Chapter 526 It’s a long story

When Xu Muhua returned to his palace from Pei Shaorong, he was surprised to find that Daban, Xiaoban and the newcomer had returned!
"You're back! Sooner than I thought!" Xu Muhua said happily.

She thought she would have to wait at least half a month!
Xiao Ban was so proud: "This has already taken quite some time! It could have been much faster! But since we were already there, and it's not far from where your father and big brother work, we decided to stop by and help you see if there is any situation there."

Xu Muhua picked up Xiaoban and kissed him hard!

Of course, she treated everyone equally and did not forget about Daban and the newcomer.

Xiaoban watched secretly from the side and counted silently. In the end, she found that although she kissed all three birds, she kissed it more!

So Xiaoban was satisfied!
"Nothing special happened to you along the way, and you didn't encounter any danger?" Xu Muhua asked, scanning them, and his eyes did not detect anything abnormal. He also did not notice anything wrong when he was holding them just now.

Daban said: "It's okay, we were very careful along the way and didn't encounter any danger. We also met a lot of new friends, some of whom were very enthusiastic and escorted us all the way to our destination!"

Daban didn't say this just to reassure her, it was the truth.

Of course, they encountered some natural enemies on the way, but they were all resolved. After all, they are not ordinary birds! Later, they made other friends, so their journey was still smooth.

Xu Muhua first asked them about what happened on the road. After they chattered and shared their stories, she started asking about her own affairs.

"Tell me, what did you gain from this trip?"

Little Spot jumped in front of Big Spot and said, "That guy is the new man next door to you. We found out his identity! Hey, this guy has a complicated background!"

Xiao Ban wanted to beat around the bush, "Do you know where he came from?"

Xu Muhua was amused, but still cooperated and asked, "Where is his background? He said his father was from Dayong and his mother was from Pishan. Other than that, I don't know anything else. What Bai Xiaosheng found now is also insignificant."

Xiao Ban was proud and complacent, "What can the three brothers find out? We still have to rely on the few of us!"

"Yes, yes, that's why I asked you three to help me with this matter, and you didn't let me down!" Xu Muhua said and gave them a thumbs up.

The praise was not only for the little spotted boy, but even the usually calm big spotted boy couldn't help but let out a cry of joy. The new guy tried his best to hold it back, but he still showed his true colors and was about to start dancing.

"We found out that the man's father is indeed from Dayong, and his mother is indeed from Pishan, but his mother's identity is not simple! His mother is the saint of Pishan country!"

Xu Muhua's pupils were shocked. "What? The Saintess of Pishan Country?"

"Surprised, right? There are more surprises to come! Don't worry, just listen to me!" Xiao Ban said calmly, "His mother is the saint of Pishan country. Saints cannot marry and have children. But when his mother was sixteen or seventeen years old, she fell in love with a man from Dayong and gave birth to the child in secret!"

"The reason why the saints of Pishan Country cannot get married and have children is because once they get married and have children, the saints' innate abilities will gradually disappear, and their own vitality will disappear along with them."

"This saint didn't believe it before, and by the time she did, it was already too late! And she discovered something incredible! That Dayong man was actually her mortal enemy who deliberately seduced her in order to get rid of her!"

Xiao Ban paused and felt a little thirsty.

It looked around to see if there was any water to drink.

Seeing this, Xu Muhua was very smart and poured a cup of tea for it, and also poured a cup for Daban and the newcomer. The key is to treat everyone equally. "It's a long story about the Saint of Pishan. It's very different from Dayong. The current King of Pishan has long wanted to get rid of the Saint Temple, but has never found an opportunity. But this Saint is not a simple person!"

"She saw that she was about to die, so she came up with a vicious idea, which was to steal someone else's body and parasitize on someone else, hoping to continue living by using someone else's body! The person being targeted is your sister!"

"Back then, she sent many people to search for the right person. She looked for many people based on their birth dates and horoscopes, and tried many people. In the end, only your sister succeeded. The others who failed all died."

all dead!
Xu Muhua believed that the faker must have picked out more than three or five people, which meant that no one knew how many people had died at her hands.

It was really easy for her to be killed that day!

Then she felt scared again.

Although Jinyu suffered a lot, fortunately she was possessed by another body in the end, otherwise Jinyu would have died long ago!
"Does Su Ziqiao know about these things?"

"Yes, of course I know. The reason his father died was because he tricked his mother into giving him a ride. After his mother knew what happened, she hated his father so much that she asked him to trick his father into killing him."

"Because that woman said that if he could trick his father into coming over, she would guarantee him wealth and glory in the future. His father was just a good-looking man, but he had no power, so of course he couldn't compare to what his mother promised."

The saint not only has a high status in Pishan Kingdom, but also has considerable power.

Xu Muhua took a deep breath: "As expected of mother and son, they are equally ruthless."

In order to gain wealth and glory, he used his own father as a stepping stone.

"That's right! His father was so good to him, but he didn't feel sorry for him at all. He just watched his mother kill his father. Oh, his father must have died with regrets!"

Xu Muhua could not comment on this.

"Then how did he hook up with Xu Yuyao?"

Xiao Ban seemed to sigh: "This matter will take a long time to explain!"

Xu Muhua: "..."

Is it really good for Xiaoban to be so popular among people?

Xiao Ban felt his mouth a little tired and his throat a little dry, and finally he had to give this opportunity to his elder brother.

Daban glanced at it helplessly and shook his head, "Because this matter is related to your father and eldest brother."

Xu Muhua raised his eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

"Do you still remember that a long time ago you left the capital to pick up your father and elder brother, and then on the way you destroyed a mountain stronghold and captured the leader of the stronghold?" asked Daban.

Xu Muhua nodded, "I suspected it at first, but I had no evidence. Is this leader of the Shanzhai from Pishan Country? Is he from the Saint Lady or Su Zijiao?"

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