Chapter 107 A-list celebrities

But I never knew what Lu Yanci's private life was like, nor did I know that he and Lou Yuejiao actually knew each other.

So he had doubts in his heart. Any man who fell in love with a woman would want to give her the best, and it would be best if she could always stay by his side.

But Lu Yanci let Lou Yuejiao work in the entertainment industry alone for so long before finally extending an olive branch. This is hard not to make people suspicious and overthink.

"Zhang Tu, you don't need to think too much about this matter. From now on, you only need to be responsible for Miss Lou's work arrangements."

"I won't treat you badly in other aspects, and Miss Lou has been in the industry for a long time. She will be a very good artist and won't let you spend too much time on it."

Lu Yanci has realized that Lou Yuejiao has been shocked by tonight's arrangements.

She probably doesn't have enough brain cells to think about how to answer Zhang Tu's question now.

So I took it upon myself to help her respond.

Zhang Tu has always had a cold face since he came in. His work ability is remarkable in the industry, and he has brought out several top celebrities.

So as long as it is arranged properly, Lou Yuejiao may be able to be promoted as a first-line celebrity.

After Lou Yuejiao read the contract in his hand and confirmed that there were no problems, he took a few pens to the signature position and signed his name very boldly.

After getting this contract, she really became Lu Yanci's employee.

Thinking about working next to her husband in the future, Lou Yuejiao felt that this feeling was quite wonderful.

If the relationship between the two of them is suddenly exposed one day, it will definitely cause an uproar in the circle.

However, after the relationship between the two people was exposed, a rumor could be broken from the side.

That is because so many reporters and fans who opposed her used very firm words to believe that the reason why she became a popular artist in such a short period of time must have been some shady deal. .

If her relationship with Lu Yanci is made public and the fact that they have been married for many years is revealed, will some people shut up?
After all, how many people in the country have financial status comparable to Lu Yanci's?

Lou Yuejiao spent the entire night in a state of confusion, unable to believe that what was happening before her eyes was real.

After dawn, Lou Yuejiao shook his drunken body and went home, naturally accompanied by Lu Yanci.

"Get some sleep first. I have arranged the signing ceremony for the afternoon. I will wake you up when the time comes and ask the driver to take you to the signing site."

In fact, at this time, if Lou Yuejiao said anything in her ears, she would not be impressed. Maybe a little bit would be left behind, but definitely not everything.

"This time, we specially invited several media outlets to ensure that they would not write nonsense on the news."

Lu Yanci didn't drink at all because he had to drive, but Lou Yuejiao was very happy tonight and couldn't help but drink a few more drinks.

His ability to drink was low, so it was expected that he would become drunk like this.

"I have decided that after I finish filming this drama, I will make the relationship between the two of us public."

"When the time comes, I will give you another pair of twins, and I will be able to realize that mother is more valuable than son. Then I will be the empress dowager in the Lu family!"

Hearing what Lou Yuejiao said, Lu Yanci immediately stepped forward and covered her mouth: "What age have you been in, and you can still say that mother is more valuable than son?"

Lou Yuejiao's reaction ability was already half a beat slower at this time, and she could only giggle and couldn't say anything else.

Finally he took her back to the room and let her rest.

Lu Yanci also took advantage of the fact that he didn't go to work at the company today, but he didn't leave his work behind at all and stayed in the study for a whole morning.

It wasn't until Lou Yuejiao woke up after a nap that he came out and had a light meal with her.After finishing the meal, Lou Yuejiao suddenly remembered that there were still important things waiting for her to do this afternoon.

So before setting off, I went to the bathroom and took a hot bath, trying to wash away all the alcohol odor from my body.

This way, people won't feel embarrassed when they arrive at the signing site.

After all, jumping from an old employer to a new company requires a completely new look in front of the camera.

Moreover, her resources will also get a qualitative leap by joining the new company.

At least let the media reporters present this afternoon believe that she has found a better company.

At the same time, I also took this opportunity to prove to Huo Ting that her ability to understand the company is not bad.

It's her loss that she didn't sign a new company with her.

In fact, Lou Yuejiao didn't want to admit it, because Huo Ting's rejection made her feel a little bit dissatisfied.

But everyone’s choices are different, and there’s actually nothing to feel resentful about.

After finishing everything, Lou Yuejiao greeted Lu Yanci and reminded him that the signing ceremony this afternoon would be broadcast live on the Internet.

If he wanted to see what was going on at the scene, he could turn on the TV in his study and watch the entire signing process with high-definition pictures.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yanci pretended to be indifferent: "It's just an ordinary signing ceremony, so I won't put so much thought into it."

"You go quickly so that you can finish work and go home early. Don't forget that there is a handsome man waiting for you at home."

Every time she hears Lu Yanci's exaggerated narcissism, Lou Yuejiao can't wait to get goosebumps all over her body.

As one of the successful men, Lu Yanci gives the impression to outsiders that he is aloof, difficult to get close to and somewhat withdrawn.

If you want to get close to him, you must be determined to die, otherwise his words may make you fall into self-doubt.

But these situations never happened to Lou Yuejiao.

So when she saw Lu Yanci acting so deviant, she felt a strong sense of separation.

Even after such a long time, I still haven't gotten used to it.

However, this cannot be blamed on Lu Yanci. Whoever put him in this position would not allow him to smile playfully.

Lu Yanci was most relaxed when the two of them were together.

If you can't show your true self at this moment, I'm afraid you will have to wear that mask that keeps strangers away for the rest of your life.

This is quite pitiful when you think about it.

"You must never say this to outsiders, otherwise they will definitely laugh at you. I'm leaving first. I will come back as soon as the signing ceremony is over."

Lu Yanci watched Lou Yuejiao get into the car, waved to her, and then reluctantly looked away.

When Lou Yuejiao arrived at the signing site, he found that Zhang Tu had already been waiting here.

When he saw her getting out of the car, he came over immediately and whispered in her ear what was going on inside.

After listening, Lou Yuejiao almost couldn't help but scream.

(End of this chapter)

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