Chapter 531 You are just jealous of me
Pei Shaorong had an anxious look on her face. "You just had a miscarriage. You should go back to bed and lie down. Your health is important! You will have children in the future! And... you know better than me what happened just now. Do you really want to make a scene in front of our father?" She frowned at the end.

Pei Zhen shouted excitedly: "Yes, I know better than anyone what happened! You are just jealous of me, you haven't gotten pregnant yet, and when you saw that I had a child, you cruelly wanted to destroy it! How can you be so vicious! No matter what I did wrong, the child is innocent!"

Xu Muhua almost couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

Why does it sound like a play? 'But the child is innocent' sounds so familiar!
"Concubine Pei, we all know that you are very sad and upset because you lost your child, but you can't just blame the Crown Princess for this! Everyone knows what kind of person the Crown Princess is. And everyone knows what kind of person you are, too. I advise you to calm down before talking about other things!"

"Shut up! You and her are in cahoots! I'm going to find my father, I'm going to find my father to seek justice!" Pei Zhen pushed away the palace maid who was supporting him and stumbled out.

Pei Shaorong gave the palace maid a look, and the palace maid seemed to come to her senses and chased after him.

"Concubine Pei, Concubine Pei, calm down and take care of yourself! Slow down!" The palace maid shouted and kept following, but for some reason she caught up with Pei Zhen, falling behind her by a few steps, and watched her leave as if she was running for her life.

Xu Muhua turned his head and looked at Pei Shaorong and smiled, "Okay, let's go over there and see how she performs this drama."

And even if they didn't go, the Queen would definitely send someone to tell them to go later.

The two of them packed themselves up leisurely and then headed towards Changchun Palace, seemingly in a hurry but actually leisurely.

It's not that Pei Zhen didn't want to go directly to the emperor, but she didn't really lose her mind. If she went directly to the emperor, she would be at a disadvantage, and even her reason would become unreasonable!

When Xu Muhua and Pei Shaorong arrived at Changchun Palace, they saw Pei Zhen sitting crookedly on a wide chair, with a pale face, bloodless lips, and dense cold sweat oozing from his forehead. It was already like this, but he still had to hold on.

The Queen, on the other hand, sat on her usual black lacquered and gold-painted throne with a gloomy face. When she saw the two of them coming in, she asked, "Crown Princess, what is going on? How did Concubine Pei's baby get into trouble in the East Palace?"

When Pei Zhen heard this, she knew that the queen was biased, and she knelt on the ground again, "Queen, it was the Crown Princess who harmed me and the child in my belly! Please give me justice!"

It was just a coincidence that the emperor, who was busy with all kinds of affairs, came over just as she finished saying these words!

After all, he is his first grandson!
Yes, the imperial physician has already reported to the emperor that Concubine Pei is pregnant with a boy.

The baby boy was born to be the first grandson of this generation. But before he had time to be happy, the grandson was gone!
You can imagine how the emperor feels at this moment!
After waiting for so many years, he finally had a son. The woman in the backyard was pregnant with a son, but now she had a miscarriage, and his grandson was gone!
Seeing the emperor, everyone stood up and saluted. However, the emperor was impatient to discuss this matter at this time and asked angrily, "What is going on? How come the baby in Concubine Pei's belly is gone!"

Pei Zhen cried so sadly, repeated her words again, and then kowtowed heavily on the ground: "I beg the emperor to do justice for me!"

"Princess, what do you want to say?"

Compared to a concubine, the emperor certainly values ​​the Crown Princess more.

Pei Shaorong also knelt down beside him, her face full of grievance, "Father, Mother, I am really wronged! I don't know why Concubine Pei wanted to frame me like this. Not only the Eastern Palace, but the entire harem knows my character, how could I do such a vicious thing?" "You are jealous of me! You are jealous that I am pregnant with the emperor's grandson! When we were in Pei's house, you were jealous of me, you were jealous that I was favored by my father! Although you are now the Crown Princess, you have not yet gotten pregnant, so you are anxious and impatient!"

"But sister, I have already given you the prescription, why did you want to kill my child?" Pei Zhen cried breathlessly.

It really makes people sad and cry when they hear it!

Xu Muhua even secretly took out a handkerchief, trying to hold back the non-existent tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Concubine Xu, what do you think?"

Xu Muhua was stunned. He looked up blankly and met the emperor's deep, cold, and unfathomable eyes.

She blinked, her reaction was a little slow, and after a moment of hesitation, she said, "Father, I don't know. When the incident happened, I was at Concubine Jing's place. I heard that something happened in the Eastern Palace, so I rushed back."

The emperor looked at the queen, and the queen nodded slightly to indicate that what she said was true.

"Since the Crown Princess refuses to admit it, let's get someone to investigate! Get to the bottom of it!"

Pei Zhen didn't say anything, apparently agreeing with this approach.

Xu Muhua was curious. Could it be that the King Qin actually bribed the people around the emperor? If so, it would be amazing that even the people around the emperor could be bribed.

But it would be more fun if it were like this.

Pei Zhen and King Qin had a backup plan. It was also thanks to her reminder that Zhao Chengye asked his secret guards to keep an eye on them, so they discovered the problem in time. If not, they would all be doomed by what happened today!
Who could have thought that this loyal king was so bold?
It takes time to get to the bottom of the matter, and while we were waiting, King Qin also heard the news and rushed over.

When Pei Zhen saw Prince Qin, he threw himself into his arms as if he had found his backbone, crying sadly, "Prince, our child is gone! The imperial physician said... it was a son, our son!"

Prince Qin's eyes also turned red. After paying his respects, he held her in one hand, wiped the tears from her cheek with the other, and comforted her: "There will be more children in the future. You and I will have more children."

The next to enter the palace, Consort Qin, saw this scene. She paused for a moment, bowed, and then walked up to the two of them with a worried and regretful look on her face. She looked at Pei Zhen and said softly, "Don't be sad, Concubine Pei. Take care of yourself. Just like the prince said, you will have children in the future."

Pei Zhen curled up in Prince Qin's arms and showed no reaction to Princess Qin's words.

Princess Qin's face froze for a moment.

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