Chapter 111
Although the man's hand stopped in mid-air, several more appeared from nowhere and surrounded Lou Yuejiao.

"Brother, it's okay for such a beautiful girl to shed some blood. If you don't want to pay, just give it to my brother."

Before he finished speaking, the man behind him had already taken out a bank card and handed it to the cashier girl standing behind the counter.

Just watch the little girl gently swipe her bank card, and the electronic screen already showed that the deduction was successful.

Lou Yuejiao took a sip of the wine in her glass, but she stood straight and did not look at these people.

As if talking to himself: "Who asked you to come."

As soon as these words came out, the men looked at each other, and a trace of embarrassment quickly flashed across their faces.

"Quiet here, there aren't many people here usually. If you are really here to hunt for women, you should go to the bar. But thank you for buying me this drink."

Under the gaze of several people, Lou Yuejiao left her seat in a swagger. Some of them wanted to catch up, but they retracted as soon as they took a step forward.

But at the beginning, the man made a mocking noise: "Such a beauty is not easy to attract. Look at her clothes, she is not short of money. These 2000 yuan were wasted."

The handsome man who swiped the card did not have any dissatisfaction because the 2000 yuan was wasted like this.

Instead, he turned his attention to that stupid man: "You are not willing to spend 2000 yuan and still want to pick up a beauty of this level. You really want to eat swan meat."

"This 2000 yuan will be used as a way to avoid financial losses and avoid disasters, so that the beauty will not be left with a lifelong shadow."

Lou Yuejiao, who had already gone far away, naturally couldn't hear these words, but everything that happened here tonight seemed less like accident and more like someone had planned it.

Fortunately, the alcohol content of the glass of wine was not very high, and she only took a small sip and put it down before even tasting the taste.

In this case, it should not be considered drunk driving.

She wanted to go out for a drink, but was disturbed. In the end, Lou Yuejiao had no choice but to drive back.

The first thing he did when he got home was to go to the study, open Lu Yanci's wine cabinet, and choose the most attractive bottle of red wine from it.

Regardless of the age or price of these wines, as long as you want to drink them, you can come and get a bottle at any time.

Of the entire bottle of wine, Lou Yuejiao drank half of it by himself, and put the remaining half aside without caring about it.

According to Lu Yanci, this kind of wine should be drunk as soon as possible after opening. No matter how well it is stored later, the flavor will deteriorate day by day, and it will never be as comfortable as the first cup.

In fact, Lou Yuejiao doesn't know how to taste wine because he has a poor drinking capacity. But sometimes, he suddenly wants to drink, regardless of his mood.

With the help of wine, I fell directly on the sofa and fell asleep in a daze. When I woke up again, it was already three o'clock in the morning.

Thinking that she still had work tomorrow, Lou Yuejiao dragged her somewhat tired body to the bedroom, plopped down on the bed, wrapped herself in a quilt and fell asleep again. It was not until the alarm clock on her cell phone woke her up that she reluctantly Get up.

Fortunately, after washing up, I woke up completely. I had breakfast at home and rushed to the company.

Zhang Tu was already waiting in the office. When he saw her coming, he immediately took her to the studio downstairs.

Because she is the only artist in this company, all the employees in the company have to surround her. It is not like at North Shore Media, where the studio is full of people, who want to complete the work as soon as possible and have to wait in line.

Lou Yuejiao is the boss here. According to the brand owner's design, he changed into clothes and styled his clothes, and stood in front of the background with the products.The flash fell on her body again, and under the photographer's patient guidance, the new poster took only half a day to complete.

Moreover, the finished product is quite good, and the brand owner is also very satisfied with Lou Yuejiao's professionalism.

After finishing the work here, Lou Yuejiao called Lu Yanci to ask when he would be back.

As a result, no one answered the call. I was wondering if I was still busy, or if I was delayed by something else.

If no one answers the phone, it's natural to send a message. If you can't receive the message on the phone, you will definitely see it.

Zhang Tu noticed that Lou Yuejiao was a little lost after finishing work, so he came up curiously and asked: "What's wrong? Are you exhausted from the shooting this morning?"

Lou Yuejiao shook her head. She didn't want to bring her personal matters to work.

"It's nothing. If nothing happens, I'll go back first."

However, Zhang Tu shook his head and said: "There is still a little thing that I should tell you after thinking about it."

"As for the casting of yesterday's drama, there was a very important supporting role. Do you know who was finally selected?"

Lou Yuejiao raised her eyes and when she heard the first half of Zhang Tu's words, she thought the director had replaced her.

It wasn't until the second half of the sentence was spoken that the worry turned into curiosity. But why did Zhang Tu care so much about the arrangement of a supporting role, unless this person had something to do with her.

"Didn't you ask me yesterday if I saw an acquaintance at the audition? I wasn't sure at the time, but now that you're telling me this, I'm pretty sure that the person I saw yesterday, from the back, is her."

Lou Yuejiao and Zhang Tu looked at each other and said the same name - Lu Shiyao.

Zhang Tu and Lu Yanci have known each other for a long time. If it weren't for the good relationship between the two, he would not have come to Jiaoyang Pictures and become Lou Yuejiao's agent.

So when he saw that Lu Shiyao was also in this drama, he felt that something was strange.

"The outside world doesn't know that you and Lu Yanci are together, but Lu Shiyao also intervened in this drama."

"Although it's just a supporting role, there are ten scenes of rivalry between you and her, so in this crew, it is inevitable for you to meet."

Halfway through, Zhang Tu paused and paid attention to Lou Yuejiao's expression. Seeing that there was no obvious change in her, he continued.

"I have long heard that this Miss Lu is not very kind by nature. If you don't want to act opposite her, I can ask the screenwriter to change the script."

"Of course you can also face the difficulties. You make your own decision. I won't influence you."

Lou Yuejiao leaned back on her chair and calmed down to think about it. She had made many friends in the entertainment industry, but she also made some enemies.

But she never expected that one day someone related to her would actually appear in this circle and stand on the opposite side of her.

"Since she can appear in this drama, she can also participate in the scripts I accept in the future."

"Just by being the granddaughter of the Lu family, countless people can give him the green light. I am her sister-in-law, and she cannot be so arrogant."

(End of this chapter)

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