheng’s Mansion!
"Madam, I have said everything I need to say. I have said nothing false! This is all my fault. Please spare my family. Now that things have come to this, I have nothing more to say. I can only pay for my crime with my life!"

After saying this, Aunt Wan slammed into the wall beside them before they could react! The dull sound of her head hitting the wall made people's hearts jump. When they looked closely, Aunt Wan had already fallen to the ground with blood flowing out of her head.

Xu Rui walked over, squatted down and took a look, then looked back at Xu's mother and shook his head, indicating that Nanny Wan was no longer breathing.

Mother Xu was so shocked by the scene that her hands and feet became weak and trembling unconsciously.

She took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down. "First, take care of Nanny Wan's body and keep the matter secret. It can't be spread out."

If this gets out, the palace will immediately know that they know about this.

The butler standing at the door just nodded to show that he understood, and quickly arranged for someone to come and deal with Nanny Wan's body.

After walking out, it was not until the sunlight fell on her body that Xu's mother finally felt a hint of warmth, and her cold body warmed up.

"Muhua, go back to the East Palace first!"

Xu Muhua frowned, "Mom, how can I go back to the East Palace like this when something like this happened at home?"

Mother Xu shook her head and said, "Don't worry about this matter. You are now a member of the Eastern Palace. It is not appropriate to stay at your parents' home for too long. With such a person at home, you don't have to worry."

Xu Rui also said: "You should go back to the East Palace first. If you stay too long, the palace might get suspicious."

After he said this, Xu Muhua did not refute.

But after thinking about it, she accepted the arrangement.

She can go back to the East Palace to check the situation first!
"Okay, I'll go back first."

After packing up, Xu Muhua quickly brought his people back to the East Palace.

After returning to the East Palace, he went to the Crown Princess as usual.

"Muhua, how is the old lady's health now? Is she feeling better?"

Xu Muhua was frowning and sighing, "There is no improvement. The old man is old, and it is difficult for him to recover if he feels uncomfortable. Now we can only listen to the doctor and take good care of him and treat him well."

Pei Shaorong could understand her feelings at the moment, "Don't worry too much, I believe the old lady will get better."

"I hope so too."

Seeing that she was in a bad mood, Pei Shaorong did not keep her any longer and let her go back to Yichun Palace. Xu Muhua returned to her own palace, asked the other servants to leave, and then called the master over.

"Uncle, now I have a very difficult but very important task for you to do. Do you have the confidence that you can accomplish it?" She said with a serious face.

The old man glanced at her with contempt and said silently: If you have something to say, just say it! Don't just talk nonsense.

Xu Muhua told the old man what happened at the Chengguo Mansion, and the old man became angry immediately after hearing it.

The Chengguo Mansion is under the protection of the master, and the people inside are also under the protection of the master! Now the old man wants to take advantage of the people under his protection, which means he doesn't take it seriously!

It said angrily: "Just kill him!"

When Xu Muhua heard what the old man said, he subconsciously rejected it and said, "How can we kill him? He is the emperor!"

But after he finished speaking, he paused and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Yes, what the uncle said makes sense!
The emperor is the root of the problem. As long as he is still alive, his suspicion of Duke Chengguo's Mansion will not disappear. He will always try to take back the military power, and he will do whatever it takes.

Even if I can escape this time, there will be a next time, unless Daddy hands over the military power. But if Daddy hands over the military power, will the Emperor really let the Chengguo Mansion go?

Everyone knows why she married into the Eastern Palace.

I'm afraid the Emperor will only feel at ease when the Duke Cheng's Mansion disappears completely from Dayong.

But if the emperor dies, then the problem is solved!
As for the prince...Xu Muhua frowned tightly.

The book doesn't seem to mention much about the prince's attitude towards Duke Cheng's Mansion, but he does not seem to be as wary of it as the emperor.

With the crown prince taking the throne, the Chengguo Mansion had some breathing time.

In fact, Xu Muhua also understood that the military power held by the Chengguo Mansion would have to be handed over sooner or later. It was just a matter of time.

In general, the prince is better than the emperor. After all, she is now in the East Palace and has a good relationship with Arong. If the prince destroys the Chengguo Mansion, it would be equivalent to killing her as a concubine.

After killing her best friend, the heroine will probably hate the hero.

So the hero will not give the heroine a chance to hate him, after all, this is a sweet love story! Love is the theme! All power and political schemes have to stand aside!

"Ahem, sir, you should first figure out what's going on. As for what you just's a serious matter, we need to discuss it slowly."

The old man seemed to roll his eyes when he heard this, as if he was mocking her for being timid.

"Master, you don't understand. Let me give you an example. If someone in your cat group has bad intentions towards you and wants to kill you, do you think it is an easy task?"

The old man swung his tail and said, "How can this be compared? What kind of cat am I, and what kind of person is that old man?"

The uncle's current status is all due to his own ability, while the old man relies on others! If no one protected him, he would have died countless times!
It knew that the old man was the king of mankind, but this woman had so many helpers around her, couldn't she kill him alone? Afraid of hair!

Alas, women are just timid!

What can it do? It can only let her do what she wants!

But it's still possible to teach the old man a lesson!

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