Chapter 524 Have they all reformed?

General Xu resigned from his post as general and stayed in the capital to take care of his old mother and fulfill his filial piety. The emperor was not happy at all, but was very angry!

This action of his disrupted all his subsequent plans!
What he hoped was to keep him in the capital. Even if the Prince of Chengguo Mansion returned to the military camp, he would not be able to smoothly take over the military power from General Xu!

Now, he, a minister, put the emperor on the fire!
He said that General Xu had rebellious intentions!
When Xu Muhua heard the news in the East Palace, he felt as if it was expected.

If she could think of it, there was no way her father couldn't think of it.

If the emperor really wants to take action, there is no way to prevent it. This time, the emperor is determined to keep her father in the capital.

Maybe the emperor had already thought of this plan when he arranged a marriage for her.

He wants both the substance and the appearance!
He clearly wanted to take back the military power by any means necessary, but he didn't want his ministers and people to say that he was a tyrant and was branded as a tyrant.

"Muhua, I heard that your father submitted a petition to resign from the position of general at the court this morning and will stay in the capital. Congratulations, your family can finally be reunited." In the side hall, Sun Xuehe, who had not been seen for a long time, said to Xu Muhua with a faint smile.

Pei Shaorong frowned, and a feeling of irritation rose in his heart.

Everyone knows that the reason why Duke Chengguo resigned and stayed in the capital was because the old lady was seriously ill. She knew it but still said this. Was she trying to poke Mu Hua in the heart?

Xu Muhua was unmoved. "Yes, my father and mother were in the border and the capital respectively, making them like the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl. It's a good thing that they can finally be reunited. We are all very happy. If my grandmother can recover her health, everyone will be happy."

Most of what Xu Muhua said was true.

Sooner or later, the military power will have to be handed over. The emperor has forced her to this point. If her father does not take the initiative to stay in the capital and leave the opportunity to his eldest brother, their whole family may be finished next time!

She had expected this result.

But the plan still has to come!

The smile on Sun Xuehe's face froze for a moment, as if she realized that what she had just said was a bit inappropriate.

She said, "The old lady is a blessed person. I think she will be safe this time. The Duke will stay in the capital in the future. The old lady will have many more blessings to enjoy!"

"I hope it's as you said!" After saying that, Xu Muhua asked curiously, "Why did Xuehe suddenly send a visiting card to Arong? I haven't seen you out for social events since you got married!"

Of course Sun Xuehe would not admit that she didn't see them because she had resentment in her heart.

They all grew up together, and their backgrounds were not much different, so why did they all marry so well? At the very least, they could marry a young talent. But she married an old man who was old enough to be her father!
In fact, Xu Muhua was not really completely ignorant of Sun Xuehe's affairs.

It was said that although her husband was more than a generation older than her, being older had its own advantages, that is, he was more caring! Moreover, his legitimate son was not young anymore, so she didn't have to worry about her, the stepmother, giving birth to another child to take the place of the legitimate son.

So he is very happy to pamper his little wife.

In Xu Muhua's opinion, marrying such an old man was indeed a great injustice for a young girl in her prime.

But since she looked down on those young men of humble origins and did not dare to resist to the end and chose to marry this old man, she should live a good life and stop thinking about nonsense all day long.

After all, if you can't change the environment, you can only accept it and adapt yourself to it. But Xu Muhua also suspected that with Sun Xuehe's personality, she was probably stuck in a dead end.

Sure enough, when she asked, Sun Xuehe's brows were instantly stained with sadness, but she looked strong, "When I was still in the boudoir, I always felt sad about the little things and felt that life was difficult. It was only after I got married that I understood what sadness meant."

As she was talking, her tears suddenly flowed down. She quickly turned her head and wiped them with a handkerchief. "I am someone's second wife. The previous wife has been in the mansion for many years and has already won the hearts of the people. The servants in the mansion only recognize her. No one takes me seriously and treats me as the mistress."

"As for my stepson, let alone him, he didn't even show up the day after I came home. But they just said he was busy studying and that he was still a child and didn't understand anything, so they told me not to worry about it. I'm only a few years older than him!"

"Not to mention my mother-in-law. As soon as we met, she gave me a warning and told me to learn from the previous one and not be ignorant just because I'm young..."

Xu Muhua didn't dare to believe all of her words. It was good enough if he could believe them a little bit.

She thought she could let the little intelligence agents investigate the situation, and then everything would be clear!

Pei Shaorong had indeed felt alienated from Sun Xuehe before, but after hearing what she said, she couldn't help but feel soft-hearted.

Xu Muhua quickly spoke before she could, "It's hard to be a new bride! Every family has its own problems. But as long as you can control Lord Bao, you will definitely be able to gain a foothold in the Bao family over time and completely replace the previous one!"

Pei Shaorong was stunned for a moment, then came to her senses and said, "What Mu Hua said makes sense. All brides have come this far."

Sun Xuehe seemed to have taken the words to heart and nodded helplessly: "Yes, things are different after getting married."

Seeing her like this, Xu Muhua couldn't help but feel a little suspicious.

Have they all changed their gender?

Pei Zhen was like this, and now Sun Xuehe is like this too. Can marriage change a person's character and turn from evil to good?

No, no, no, she was more inclined to believe that each of them was holding back on some big move.

Pei Zhen has already figured it out, and is just waiting to use the child to frame Arong.

What about Sun Xuehe? What does she want to do?
It seems that her plan to have her intelligence network keep an eye on the entire city is about to be put on the agenda!
After all, she is preparing to do great things, so it pays to prepare early!

Sun Xuehe sat for half an hour and was ready to leave.

Before leaving, she seemed to hesitate for a moment, but finally looked at Pei Shaorong and said, "Arong, I know that I was too stubborn and misguided in the past, and I did a lot of wrong things and said a lot of unpleasant things. But now I understand that you had good intentions at the beginning and really wanted to do good for me. It was me who was ignorant and didn't know how to appreciate good people."

She even knelt down solemnly towards Pei Shaorong, "I came here today to apologize to you. I misunderstood you and ruined your kindness. I hope you won't blame me and can forgive me."

Pei Shaorong was surprised for a moment. She didn't expect her to do this.

She quickly helped her up, with mixed feelings, "I'm glad you figured it out. Roads are made by people, and now that you've entered the Bao family, just live your life with Master Bao in peace!"

Sun Xuehe pulled the corner of her mouth, her expression bitter, "I know, I will."

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